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There's too much going on this week. Good stuff, but too much.

First, I released another TWC book! Anyone interested in The Weirkey Chronicles, please consider grabbing or reviewing the newest book! In the first 24 hours it hit the highest ranking this series has reached, and second highest for any of my Sarah Lin books. The peak of a given book is usually relatively early but not at the beginning, so I am really crossing my fingers here. >.<

Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B783JS7X 

But that actually wasn't the only thing! Earlier this week I released the second audiobook in my old New Game Minus series. More info about why this was delayed here. This was a common fan request, but may have been a poor financial decision based on the series' overall popularity. I am hoping it will at least break even.

A ton of my books are going to be going on a $0.99 sale tomorrow, for only 24 hours. So if anyone has been interested in trying those, that will be the cheapest opportunity to grab them all. Fingers crossed about that too.

I'm doing my best to promote, but I'm running up against limits on certain platforms. For example, on Reddit you often can't self-promote in a community unless you have a consistent history of participating in it, and I've done a bad job of that lately. Does anyone here use Reddit and would be willing to volunteer to post about the above sale? Only if you already use appropriate subreddits. I got lucky with someone else posting here, but so far it seems I need to be more methodical about doing this promotion or it won't happen.

Promotion always makes me grumpy, but I can usually ride it out relatively easily. This time, due to the double release or for whatever reason, I'm more tired than normal. But hopefully after today the work will drop off and the number monitoring will only encourage me.




I'll be buying Raising Allies for sure; supporting audiobook production is well worth owning it in multiple formats


Well not the way I wanted to tell you all this, but.... I'm in Dallas prepping for major surgery on 8/1. Just finished your new book, as I saw it while browsing Amazon. The procedure is high risk/high reward, and I've got about a 94% chance of it going off just fine. Loved the new book SL! I'm looking forward to the next one.


Your support is much appreciated! Please also review the audiobook if possible.


Ah, that's big. I hope that the surgery goes well and we have you back fully recovered soon!


Of course, that's exactly how a zombie would answer that question!