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You should get your messages shortly after I finish posting. There are some bug fixes, so definitely play this one if you haven't started 0.17.0, but this update is mostly the cosmetic improvements I couldn't get into the previous one. So check it out if you're interested in:

 - Over 30 new non-RTP songs.

 - New battlers for almost all enemies.

 - Withered Mountain map: now with TWO kinds of trees!

 - Rebalanced Hidden Port challenge.

Stick around for an important update at the end, but let me say a few words about these various updates first.

First, I should not have put off the battlers and music until after the rest. I underestimated how much time it would take and the kind of energy it would use up. Though I am generally pretty happy with the new songs and enemy images, it's not like every single choice was one I was ecstatic about, some were just adequate since I wanted to move the game to mostly custom stuff. Feel free to provide feedback on any pieces that don't fit and I might change them for 0.17.2.

On the Hidden Port: I want this section to be hard. I started by making some fairly light changes, and I can do some more with enemy AI, but if people still find this too easy I'll crank the difficulty in more direct ways.

Now, here is a copy of a post I previously made for $10 backers. I want all of my supporters to get to hear about my plans early before I announce it publicly.


As I've mentioned over the past while, I am running low on energy. I have a plan for dealing with it, and now is the time to announce it.

What I want is not a total break, but a change of pace. I've been working on the same set of projects for months, now, after all, and I think my brain needs some variety.

So I plan to take the next month to work on a mix of different projects. A short story set in the world of TLS is very likely, for example, and I might try to make a short, self-contained game. At the end of that time, I will give backers everything I create.

Then after that I will dive right back into TLS with renewed energy. I wanted to get this update out first, both to finish the chapter and as a show of my commitment to the project.

I think this could be good for everyone. I get to change my routine up and you guys get some complete pieces of content. Though I can't say how much I'll accomplish during my break, I hope to have at least a few fun things to show everyone at the end of it. ^-^



Another dumb switch question... after the third vote, are you sure you don't want the check on the Zirantian Ambassador to be Zirantian Ambassador Honest = OFF? It kind of makes more sense for him to be honest with you if you were honest to him, rather than just refused to make any kind of promise whatsoever. Probably nitpicky, but just something I wondered about.


I'm getting error messages from starting combat which crash the game.


Echoing this. I'm getting script 'yanfly buff/state manager' line 834: argumenterror occured bad value for size.


Haven't seen anyone comment on the port this time, so I'll say that it did seem harder this time, mostly because of moths. I saw fit to use a few of my hoarded items, if only because of Consuming Dust and the extreme speed of the moths. I seemed to get hit with more statuses this time from them, too. Without using my Barrier Pin and Givini Pin, survival became uncertain. I was able to do some MP restoration with Yarra, but it came at the cost of her being mostly useless in fights from Sexbind, unless there were no moths. Squids are challenging, if not quite as killer as the moths. If they get extra turns too often or whirl too much they can take a lot of HP off. If you feel the need to make the port more challenging, maybe do something further with snails, maybe chance of Slime or something - they do have a somewhat strong single-target attack, but other than that they just turtle, so they can really just be saved for last. That mob with 4 snails and nothing else is markedly easier than the rest of the port. Their main function is to ensure we keep Robin or Altina in the party, which was probably a given anyway.


I continue to love this game. Simon is such a sympathetic character. I can't stand wishy-washy kids that seem to be all anime writers can give us these days. Simon's patience, maturity, and willingness to absolutely commit when the time calls for it is truly refreshing. I had thought that the blonde woman on the pillar was Ivala, but now I'm not so sure. I'm successfully teased and really want to see where that goes. I understand the desire to introduce new characters, but prefer the slow pace we've had with that so far. It gives us time to do things with the harem we already have and that's important if you want them to be something more than a stereotype.


Thanks! I've certainly wished we had more mature characters, so it's gratifying to find that some people appreciate my efforts as well. Regarding characters, you'll be happy to know that the next arc will be back in Ari-Yhilina, very much focused on what's already been introduced instead of adding new elements or characters. While the game will obviously continue exploring new places/people, with the way I've been introducing characters, an increasing percentage of new harem members will be people you already know.


Thanks for the feedback, by the way. I will add a couple more tweaks, but maybe this is close to where I want it.


I've just started a fresh playthrough with 0.17.1b - I haven't gotten too far yet, but here are some thoughts: The turn counter on status effects is really handy. I also can't remember when the CTRL-to-skip thing came in, but it's also a godsend for being able to skip things without accientally picking the wrong dialogue option. Thanks for both! The politicking at the Summit is excellently done; it's going to take me a few tries to get the right set of choices down. I really like the way it's not at all clear what the consequences are going to be. The end-of-chapter teasers are also brilliantly done - you've got a knack for keeping us hanging. I really like the way you're encouraging us to use the whole party by requiring certain party members for certain sections or fights. I usually roll with a preferred formation, and it's good to mix it up a bit without feeling like I'm choosing the least optimal team just for the sake of variety. It also nails home the fact that everyone in the party has their own unique strengths and weaknesses. One slight note is that it'd be nice to be taken to the formation screen after the end of a formation-restricted event, such as when leaving the ransacked farm. Otherwise, you can end up accidentally entering a fight with the wrong characters (it usually seems to default back to Aka, Yarra and Qum) because you didn't realise the lineup wasn't reset to its original state before the event. The new fighter images are mostly an improvement, but the placement is a bit off at times (e.g. renegade imps used to have wings, but still float in the air). There's also a few overlaps where you can't see one enemy behind another. Unfortunately, I've forgotten to take notes of where I saw this happening so far. The new music is more of a mixed bag for me stylistically, although I appreciate that music taste is about as subjective as it gets. At this point I feel like I prefer the old music, but that's perhaps because I'm so used to it. Some general comments, though: * Many of the new tracks don't loop well, particularly the standard battle music and the Stineford sewers (iirc), which sound like they're abruptly cut off. Most others just awkwardly fade out or stop before starting again, whereas I seem to recall the original music tended to loop seamlessly. The Devil's Gate section with the Hilstara fight is particularly noticeable for this, since it's very short. * I quite like the standard battle music (after the first couple of bars, at least), but it feels much more intense than the boss battle music; I kinda feel like they should be the other way around. That would further exacerbate the aforementioned problem with the looping, though, since boss battles tend to be longer. * There's a bit too much variance in volume at times - e.g. the ransacked farm and succubi tower are a bit too quiet, while the standard battle music and the Stineford region map are much louder. * Some areas have a very different feel with the new music, such as the deep cache (the one with the teleport puzzle), which has lost its menacing quality. Similarly, some of the transitions feel a bit jarring, like going from the swashbuckling Indiana Jones-like music for the start of Devil's Gate (which I like, by the way) to the more electronic-sounding tracks used in the other sections in Devil's Gate. * A couple of bugs - the original music comes in after the slaver battle at the trading post, and there's no music in between fights at the Academy, which sounds a bit odd (I remember Mass Effect 3 having this issue too, so you're in good company!). Sorry if the above comes across as overly negative. I appreciate the amount of work you've put into it - I'm a software developer, so I know just how much work it takes to implement and test seemingly simple things!


More switch weirdness. If you bribe the guild ambassador 100k ProN to vote for exterminating the orcs, he instead votes against it. If you don't bribe him, he votes for it. I think you've given players a freebie vote there on accident.


Thank you for giving such extensive feedback! I appreciate it, I really do, which is why it pains me to say that I'm already deep into work on 0.17.2, hence many of these things have been addressed. Feel free to resume play when that comes out and see which of your comments remain.


Can't enter any fights, gets a popup for bad value for size and the game crashes


This issue was reported below, but you should already have a fixed version in your inbox.