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NEW: Hey, everyone! Normally I don't end notifications for updates to weekly posts, but the design of the first Tale is especially important. Please check out the two new maps: one is a revised Bangville based on your feedback, while the second is a sample interior map for the same location. Thoughts?

Every one of these weeks continues to be jam packed. -_-

Novella: Blades Falling Softly

Let's start off with the thing I have for you: I decided to make the novella available to all patrons at any tier. I don't have as many rewards during my break, so I hope some of you enjoy this:


Blades Falling Softly is a novella, a bit different from my other work and much shorter. Though hardly experimental, it has a different focus and goal overall. That could be a good or bad thing, depending on your tastes, but please take a look if you're interested. It takes place in the TBS universe, but it's a prequel that requires no knowledge of the series.

OEA: Bangville Aesthetic

Please look above to see a WIP layout map for Bangville. It is meant to establish some basics about the aesthetic for the Tale, not to be representative of the final map. There will be trees covering the map edges, for example.

My aim was to have a cheesy/garish mixture of pink and purple to make Bangville stand out, as you might have seen with the forest background. What do you think, is that too far? It will be the first Tale that players see in the game, so it can't be eye-bleeding. Anyway, this is the period where we establish the basic look for the whole Tale, so please give feedback.

Writing Thoughts

I've basically done a NaNoWriMo in the past week, but I could have done a lot more and I spent too much time with my head full of unpleasant thoughts. =/ I eagerly await the day when I no longer use RoyalRoad, but at the moment I just don't have a strong enough fanbase not to use it.

Anyway, I'd hoped that I could write tons and tons of things during my break, but I'm trying to ease back before it ever gets unpleasant. That means less productivity, which could potentially cause stress down the road, but I'm trying to set that aside and relax sometimes.

Self-published Fantasy Results

Meanwhile, in positive news, I scraped into the top ten of that poll I mentioned:


Now, given the low number of votes and how steeply they drop off, this isn't a great accomplishment. Still, I received more votes than I expected and each one of you who took time out of your schedule to contribute made a difference, which I'm grateful for. ^-^ I don't need awards for my ego, but being on this list will potentially attract new eyes to my work.

That's all for now. Back next week.




What's wrong with Royal Road?


thanks for the novella, it should be interesting to see more in TBS universe. as for the bangsville map i think the pink and people of the houses isn’t too much and fits well with the trees. i think the grass and water make the colors evoke more of a poisoned atmosphere, which might have some metatextual humor but i don’t think it’s intended. I subscribe because i enjoy your content and believe in supporting artists in all forms.


I don't know why, but you saying "jam packed" made me think of Spaceballs, when Lone Star literally jams the radar.


I agree, I think the color of the grass, and the water at least in the context of the surrounding colors, leans a bit towards "creepy" in a way that's probably not quite right for Bangville at the very beginning of the game. The rest of the palette works, I think.


My initial impression for the revised map is that green is better for the grass, but the contrast with the other colors makes the purples and pinks just a little more garish than they looked previously.


+1 for revised map. Initial version didnt make my eyes bleed, but it definitely had a good go at it.


I think the color changes look great. now it gives me more a vibe akin to saints row 4 while in the “perfect small town”. that may be overly specific but i think it works. the interior map keeps well with the color scheme.


I think "garish" might be a good look for Bangville anyway. The updated map definitely feels evocative of the tone of Bangville to me.


I agree with the others - the updated map colours are a massive improvement. Now it's just the right kind of lurid for Bangville.


Needs pink drapes on the main gate....


Agreed with others - revised map is good. Also, now that I can tell that lower left area is a garden patch and not a weird pond, I've noticed that the inefficient spacing of crops there forms a particular pattern, lol. The new indoor map seems good too.


I like the boob fountain. I haven't played the game yet- so I have no context for the boob fountain. But I like it.


Haha, I'm honestly trying to decide if that's brilliant or a step too far...