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This has been quite a year, huh? Thanks to all of you, I weathered the year okay, but I do find myself more tired than normal despite the fact that this year went pretty well by almost all metrics. Thank you all for letting me take a break, or the end of the year would have been brutal. I'm glad that the things I created could be positive notes for many during a rough year. ^-^


This year was rough for my audience. The number of patrons looks neutral, but that masks a large number of people leaving, both a significant number listing the COVID-19 option as their reason and 50% more than average listing financial reasons. We've lost contact with some long term players as well. I can only hope that they're doing well and keep working on work for them if they return.

We also launched the official artwork version of TLS, and I'm a bit sad it doesn't seem to have had a measurable effect. I suppose I've already put myself so deep in the minmaxing or story camps that it isn't what players are looking for. That said, if you all keep supporting me, TLS will continue to be illustrated with more lovely art. ^-^

For me overall, this year included a solid diversification of income, which means increased stability. Even if Patreon and Steam start nuking all adult games, it wouldn't mean the end of TLS. Given that there have been some serious moves against adult content this year, I think this was a wise decision for the long term. I know some would prefer I work on only one project, but I think given the baskets we've seen smashed, it's better to distribute my eggs.


Sadly, this was a year of financial success and personal disappointment in terms of my books. On one hand, it's nice to know that I could make it as a fantasy author, which has been one of my dreams since I was a child. However, though everything I put out was reasonably successful, the patterns of that success didn't make me happy.

I feel that I was actually too naive, which feels strange to say. When I wrote romance novels, I entered the genre completely clear-eyed about what I was trying to create for what audience. I've written before about being cynical when starting TLS, but being pleasantly surprised by the response. But because I've been passionate about fantasy for a long time, I didn't have a sober view of the audience and the industry.

My intention is to dedicate less time to writing in 2021. I have four books already written and prepared for release over the year, and those could potentially be all I release. I did fail to write a book scheduled for 2022, so I need to find time for that as well, and it would be logical to write the fourth TWC book at some point. I don't know, maybe I'll try some short stories if I'm feeling like I need a break.

Side Games

This year, I really wanted to finish up some of the side projects that have been on my plate for three years now, but I didn't succeed. DStP is in limbo waiting on artists, though hopefully there should be at least another demo release next year.

OEA, on the other hand, has taken major steps toward release. Most of the art is done, fancy new maps are being created, and major plugin obstacles have been passed. I'm a bit disappointed in myself for not finishing more, but I'm hopeful that this project can finally be released sometime this year.

I enjoy being able to change pace to work on side games, but I'll definitely change how I approach them in the future. I started a set of three games years ago, when there was another Patreon scare and financial uncertainty. One of them finished quickly (the second Crimson Gray), but the other two have really dragged on and on. I still hope people will enjoy their eventual release.

TLS in 2021

I can tell you how things will go fairly clearly. The next update won't be as far away as you might fear (work is well underway), covering another open world segment and some major character inclusions. After that, a quieter update with sidequests and a major country-based block for those who qualify (similar to Eustrin).

After those two, we'll launch into one of the last major events in the entire game. Don't want to overhype, but by the end of it, a lot more pieces will be off the board, and the true antagonists will finally be clear. My original outline had this penciled in to require two updates, but I'm not sure.

After that comes the final open world, which is more substantial than the others, comparable to how many JRPGs open up new content before the final boss. There will be sidequests, including a personal one for every harem member, but also some optional content that's important to the central plot and ending. This is also the stage where I'm sure some people will say that I'm dragging out the game for money, but all I can say is that I believe everything during this part is important for the game as a whole.

Once that's done, there's the climactic sequence, final optional dungeon, epilogue, and postgame, as I promised in the roadmap. Will this stuff happen in 2021? I wish I could say for sure, but I feel like I'll struggle to polish these final updates to the degree I want. So TLS is not almost over, but it will soon be obvious how close we are to the end.

My Biggest Failure

This isn't something I've really spoken about much this year, but it's my biggest disappointment: I still don't know what I want my next major project to be after TLS. I've thought about it, looked over the polls, and considered different variables... but not settled on anything. Some of the negative trends of this year didn't help.

I do know what I want to be my interim project between TLS and my next saga-length game. Most likely, it will be a strategy game with less emphasis on combat, trying to give the player more options that allow for a more truly branching plot. I'm not putting any time into it until TLS is much closer to completion, so there are many unknowns, but I think this would be a refreshing switch while also producing something that I hope would challenge me.

Beyond that, I'm not sure. I have more ideas than I could possibly create in my lifetime, it's a question of choosing the right one. I'll invest years of my life into my next major project, after all, so it needs to be considered carefully. Hopefully I'll have more clarity in another year, and meanwhile, you can expect my usual weekly updates.

That's all for this week! 2021 is set to be an eventful year, hopefully in a positive way this time. ^-^



>After that comes the final open world, which is more substantial than the others, comparable to how many JRPGs open up new content before the final boss. There will be sidequests, including a personal one for every harem member, but also some optional content that's important to the central plot and ending. This is also the stage where I'm sure some people will say that I'm dragging out the game for money, but all I can say is that I believe everything during this part is important for the game as a whole. If you tell people that update is going to contain sidequests for every harem member, I'd like to hope that'd be enough to shut up a lot of complaining about taking a long time all by itself. >This isn't something I've really spoken about much this year, but it's my biggest disappointment: I still don't know what I want my next major project to be after TLS. I've thought about it, looked over the polls, and considered different variables... but not settled on anything. Do you have any particular considerations in mind which might narrow it down? Since you don't have any shortage of ideas, it might be a good idea to think in terms of what kind of resources you have available to you now, and what sort of medium you'd want to work with. I think I remember your saying your next major project probably wouldn't be an RPGMaker game, because it'd mean so much overlap of graphical resources given the scope of what you've already used for TLS? Maybe thinking about what sort of tools you have available to you now compared to when you started TLS, and what the ones you're most interested in working with might lend themselves to, would be a helpful way of framing your efforts.


>After that comes the final open world, which is more substantial than the others, comparable to how many JRPGs open up new content before the final boss. There will be sidequests, including a personal one for every harem member, but also some optional content that's important to the central plot and ending. This is also the stage where I'm sure some people will say that I'm dragging out the game for money, but all I can say is that I believe everything during this part is important for the game as a whole. I was also going to quote this whole paragraph, because I am super excited for this. I totally agree that this should shut people up about game development time. I am so excited to learn what Nalili's, Robin's, and Carina's sidequests are. Shit all of them them. If I had to rank them I'd probably just spin around like Qum when confronted by hugs by everyone all around. Trin would be fascinating, Yarra's I'm sure will be hilarious, I could go on and on. The harem members are so well developed that this feels earned in a way that few games would be able to pull off. What a great idea


>We also launched the official artwork version of TLS, and I'm a bit sad it doesn't seem to have had a measurable effect. Since i'm new i'm not sure i understand this, is there an extra special version somewhere or is it that before this year none of the custom CG's existed for the sex scenes?


The latter. There's only one version of the game, but if you haven't already, find the art pack for $10 patrons (you should have gotten a link via email). It has the game's artwork along with fanart, alternate versions, and some other stuff.


*Insert "Ouroboros 2: Back to Reality" begging here.* First thing that enters my head every time you mention the post-TLS era. I love those characters, and want them to kick some Vizier ass! Regardless, I'm sure whatever you do choose next will be worth monitoring.


>Thank you all for letting me take a break, or the end of the year would have been brutal. You're welcome, but if I must be serious and bad, you are very lucky you could do that, because of everything is happening.Even people with a job secured couldn't have a break. >I think this was a wise decision for the long term. I know some would prefer I work on only one project, but I think given the baskets we've seen smashed, it's better to distribute my eggs. With everything that is happening is the best , I can agree with that, but only if you can do it all, when it is too much and you get burnout, it is a sympton that you must change what are you doing for your sake and for your audience(it's the healthy choice to do,and the responsible one even if people doesn't see that way at the moment),with the state of what gonna happen this years maybe you can stay that way, but if you grow and the demands are bigger, or you work more steadily with people(having a team) or you must make a choice on what to focus, maybe one day you that will happen. I am glad after all that happened you got stable, you are a talented artist you deserve it. > The next update won't be as far away as you might fear (work is well underway), covering another open world segment and some major character inclusions ^.^ I hope this week or next week >.< > After that, a quieter update with sidequests and a major country-based block for those who qualify (similar to Eustrin). Rodak or Philon? W are making a bet in the forum so umm... yeaaah... By the way if you gonna make something like: First part of Eustrim and then the last segment, I politely ask to merge them together(If it can be possible), the last segment of Eustrin was very short to me >.< >After those two, we'll launch into one of the last major events in the entire game. Don't want to overhype, but by the end of it, a lot more pieces will be off the board, and the true antagonists will finally be clear. My original outline had this penciled in to require two updates, but I'm not sure. The war where you are not ready yes? Yes? ^.^.............................¬¬ If its gonna be larger than third arclent for sure XD >After that comes the final open world, which is more substantial than the others, comparable to how many JRPGs open up new content before the final boss. I wonder how substantial do you mean, but I hope will het the final treasure before the final boss XD. >There will be sidequests, including a personal one for every harem member, but also some optional content that's important to the central plot and ending. Nice but I wondered why Aka being a dual knife asassin the personal quest was an upgrade not a new knife, I thought the second,it would be too op? Vhala would not like to not be in those personal quests. I hope that the characters get an gradual upgrade progression of power like they earn it, not a buff in the last moment because plot. For example right now in this update would be nice to have a bit of upgrade in the characters, on Simon would have sense I guess. Yhere gonna be upgrade on citys and nations right? ^.^ >This is also the stage where I'm sure some people will say that I'm dragging out the game for money Never say that or people will start thinking about it. Of course everyone works for money thats a fact. But Imagine you are on the hospital with me and I say something like that to you, "I am not dragging you out for money" or "I am here to pay my bills" you would not like it, because it sounds like you dont care for me but for yourself. If people doesn't like what you are doing, they will tell you and you can improve. If you want to improve your game more, its your choice. In my opinion if you can enrich the game more I welcome it. >Will this stuff happen in 2021? No, it will happen next year, that's my bet XD. >Most likely, it will be a strategy game with less emphasis on combat, trying to give the player more options that allow for a more truly branching plot. I think this game have the balance of that, the grinding thing is a shit for every rpg game. If you want to have ideas, suikoden 2 is a treasure, in a more phantasy/narrative lvl breath of fire 3,4 and 5 are pretty nice, they are my favorites. I would say you more , but I think you would have not time , the persona3,4 games is more on developing characters along the way than changing the world,but the izanami plot on persona 4 is very deep if you think about it. >That's all for this week! 2021 is set to be an eventful year, hopefully in a positive way this time. ^-^ Nevah!


have you considered doing several smaller projects in between another big game. i know one of the common statements authors make is that it can take a significant amount of time to transition from one big story to the next? it sounds like you have some good plans for going into this year so no worries. looking forward to great new content!


Whatever floats your boat is fine with me. Personally I'm glad to see you took a break so long as it means the quality of the content you are going to release is as good as you've always done it if not more so. And I say this in a good way. Your post about there being a lot of optional content for storyline easy to see it means the shining swords and incubus king armor. Of course there are still things I and many others would like to see. The most nagging thing in my mind, goes back to how chapter one ends with Riala, Sarai and Janine talking about their visions for endgames. Are we going to be able to choose which one to take? And when are we going to see that "little girl" from chapter 4 again? Certain she has great relevance Of course I look forward to other things, part two of tynas succession crisis. Seeing next research nodes. Putting the arrogant elvish mother in her place beneath Simon's foot and more. Overall I'm counting the days to see your updates.


Glad to see you're feeling better, or at least that this post was a bright point for you. ^-^ Some updates keep revealing content over time. For example, if you finished Eustrin before and return this update, there will be new content that I added back then. By substantial, I mean not just some new dialogue around the world, instead some longer quests in many locations. On Aka's knives, I don't want the cast to have entirely unique equipment, so that what you've purchased still has some strategic value. Vhala is getting a quest, actually. So is Orcent.


Obvious as it seems, I actually hadn't considered that very seriously. When I say a "smaller" project I'm still anticipating something that would take a year or so, offering a solid experience. That said, I might add something in there that's more indulgent, like another Crimson Gray. I'll definitely discuss this closer to that time.


Optional content will include the rewards for all those Shining Swords, but you'll have to wait a little longer for the special armor. The ending will be more complex than those three paths, and not conform exactly to them. Other questions, you'll have to play and find out.


Goodness, "dragging out the game for money?" If anything, it's a sober reckoning to understand that we're so close to the end. Sierra, please, if anything, I wish that we could stay longer! After so many years of keeping up with this story, of loving these characters, of following your writing and development, the last thing I want is to let go. I know. I know! This is for the best. The story must come to a satisfying conclusion. But you can bet that I'm going to do the heck out of those side quests. And maybe try to buy Simon and Robin nendoroids.


Ouroboros honestly strikes me as a hard game to follow up in the same engine. It's hands down my favorite short RPGMaker game (although calling it "short" is a bit of a stretch,) but one of the things that makes it so great is how it makes the limitations of the engine work for it in the narrative. Breaking the whole premise of the characters existing in a pared down, limited reality would require a very different toolset in order to do it justice. That said, I'm definitely eager to see things SL might make in the future which she didn't used to have the resources for.


"This is also the stage where I'm sure some people will say that I'm dragging out the game for money," Haha yeah, no. Anyone who says that is going to get laughed at. Take a poll if you want some reassurance on this issue, but I bet people who are traumatized at the thought of new TLS content no longer being a regular thing outnumber people who want you to move on by an undefined ratio (because I can't divide by zero). Re your writing concerns: If a breakthrough in fantasy authordom is what you're looking for, you might want to consider writing less and spending more time on each piece. I have no specific advice here because the quality of your stuff is solid already, but if you want that Great Book that really grabs people then I'd look at what hugely-successful recent fantasy authors (GRRM, Diane Gabaldon, and Rowling, come to mind) do and go absolutely batshit deep into the worldbuilding (or historical setting) detail, even more than the impressive amount you already do. Those 3 all average well less than one book per year (for obvious reasons), but their worlds are sufficiently details that they create huge and loyal fandoms, since the joy of immersion is what makes fantasy readers tick. People might talk about Rowling's characters, but they are loyal to her books because of the immersion. (Disclaimer: I possibly don't know what I am talking about, this is just fan opinion.) Also, an observation: I follow a lot of creators. You got about twice as much product out the door (maybe more, hard to quantify something like a book vs a game update) as the next-most-productive creator that I follow (which is a team of two!), and you do that with high reliability *and* quality. As for Next Big Projects, why does there have to be a Big Project? If you keep work chugging on multiple side projects, I think your fans here will be happy enough to stick around. You can always throw in the odd minor expansion or art tweak to TLS (even after it is “complete”) for insurance; one of the nice things about a TLS is that it is easy to add high-value content without bothering the plotline (e.g. add a repeatable scene to the repeatable sex menus, throw in some all-text character back-story, etc). The Big Project idea will come around, that’s how creative people roll. And if you do a wargame, please please please have it set in the TLS universe. You did a short story of Simon’s early career that touched on large-scale combat, and it would be a ton of fun as a setting for a strategy game.


I could be wrong about the reaction! The conclusion of the game won't quite be goodbye, either: there's a good chance I'll do a retrospective "developer's commentary" replay, and I've planned a number of short stories featuring different cast members after the end of the game.


Haha, it's possible that will be the reaction. See my response to Quiet Stranger for some details on additional TLS content. There doesn't necessarily have to be a Big Project, but I do think that the Patreon model allows for extensive games that you don't get very often by other means. I've really enjoyed getting to do something this sweeping, and would like to do so again, for the right project. That said, I also enjoy projects with many different scopes!


"This is also the stage where I'm sure some people will say that I'm dragging out the game for money," I cam see how you'd come to this conclusion. Yup, I am sure some would think that way, but only if why arent very familiar with the game's main story. While it is true that the game would've been finished by now if you havent diverted time and resources to other projects, it is also true that you have been completely honest and transparent about it and your patorns supported you in these diversions all the way. It probably is a ripe time to move on to final stages of the project and you are already doing just that, so what's the problem? P.S. Hope everyone had a good holiday season :)


>This is also the stage where I'm sure some people will say that I'm dragging out the game for money I think most (if not all) of us will be firmly in the "No wait, how can it be over so soon!" camp. Especially given that your writing is some of the best in the genre, and you've somehow only improved over the last few years. And while I personally will be sad to see TLS go, I'll also be very exited for whatever you pursue next!


I just wanted to add my two cents in re: considerations about subscription growth/decline and financial outcomes. It's been repeated ad nauseum in the media, in our personal lives, in commercials, and in the workplace, but it's worth considering in this context as well. The American economy is in a dreadful state, as is the UK's, the two primary consumers (I assume) of English-language content like this and your other writings. Spending on non-necessities has crashed. Spending on entertainment and other luxuries is uncertain, and up and down across sectors. With a community that is as relatively small as the adult RPG game community, it's very difficult to establish how the economic impact will be felt. We don't know what our baseline should be. Certainly it's disheartening to see subscription counts remain relatively level, particularly with improvements added to the game, but I think it's a great sign for the community that interest hasn't decreased over time and in our current situation. I'm personally very enthusiastic about TLS and any forthcoming projects of yours. I love your writing. On the fantasy novel, that's an incredibly cutthroat industry, and sometimes we get rude awakenings even about our passions. Jim Butcher himself didn't write what he was passionate about for years - he wrote six books in the pulpy series he says he wasn't initially passionate about before he was confident in putting out his sword-and-horse series that he got into writing to do. It's one of the most difficult writing markets to debut in because of the sheer astonishing breadth of available content. This was exacerbated by the times - Patreon and the varied self-publishers were flooded with new content. I hope you won't be disheartened by initial difficulties and will instead continue to work on what you're passionate about. Whatever it is, I am there for it, at least.


This post has me really stoked to see what is in store for TLS in the future, and simultaneously sad that its end is on the horizon. Nevertheless, considering the quality of the writing and, well, everything so far, I'm certain it'll be grand. >"Thank you all for letting me take a break, or the end of the year would have been brutal." It honestly kind of surprises me that you don't take more breaks, considering the sheer amount of stuff you put out and create. If that were me, I would've suffered creative burnout a long, long time ago


In case it's of interest, we do have some numbers on the country distribution of TLS players from the survey a few years back: https://www.patreon.com/posts/demographics-8851324 You're right that English-speaking countries account for the majority of players, but there's plenty from other countries too. Sadly, there's probably not many from countries whose economies are doing well at the moment, mainly because there aren't too many of those in the first place and they're mostly smaller nations...


The hype is real! I don't know what you're doing next and, between time and money, I haven't yet had the opportunity to explore the rest of your writing, but I'm very excited to as I can! Thank you for another year of amazing content!


Have to wonder if adding artwork to TLS helped and the gains were just overpowered entirely by all the other factors going on. Flat-ish growth is a lot better than some creators have seen lately. Some people will say any recurrently crowdfunded creator is dragging out development for money. The most you can do is continue to not do that and let your work speak for itself, I feel. We haven't heard about DStP for some time, so it's interesting to hear it's not scrapped. It's also nice to hear that more Crimson Gray isn't totally out of the question.


Honestly, I’m faithful to your vision for TLS, however long it takes. I’m more of a binge consumer, so I actually haven’t played any new updates for a very long time, saving them up for when I can spend 20 or 30 hours all at once in the wonderful world you’ve built. I’ve happily stayed a patreon through that time, keeping up to date with your posts, and even if it took years more I would stick around. I think the quality of your work is what sets you apart, not to mention that you’re actually incredibly prolific as a creator. Looking forward to more great stuff in 2021!


I truly love my work, plus I find switching between projects rejuvenates my creativity. Thanks to all of you, I've been able to put a lot of time into what I love. ^-^


It's possible. I was hoping some other indicators would show differences, but growth has always been a bit detached from recent work on my end. DStP will happen sometime, I just haven't put much time into it this year.


I'm glad to have long term supporters like you, and I hope you enjoy the new content once you binge!


You're the only creator I've kept on supporting this entire time, the moment I saw you had a patreon I got on that. Don't be disheartened! Take the breaks you need, Festina Lente is the way to go. Keep calm and carry on!

Argo The Ratfolk

Please feel free to take all the time you need! Especially when it comes to the development of TLS! If this year taught us anything, it's that rushing development only leads to disappointment like with Cyberpunk 2077 :( I would rather you continue to work on TLS for the next 2 years at a pace that works for you rather than having you compromise your vision thinking that you are taking too long or force yourself into unhealthy crunch conditions. And I for one will definitely be continuing to support you however I can for as long as I can do so, no matter what future games and such you have planned even after TLS is finished! :)


no matter what mostly everyone will support your decision bc u never disappointed us with your work you always exceeded the expectation and you dont have to rush anything at all


Is it really going to take you two more years to finish TLS Sierra? Its not so much the wait I mind its that I like knowing things. And for all the time you've had with a break, for your new year post never gave any indication as to when next update would be. No one would complain if you did have the update ready this month yet I somehow feel that won't happen. So again just want to see that kind of real progress, and i don't need any bullshit from you DankPotatoes, you see this post just keep your mouth shut. Overall your update will be amazing like it always is Sierra just want to see some progress after you've had months on break.


Much as I might have been annoying, asking for more TLS in the past, I say: take all the time you need! TLS is not just just my favorite "adult" game; it is my favorite game, full stop. The writing and worldbuilding are amazing. I do not believe that any of your true fans, who understand your vision at all, will think you are "dragging out the game for money". First of all, you deserve the money, seriously. Second, I think most of us will always be glad of more TLS content, whether added before or after the game's final event(s) are finished. As for the graphics.. I believe they do add to the game, in fact more so then I had expected. Granted, they are incidental to why your current main audience plays the game, but I think they will only help you market the game to new audiences, and they feel like a true reward after a long period of jockeying for council votes. So for what its worth, please take your time to do things as you feel best, for what you are creating is a masterpiece.


Thank you for the encouragement! I'm very fortunate to have such fans. ^-^


Sierra Lee is the author that inspired me to spend money on this genre in the first place so I don't mind signing up for some months until your net worth increases. I sometimes wonder how backward the internet is; Your next best male competitor is worth 60K monthly but Sierra is a better artist. Its wierd, I know female PhDs and MDs make far less than Male counterparts, but sex game authors? Your next project may need to include a male-pen-name alias? Or have a popular male author who is a feminist offer his art or namesake to boost your popularity and sales?


I had a different thought occur. What I mean is we have 99 save files. Is it possible you could make that bigger so we could have more save files? This is not a criticism or complaint, just an honest question.


Speaking as someone who's worked with the code for that directly: I don't think there's any real limit, but every additional save file that exists in the game folder will slow down the save screen's loading times. If you want more than 99 saves, you should do what I and others do, and move your old save files to a subfolder.


I... am fairly sure Fenoxo doesn't make 60k a month because he presents as male.


{TLS} I can't say or appreciate this enough and I damn well know others can and could Agree. This has been by far and for as far as i can tell will be the best Choice based game to date. The Sheer amount of choices and consequences down to the damn near atom is so vast and mind numbing. My investment into nearly everything is endearing, the sway of emotions that inflicts my soul is wonderful, and the care and detail invested into your game is beyond admirable. Keep up your job, never stop that creative thought train. A True Treasure worth supporting and I'm Scrying for more!


> This has been by far and for as far as I can tell will be the best Choice based game to date. I agree entirely with this. I have described this game to others as the best game I have ever played in terms of this factor alone. The sheer number of decisions you can make that have an impact on the world, large or small, blows my mind. I remember walking into the slums a while after remodeling it, noticing things looked way better, walking around and talking to people about it, and just being fucking happy for them.