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Because I was preparing this update, I didn't have an email sent about TLS 0.55.4. Notably, I don't know if $1 backers got a notification, but you should be able to access it as well.

This one is largely cleanup. I sincerely hope that this will also be the public release for next weekend, but if someone finds a serious bug or significant oversight, I'll put out another. Still, I very much hope that this release cycle is finished so that I can switch gears and move forward. I generally multitask, but my multitasking capacity is finite.

Next weekend will be the public TLS release (definitely), the BFS novella release (almost certainly), and maybe a fun announcement (contingent on progress made this week). I'll be keeping my head down to focus on stuff.


water witch

You are making something wholly unique and spectacularly awesome I hope you can keep up the good work and I really hope you keep enjoying doing this to


Well it was nice to see the feroholm bartender eat crow. But what is the problem with the priestess in feroholm? She's incapable of acknowledging all that Simon has done? Or is it just so hard for a fanatic to admit they made a mistake? Not that what she thinks is of any significance, just surprised by her obstinacy. Can't we just dominate her mind? Not for sex or anything else but make her apologize and look on Simon favorably?


I have a request if you can work it in. When we eventually rescue Ivala please include a scenario where she rips the Feroholm priestess a new one. Or, alternatively, the Yarra solution. Ivala and Simon fuck in front of her. With Carina and Sarai joining in for extra shock value. Just shatter her entire world view.


But I wonder if we should rip ivala a new one? Being taken prisoner needing us to save her. Personally I think she should admit the truth and tell people to stop worshipping her. Maybe admit she is subservient to Simon and does what he says? Or should she say the doom king and not Simon? Certainly I imagine Carina will have some choice words to say and maybe physically strike Ivala like Neranda did with Tertia.


So, apropos of nothing... when I was wandering around trying to find all the new content to interact with, it occurred to me that there are a couple characters we haven't seen in absolutely ages. Whatever happened to Mherin and Infasis? Sho and Rachila obviously have the possibility of going on to distinguished careers, but we haven't seen the other two since, what, chapter three? I asked my GF if she could remember what happened to them, and her response was "didn't they die?" But I can't find any information to confirm that. It seems like they just stopped being relevant. But now that I've actually remembered that they exist, I'm curious what's going on in their lives.


I don't like to admit it, but the truth is that I'm not sure. I'm moderately certain that Mherin can die depending on your war variables (but not Infasis), and I don't believe that I've included any meaningful content with them any time recently. There is a non-zero chance that I'm forgetting something minor, however. I'm not going to do it this cycle, but I'm open to throwing them somewhere just for the sake of continuity.


Is it really an apology if you have to dominate someone's mind to get it? I haven't spent the 3 mil on Feroholm (yet) to see the scene in question but I doubt it is something worthy of Simon's care. That sounded a bit jaded, so what I mean to say is, Simon is likely a big enough person to not let the dislike of one person get him down.


Small question, are we going to be able to scoop up the last two minor shards, skullpounder's and fuzzykoala's or are they too minor for Simon to bother with at this point?


The Skullpounder's shard is now held by Tanurak, and he's definitely on the hit list. The fact that the shard came from Xerces is presumably an added bonus in terms of any information that could be gleaned from it. Nyst hasn't done anything to harm anyone, as far as I can tell, so I don't see Simon having much motivation to go after him unless that changes. Fuzkao seems to be more of an arsehole, but probably falls into the same category. There's also the Lord Of Blood, who may become a problem in the future judging from the hints in the conversation during the Tower territory game. We'll just have to wait and see...


Bug I noticed in a quick replay, When Orisile appears to give the 1 mil option to help Eustrin get free, I didn't talk to her initially. So that now after Eustrin is free, I can still talk to her about freeing the country, with the option to invest money still available.


This is the Orilise in Aramite Courtyard, right? If so, fixed, thanks!