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New half update! If I managed not to add any major bugs in the frenzy of new stuff, I'll be making this post accessible to $1 people as well, so let me know once you've played.

Link: https://mega.nz/file/PsEF0CRQ#4MrvWsXxb4fF1WZwShjCRMWVbzvp9KydYv9WUN9Ll1M 

RTP: https://mega.nz/file/H8chxIqA#9Wp2UQjeW04SgDMr18bcwgXqSikhjFrkcfuH81gWFFc 

TLS 0.55.4

 - New benefits added to final Feroholm investment.

 - Stineford farm sprite changed.

 - Additional NPC in Stineford Farm.

 - Some additional dialogue in Feroholm Church.

 - Yet more minor fixes.


New Content

- If you invested in repairing Feroholm, new maps can now be visited.

- Same with Stineford Farm, which has different versions depending on whether you chose orcs, succubi, or the poor.

- Sprite animations can now be viewed en masse via the private rooms staircase in the base.

- Five new Orcent conversations: Yhilin Guard Bar, Denlak's Bar, The Tower's Backdoor, Orgasmic Cafe, Feroholm (rebuilt only)

- Four new illustrations: Riala Relaxing, Trin Double Team, Wendis Reunion (x2)


- Megail has an "investment finder" event in her office, specifically for new investments not in Rodak or the Orgasmic Empire

- Tertia has a new conversation/investment that affects the price of Rodakan Agriculture.

- Stenai now includes a new event with Feremina.

- Gathering Complex Refurbishment price now scales with collateral damage.

- The Rodakan Order investment likewise scales with collateral damage.


- A new conversation with the Erosian harem leader now grants an Erosia point.

- The Helvanna "Succubi in Rodak" investment now grants character points.

- Ryoken receives a greater number of cosmetic changes as it improves, including new NPCs, new dialogue, and empty houses receiving doors or occupants.

- Two Erosian NPCs have new dialogue with Ginasta.

- Herin has moved from the Bloody Spire to Cee'Kan, if she became High Priestess.

- The Impaler has a new line of dialogue.

- Doors in Theltiar now animate (thanks to Decanter).

- Minor new dialogue for the Helvanna Lustlord temple.

- Minor additional dialogue to map succubus.

- Truly minor fixes, like typos or tileset corrections, are not listed.

Unlike usual, I've tried to catalog nearly every change and addition to the game. Please feel free to explore the parts that interest you most and let me know if you notice any issues. Though I'm hoping to switch gears and move beyond 0.55.x, I'll be around to deal with any bugs/questions/etc. You can still feel free to suggest additions or improvements, I just won't be adding anything big to the public .4 version.



Oh boy! You know, i think i'll just restart from my 54.2 save so i can see everything as a complete package :D


Where is "the tower backdoor bar?" Rodak?


And for the ferroholm bar. That woman was adamant about ever letting us enter, what caused her to do a 180 on her attitude?


3,000,000 ProN changed her mind, though I could make a new bartender if it really bugs people.


Good half-update. Lots to go over. Feroholm has a suicidal old woman on the roof of a building. It made me laugh. The pub has a working door.... but no door hole. One guy inside mentions the pub having trouble getting beer, which seems odd, while another guy talks about sleeping on the floor while passed out on a stool. Simon's house being a park..... shame the people he worked so hard for are so against him still. Checked the Withered Mountain, saw no change, thought it a shame. Maybe in the future Simon and Riala can have a "redo" of their encounter there at the start of the game. Stineford farm hosting the poor had no issues I could see. The private rooms weren't exactly what I was expecting, but I got a good chuckle out of it. Of course Yarra would do this. Feremina's situation was fairly straightforward. Went for Rodak since Erosia's had time to rebuild. Ginasta conversations in Erosia were interesting. Her being confronted by both the positive and negative of her choices was refreshing. Got to invest in the Lustlord mission to the Orgasmic Empire in Helvanna again, but for the last time :P Tertia's fake orgasms return! Nice to see her legitimately smile after though. Dialogue in the Yhilin Guard Bar interaction is too big for the text box. Starts with "I thank Ivala I didn't serve in Stineford." More text box shenanigans at The Tower's Backdoor. Tried listing the lines, but most of this conversation adds scrolls to the text box. Textbox shenanigans in Denlak's bar. "In a positive direction." "Yes, only the average human level." Nice to see Wendis getting some drinking done. Couldn't find the Orgasmic Cafe convo, could be forgetting a bar somewhere. Think that's about it. Sorry about the post changing so much, but there was a LOT to cover.


And I loved seeing those two new conversations ginasta had in erosia. Basically calling out what Simon said in chapter 3. That her acting unchecked would cause more suffering in the end. "It still took an incubus king to take the fucklord down"


Yes that's what I thought as well, I was disappointed that Simon's house was taken down like that and yet not surprised. Hoping that when Tyna is established as queen she will make working with the doom king official and undo many of the laws passed against him.

Zaq Reman

So far the only thing I've noticed about the new stuff is one line from one the guards in the Yhilin bar convo has a wrapping issue. And a couple things that aren't related to this new update but that I've kept forgetting to write down and was reminded of again: I assume Ginasta hasn't been added to the Shards projection because everyone figures she wouldn't take the offer well? And also, I'm a little surprised no one's pointed out to Orcent that his thoughts not feeling complete or final or whatever is all the *more* reason for him to write them down! Write down his current philosophical thoughts, write down his previous ones as best he can remember them, and write down any new ones that come to him. He's the first orc philosopher in recorded history, a complete record of the arc of his views will very likely be worth more to future generations than just the record of whatever beliefs he ends up at. Especially since I suspect he's the sort who will never be truly satisfied with his current thoughts and call them final, I can just picture scholars debating what he'd have thought if he was still around in their time, or freaking out because someone found Kara's diary and near the end there are a couple offhand lines that could be read as hints about what thesis Orcent's incomplete final volume was building toward.

Zaq Reman

Only other bug I've noticed is no Orcent convo triggering in the Orgasmic cafe. I wonder if I'm missing some condition?

John Smith

Bug?: The investment finder still lists the Helvanna succubi Ivalans after investing in them


Thanks for your thoughts! Ginasta has reasons for not being in the shards projection, yeah.


Not sure? There's an extra branch in there so that Megail's dialogue varies a little more.

John Smith

Bug?: In Feroholm (rebuilt), there's an old woman on the roof in the centre of the town. I don't know if it's deliberate


So how <i>did</i> you end up organizing the "Hall of Illusions"?


Yarra's aesthetic taste. What I got from the feedback was that there was no way I was appeasing everyone, so I at least made myself happy.


Done. Certainly feels 'fuller', though some locations have no updates that doesn't bother me as they're kind of in limbo with regards to investments taking time to eventuate in changes. I did find it odd just how fast Ferohelm was rebuilt though, really thought we'd get an intermediate step for how much it has changed, though originally i figured all we'd get would be like the eleven quarter of the slums, some new roofs and walls and maybe some paved walkways. Pretty great to see it so done up though. Basically like Stineford now.

Aris Katsaris

Where is the Impaler? Can't seem to find him.


Nitpicks: The Stineford mine shows up in returns as the Stineford Mine Store (copy-paste of the Stineford Weapons Store just next to it?). When examining the magic circle in Feroholm, the first line by Iris overflows. The new bar talks also have similar issues spread through them. Misc: Rodak slowly getting crowded with people from various origins as we organize "international help" for it is quite cool. Out of curiosity, is the Monographed Invitation scene new or did I just miss it earlier?


Haha, "Stineford Mine Store" has been like that for a really long time, good job being the first to notice. I've fixed it in two different iterate events, not sure if it appears elsewhere. If the Iris line is the very first in the whole event, got it, thanks. The others should already be addressed. Unless I misunderstand which Monographed Invitation scene you mean, that's old.

Runcible Technician

The conversations with Orcent are becoming my favorite part of the game. It's not just the topics they discuss either, which are universally interesting, but from the craft side as well because it clearly displays Simon's viewpoint and conveys worldbuilding at the same time. Gah, it feels awkward to gush praise like this every time you update but I know quality writing when I see it.


Thanks for providing the changelog, makes it less of a drudgery to go hunting for changed stuff. Only noticed a couple of issues: You can walk through the events in the Hall of Illusions. Wendis's sprite doesn't match her faceset here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tz4268d4c3ok7ma/Screenshot%202021-01-30%2014.03.23.png?dl=0 Here is an updated spritesheet with pink abomination variants: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ndou4sp3l0lb5uf/Wendis%20char.png?dl=0


Yeah, and it's a bit awkward to just accept praise, but I'm truly glad that these sections are appreciated. ^-^


Thanks for the new Wendis! This will make for a better change, I think. The illusions are meant to be intangible, though.


Lot's of fun changes love all the little details added! Really makes exploration more fun. The few bugs I've seen have been reported already. The only other one I've seen is that Stenai doesn't play any BGM when teleporting in.


Stenai doesn't have an BGM? I'm unsure what the issue is there. Otherwise, glad you enjoyed the new details!


So there is a chance to interact with ginasta and clicking a sex option. Instead she stays on her worthless high horse saying she has objections. She needs to get over herself. Or is it that we have to max out her friendship points before she agrees? I started up a fresh file stuck in the waiting room she was at 49 talked with her she had objections then she went up a point


The Fuckball encounter made me laugh, but thinking about it more, I've started to feel sorry for the succubus in charge of the stadium, and all the fans by extension. Rodak is in a tough spot right now, and for some of the citizens, Fuckball is probably one of the things that gives them an escape or sense of relief. It might be more important to the national morale right now than ever. And just when they're trying to open up to international competition, with new players fighting to make it to the top of the league, the succubus who manages the stadium is going to have to admit that she doesn't have the best prizes for them anymore. Because the Doom King took them. It makes me feel like maybe it should have been the other way around. Our party includes literal deities, kicking the Rodakans' asses at fuckball would have been unfair and humiliating, but some of our castoffs might have made epic prizes to endow the stadium with. At least if any of the competitors really like swords or something. Actually, that might have made for a really nice incentive for a certain wandering, signpost-request-solving hero to make it to the top of the league...


"Stays on her worthless high horse, needs to get over herself." Sorry but I don't think you make a valid argument against Ginista's lack of desire to become romantically involved with Simon. If you were arguing against her previous philosophy of "All Tyrants must die." then you'd have a foothold to at least argue. But Ginasta has quite clearly swallowed her pride and left that outlook behind to work with Simon. You are arguing against her lack of sex with Simon. That is in no way a high horse for her to be on. If she, or Simon for the matter, don't wish to have sex, then that's really up to them.


Haha, you're making me feel bad for the joke characters now. The idea of a Fuckball Revitalization quest isn't bad, actually, though I wonder what form it would take. The official canon answer is that all Fuckball fanatics are so passionate about their sport that they play for the love of the game.




"One of my fetishes is sober socioeconomic realism." Hahahahahahahaha. Truly there is nothing they can't fetishize.


So, what's the difference between the normal version and the RTP version?


The RTP version includes everything you need to run the game, including the assets provided by the RPG Maker engine. The normal version doesn't include those, so it has a smaller download size, but to use that version you need to do a one-time install of the RTP package for RPGM VX Ace from the below URL. https://www.rpgmakerweb.com/run-time-package