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Personal issues aside, I have good general news: my creative energy is returning to normal levels. I'm being productive, but that productivity is very... chaotic.

So far following my mood has gotten a reasonable amount done even on my main goals, but I'm also left with a lot of half-finished pieces. That isn't a bad thing, necessarily, since it leaves me with many interesting fragments I could pick up later. We'll see how long this period lasts.

However, I have gotten significant work done on two projects: Noxian Nights and Ouroboros. I actually finally went back and finished up Ouroboros 1.1.7, which is just the final bugfixes plus Linux support, but I'm delaying the release until I've done more on version 2.0. The art side of things is getting closer to complete, but I'll have a dedicated post to talk about that later.

The picture is a fun little sketch Nomo drew for me. He really likes Yarra's design. ^-^




I'm happy to hear things are starting to get better for you. Stay strong.

Greentext Guy

It's a testament to your professionalism that you are able to keep your project going even after a tragedy. Grief usually leads to people abandoning their work. Keep it up, we're rooting for you!


A delightful little sketch it is. Your comment about having interesting bits to come back to reminded me of going for role playing games. It's really fun to look at all of the loose ends at the end of the session, and seeing where they go,


Dat drawing really gets me excited.. Any plans for Nomo to sketch out some other characters? :o Though I am 100% ok with more Yarra. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) As for the rest.. Don't focus too much on what is happening now.. Or rather.. Focus on what you're going through now because a year down the road you might not be looking back except as a fond memory.


Damn, Yarra has rarely looked so attractive, this fits the scene where she first sucks Simon off a lot better than that other artist did of the random succubus and the 'Chosen'. Can't say I don't wish Nomo could more art for TLS, but this kind of fan art is always welcome...and yeah, the liking for Yarra is noticeable in the piece. That being said, glad to hear your creative energy is on the rise as well as your productivity....but more glad to know it's helping you feel better and that even with the healing you are having to do, you are still going strong and relatively well (won't say all better as grief can linger for a long time.). I can relate to progress being sporadic/chaotic when it comes to having a lot of irons in the fire but as you've noted it isn't a bad thing when you're on the ball with them. I wish you the best for your good mood remaining and your progress with your various pieces to continue to be fruitful. Hurrah and huzzah on Ouroboros and NN being almost done, definitely looking forward to seeing the completed versions of those...well, the completed NN and the bonus stuff for Ouroboros to be specific. I can see why you'd want to hold off on releasing the latter as one big update. All in all, good to hear from you and hope things continue to improve for you.


Depending on how it's colored, this artist might be awesome for the game.


Nomo is the person who drew the NN art if I recall. His like of Yarra does show through much better then random succubus. As far as chaotic, I've always been a fan of Chaotic Neutal myself, so I'm glad to hear your creative energy is up. My brother had a bumper sticker while we were growing up pasted onto his "work" desk that read: "Chaos is the sign of a Creative Mind." For a while I thought that meant he was justifying a messy desk, but now that I'm older, (and have a messy desk of my own), I understand the sentiment more fully. I'm glad to hear things are going well for you and will keep sending positive energy your way. :)


That's up to Nomo, since he usually just does extra sketches for fun or practice. He likes Yarra best, though.


And even better is the look on the gamer's faces when you say yes, yes, that will work, and giggle...