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Multiple topics this week!

Pledges: Wow, lots of people moving to the $10 tier. There should be a solid number of special threads over the coming period, so this is a good time to be on that tier, but if anyone intended their increase as a one-time pledge for Ouroboros, that's great too. If the timing of things means you don't automatically get your reward message in the future, just let me know and I'll send it to you. Really appreciate the support, everyone.

Ouroboros: It's awkward to be just waiting on other people, but that's the situation now. Santy got me a sketch of Teira's last scene this week. It needs some revisions, but when it's changed and colored, the last CG will be done. I'll have you guys test the beta as soon as we have at least basic sketches for the title screen.

TLS: I'm not saying that I've launched into full production of 0.21.0, but I really love this project and I can't stay away for too long. This post's image is one of the first maps I'm working on, the city of Theltiar. I wanted it to be a city that feels a little integrated with nature (as opposed to Denmiel, which I intend to make much more nature-based). There are no doors because it's still a work in progress. =P Anyway, we'll see how long I keep doing maps, but at the very least I'm taking out one of my least favorite parts, which should make future progress easier.

I think that's all for now. Barring big time-consuming developments on Ouroboros, I hope to make a $10 thread about rewriting the Patreon front page. This one has had a good run, it's time for an update.




I'll stay at $10 as long as I can, I would have been fine with purchasing Oro 2.0, but I'll feel better about beta testing and knowing I'll get it, and tbh, you deserve it. Looking forward to some great maps, (even though it's not your favourite thing...)


I wish I could keep a $10 sub but I'm spread thin between so many creators. About$5 per creator and I'm at over a $100 a month.. If only I had more money.. (.u___u).


Hey! I discovered TLS less than weak ago and now I'm waiting for 0.21 release. This is one of the best games I ever played, and I mean all games, not just adult ones (actually I skipped most sex scenes :D ). I especially love Simon character, combat balance, managing resources (like pron, army, acceptance, chaos etc.) and the fact you can't have everything (you have to make choices between NPC affection, assets, XP opportunities and getting better gear). It actually made me pledge (just 1$ but that's my very first patreon pledge) just to get info on 0.21 release. Kudos for amazing experiance! On the side note, are there any other games you recommend similar to TLS (or even one that inspired TLS)? Does not have to be adult one. Also, is there a TLS community? I couldn't find any forum/reddit.


Thank you kindly! I value all pledges no matter the amount - each one represents a person who cares about the game enough to give me actual money, and that's a big part of what forms my reputation as a dev. I'm feeling good about this week so far, hopefully you'll get some nice updates about the next release. ^-^ Regarding recommendations... that's hard to say. There are all kinds of things that have influenced me, but I don't have much for the category of "if you liked TLS, try this." Some of the games that inspired me are ones that were very much the opposite of what I wanted to do with TLS, for example. So I don't really have a helpful answer, sorry. =P As for a community, I believe the closest that exists is the people on the wiki: <a href="http://thelastsovereign.wikia.com/wiki/TheLastSovereign_Wikia" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://thelastsovereign.wikia.com/wiki/TheLastSovereign_Wikia</a>


You know, there are a couple games that I just enjoy for the sake of them and I do not know why. This is one of them, the only other game somewhat like it that I just enjoy the hell out of would be Sengoku Rance. I don't know how but don't stop! Keep up the great work!


yea it's one of the best I've been playing so far. I still wait for more release to play again huhu =)