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Update pre-rambling: I'm fairly confident that TLS 0.55.0 will be out on Friday. It's not a question of if, more about how much content will be finished and what state it will be in. Please look forward to it. Image is one of the many scenes to be included, just as a taste.

Rambling: Working while mildly depressed is always odd. I'm still functional/productive, but I'm not fully confident in my judgment. I'm glad I wrote all those sex scenes earlier - I'm pretty sure they're good. But are some of these new dialogues decent or dreck? Are these investments a balanced spread or should I be putting way more time in? Should I be spending more time updating misc NPCs? Hard to say.

I'm never sure about mentioning this sort of thing, either, because it can get misinterpreted. I could just as easily have written a purely happy update, and I'm not angling for sympathy. I'm really looking forward to releasing this update and getting people's responses to some of the events within.

For example, I've been wanting to announce for a long time that TLS is about to introduce something new that I've been waiting on since the beginning of the game. I don't want to give it away, but it's a new event in Rodak. If you've played JRPGs that have major side games like Blitzball... well, you're about to see the TLS twist on that.

See you all with an update next weekend, hopefully.




> But are some of these new dialogues decent or dreck? Are these investments a balanced spread or should I be putting way more time in? Should I be spending more time updating misc NPCs? Hard to say. imHo the patreon release is often a betatesting of sort, so better have a decent number of players to play and dig through the game for their feedback to brood about the quality of some little chunck of the relase.


Well. If I am blunt I dont like this post, not at all. It sounds like you didn't put enought time or effort to say: "this is it, maybe you like it or not, but I put my time on it and I am proud of my effort" And you had your time, no one rushed you I think. If you are not happy on your efforts, you must do what you must.You have the chance to that.My work compared to yours it is very different on responsabilities I guess. Having doubts is normal on everyone, in work too. But you must stay in the point that "I did the best I got to achieve it"(In my workd would be "to save him/her"). My father told me one time when I was like this: "Espabila hija, vidas dependen de ti" But it is not correlated to you I guess. Cheers and do your best!


Wow, you suck. But in all seriousness this is the culmination of an insanely complex, multi-year project. It is not uncommon for game devs to experience burnout towards the end of the game dev cycle. Sierra Lee hasn't let us down yet and I hope she will finish TLS properly even if this one update isn't as good as it could have been.


I have to say, Annikath's art is getting really impressive. It's always been good, but this image evokes the emotions of the scene so well that it's pretty captivating. I know you're not digging for sympathy, but I can't help empathizing. Working through a down period is hard, and the fact that you pushed through it for this update is something that deserves recognition. You've got a great work ethic, which is why I'm never bothered when you take some time off, because I know you aren't wasting time. So thanks for the hard work, and don't hesitate to take a break after the release if you need to. Anyways, I look forward to seeing this new event in Rodak. Like Fulminato said, we'll let you know if something's off with the update, but I have confidence it will be as good as always.


I really hope you get better soon Sierra, working while depressed really is a bitch, even if it's only a little. Also, major side games in TLS? Color me intrigued, I have a feeling this is about to get interesting.


I'm grateful for those who feel that way. I don't expect this release to be buggy, but I do expect to make improvements and additions to the .1 version based on feedback.


Thanks for the kind words! There's some great stuff already finished for this update, but a lot of supporting details are putting me through the wringer this time.


You mean to say you've wanted a ffx blitzball game in TLS ever since you created TLS? On a side note if we're talking about games how about more stuff such as fully adding the sex fighting ring in Yhilin? Lastly, the TLS update is open world yes, assuming that this isn't part two of Tyna's succession crisis. Could we at least enter the castle in Ardford to talk to her? I imagine there are lots of things we could say to her. And for the update what with her crisis when its smoothed over what is the goal? To have Tyna in power so she can publicly say she will support and treat the doom king as an ally? That's the feeling I've been getting. Regardless its your choice to decide how you want to respond. I say these things because I'm so eager to see what happens next. P.S I'm sorry to see that you're feeling depressed, here's hoping the positive reviews we will all give you about your update will help turn that around.


Now you've got my hopes up. I can't count the hours of time I spent playing Blitzball. The pic looks good. Also, since you don't have a Discord, I'll drop this here, hope no one minds. If anyone ever played A Dance With Rogues in Neverwinter Nights, the mod got an update. It's on the vault. Works with both the Steam enhanced edition and the regular diamond version of the game. I figure there may be some amount of crossover in the player base.


Looking forward to getting out there and seeing the changes you're bringing to TLS. It'll be a nice capper for the time off I'm taking this week. If there's rough spots, well, that's what a lot of us are here for. I have the "Where's mah goddess fucking" mallet ready!


Work of Annikath is getting better month by month. Looking forward to Friday. Concidering how I have been more than happy with every update since I joined this ship back around 0.30, I suspect you have nothing to worry about,since open world updates always are fun to explore. On a side note, did you ever get around to playing Hades, during your holiday break?


Depression happens, it sucks, hell if my head wasn't so hard, I might get depressed at times, bad enough I have to watch my wife go through it, and can't do anything about it, so I can feel your pain. Remember the good times, look forward to the better times, and remember we've got your back. For some reason when you said blitz ball, I immediately thought of *blood bowl* a football like game from the warhammer universe. On a side note I'll be going in for my first cataract surgery on the 15th, keep me in your thoughts, and hopefully this time next month I can play TLS without glasses. Or at least thinner ones.... :D

Jeffrey Lebowski

Ooooh now I'm intrigued by this Rodak minigame! And yeah, I know that insidious mild self-doubt can be unsettling. Like, you can still do work but you just have no idea if you have a reliable perspective of its quality. Of course feeling worse than mild depression is always worse but sometimes by then you can tell when your brain is just being a mean bitch and anything you actually do manage to accomplish is usually better than you perceive it as. In that weird middle area I can never tell when I'm saying fuck it and settling for something sub-par or am just being overly harsh on something that is actually fine. You definitely never seem like you are angling for sympathy, you just seem like you want to earnestly explain any disruptions in your process. Looking forward to playing the update in whatever state it's in and giving feedback.


You'll see when you play the update. ^-^ You won't be able to touch base with Tyna yet, but potentially as soon as the update after this one, depending on stats. A number of questions will be answered then. Another reason I hesitate to mention negative things is because I don't want people to feel they need to encourage me instead of being honest. But there's some stuff in this one I'm sure people will love, and some more I hope players will enjoy.


Ah, I worried about overhyping this for those who enjoyed Blitzball. Hopefully once you've played, you'll feel it was worth it.


I've played Hades a little, and enjoyed it, but set it aside because I think I'll want to play it more than I can while maintaining high productivity.


Thanks for the encouragement, and good luck with your cataract surgery!

Dark Art

*Gets on a high horse and charges screaming* How dare you show any uncertainty and say that you cant be sure everything will be up to your usual top shelf quality? How dare you show any signs of being a simple human and imply that "Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto" actually applies to you too! What did you expect? Understanding or maybe even a friendly wink and a shrug? Bah... *Rage-quits and goes on a binge drinking marathon* Come on Sierra, just do you thing and stop worrying so much. Oh and its not sympathy, just a simple reality check - you've done mostly downright amazing writing (yes, just mostly - I still dislike initial Dari's dialogue and I greatly dislike Wynn's initial reaction to Wendis) and I am quite sure you'll do just as good now. I know that no matter what anyone will say you'll still worry and feel uncertain here and there, but hey.. its ok. You are just a simple little silly mortal. Just like the rest of us. So be chill, alright? Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto. Shit happens :)


Well Hyped as hell for the update


Sorry to hear you are feeling down SL, but thank you for trusting in us enough to be honest. Let us know if there is anyway we can help! And in happier news in whatever form I think the next update will be fun. New countries and "new" characters. Sabitha, The Empress, and Ginasta will all have to adjust to harem life in there own ways. Will Carina bring Sabitha in on Qum's weekly lecture on what is and is not 'yum-yums' to eat? Will The empress finally be able to pull the stick out of her ass now that Simon has put his stick in her vag? Will GInasta and Simon be able to keep the ruse of there fake sexual relationship alive? Hopefully by playing a friendly game of Pinochle behind closed doors but with plenty of sexual screams to keep the succubus from getting suspicious. "TYRANT ME SIMON! TYRANT ME ALL OVER MY FACE!"


Colour me keen. Its interesting to see people who are obviously qualified in a field almost invariably experience some level of imposter syndrome at some point. Having dealt with depression previously myself I think i can relate a little, however I am not in a creative industry, which I would imagine feeds back into feeling negative about your work?


Haha, I think you'll enjoy a few of the things already in this update.


I actually feel fortunate not to struggle with imposter syndrome to the same degree that many do, but I have my own creative foibles. As I think everyone knows, sometimes one sour element can seem to overpower many things that are going well.


I have a soft spot for the the orcs in this game, looking forward to updated text about the improvements i made at the second gathering.


That's the sort of thing there's a fair amount of, but there will almost certainly be more of in secondary releases.


3 more days to your update, I am so excited. Something else I've been wondering, I know how areas are closed off as time goes on to play the game but do you think we could have those restrictions lifted? I.E to be able to head into the Zirantian ruins again in chapter 5 even though there is nothing more to do. And how about being able to re enter Varia's hideout from chapter 2. I imagine that some new content mainly a scene/conversation with her could take place for both her personalities.


Many closed locations are closed either for in-world logic reasons, or because there's nothing to put there. However, in the final post-game update, I intend to open up many locations for final reminiscing.


Cause of time zones, when is Friday for you?


It's not going to be at 12:01 AM Friday either. You're about 36 hours too early. Considering that you blew through many years of my work in a week, I'd encourage you to temper your anticipation. What I'm currently trying to finish is just another brick in a large construction.


Its ok if its not in this update, but I am slightly concerned that I am not going to have another chance to give my characters the shard fragments. I was doing a semi-blind run and didnt think I had missed anything, but apparently missed this pretty important decision a while ago. I presume we are going to get another chance to distribute the shards soon? (I hope)


Next release will be free roaming, just go talk to Riala and select the 'shards' option.