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Despite my efforts at mindfulness habits and self-reflection, some aspects of my mind are opaque to me. In theory this is a great window to do creative work in between obligatory release/promotion events, but my brain protests with great fervor. I guess I'll take the opportunity to thank everyone for being understanding about taking a break.

I've done some decent relaxing. I'm already reading as much as I want to, so maybe I need to find a game that really hits the spot, since I haven't played much lately. I hear Hades is good.

Beta Reading: Despite below average productivity, I have finished up the editing of two books I've been working on: a short novella and a thick fantasy novel. They won't be released until 2021, so getting them done helps clear out my future schedule and hopefully finish up some side project games as well. Do you guys want me to... just make posts with the files, I guess? Both at once or in some order? Not sure how much extra time people have, but we might as well do it soon since there aren't other types of feedback.

OEA Maps: Just two this week, because they were bigger maps that involved more design questions. First, we have the Beneath Hoodton dungeon, which also sets the aesthetic for all other "ruined Tale" maps, like Ulfina's pit. Thoughts or opinions? The second is the Red Arena selection area, which is a bit fancier and more importantly includes a bunch of new tiles that hopefully better capture the spirit of the game.

That's all for now, I think.




Hades is also on my list - Supergiant always seem to strike a nice cohesive blend of worldbuilding, storytelling, music, and art around their games. If you're looking for something short and a little bit different gameplay-wise, I can recommend Epistory, which uses typing as its combat mechanic and gets suprisingly intense at times. Or if you'd prefer something that still tells a story but with fewer words (in fact, pretty much none), then Rime is beautiful and worth a look. Honorable mentions for Hob and Gris, too (both platformers-with-few-words like Rime, but Hob's 3D and more exploration-based while Gris is 2D and more arty).


Bah, forgot to type my reply outside the Patreon comment box and hit enter instead of shift-enter... The arena selection screen looks good to me, but the Hoodton dungeon is extremely low-contrast, so I hope this is just a WIP and the mapper is planning on adding light sources and shadows. It's verydifficult to see the difference between the ground and the plateaus atop the walls, especially if there's anything bright on the screen alongside it (e.g. if a user has a bright desktop background or a light-coloured window open near the game window). The decorative tiles also stand out a lot, which makes their repetitiveness more obvious.


Hades is sooo good. It's not just the hyped thing of the moment, it's a really good rogue-lite.


So what exactly is the issue here? "In theory this is a great window to do creative work but my mind protests with great fervor"? Because unless I read this wrong it sounds like this is a great time for you to get a start on continuing TLS but it sounds like you don't want to. Feel free to correct me I simply don't understand what it is you are trying to say.


I liked the color scheme for the ruined tales, it definitely expresses the idea that something went wrong. I will say the colors do blend together too well, just looking at the map I had to focus very hard to see many of the details that were in the map and navigate it. the area map looks great and fits well with the other maps you've shown us so far for that area.


To answer your question, Sierra is noting that in an ideal world, the timing would be good for her to do some creative work, but that she is too exhausted to take advantage of that opportunity. That is why the overwhelming majority of patrons have recently been strongly supportive of Sierra taking a break to recharge her batteries. Even if you only care about TLS development, Sierra will be able to produce better work if she doesn't force herself to keep working even when her creativity is not flowing well, so a break is in your best interests too. Secondly, I don't want this to come across as an attack, but the way you phrased this comment and several others in the past comes across as accusatory, to me at least. Phrases like "So what exactly is the problem" and "it sounds like you don't want to" give me the impression that you are hounding Sierra and demanding that she works harder, which is not the kind of supportive atmosphere we're used to on this Patreon. I hope this is just an issue of wording and not your true intention.


Can highly recommend Hades, myself. It's pretty much the ideal game for the person who has an uncertain amount of free time, because it's great no matter if you play for 10 hours, or 100. Supergiant really created some greatly written characters to go along with the gameplay, so look forward to that as well, if you give it a go.


Thanks for the feedback! See my reply to Lamsey about the ruined map issues, but I'll take your thoughts into account.


Well, that first picture definitely has that, "You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike." vibe, so I'd say you nailed it.


The arena looks good to me except that the top right pillar with the stray leaves atop it seems a bit upscaled or blurry. The maze of twisty passages I'm concerned would be frustratingly dark or at least low-contrast to play... but I'm not sure. Maybe it'll be ok. If you're looking for new platformers to play, maybe have a look at Omegaland. It's free and... I can't tell you much about it without spoilers.


Thanks for the feedback. I think we may need to run an actual build of this one and see how people feel about its navigability. Omegaland, huh? With that description and those graphics, my mind has jumped to Eversion.


Hello Sierra... I hope you have more weeks to relax,stay safe and take care of yourself, we love you. The map arena is amazing, I like it. On the other map like everyone else, is a bit dark, a bit of lights would be good, I think. On games I reccomend Blasphemous: it is a metroidvania game with religious theme, beautifull pixel-art,music and deep story. It's a bit difficult but enjoyable.It is a game made in Spain. On a personal note: I think it will give you some ideas for your books,games etc.. Take a look if you want. Have fun Sierra, and about the beta reading Im ok if you post the files.


Thank you for the recommendation and feedback on everything! I hope you continue to be able to move forward through difficulties.


If anyone in the world deserves some rest, it's you, Sierra! I've seen other Patreon developers, and you're pretty much the top one in terms of responsiveness and keeping us all in the loop. Three cheers!


As a separate thing, if you decide that fixing a few random bugs here and there would be a good break from other things, I have a few in TLS. None are super critical, but one (the first) is actually a game-breaker: 1) In Gawnfall, the very first time you talk to Yelarel, if you happen to do it from below, the game freezes irrevocably, due to a walk->dialog script getting stuck. 2) Not game breaking, but slightly sad-making for us twitching completionists, there are some things that never turn green in the quest logs. Here are a few that probably should.. (I think there are others I didn't record): * "Gather information about princesses" in Negotiations in Stenai * "Earn Tyna institutional support" and "Support candidates with positive potential" in Succession: Ardoheim * "Gain influence with all participants" and "Keep an eye on Ardford" in Council of Gawnfall * A few more in the earlier Ardford council ...


Funny thing about Yelarel: there's logic in there specifically so the player doesn't get stuck if they talk from below, but I accidentally had it walk right instead of left. I don't think I'm going to go back and make all the secondary objectives green, sorry. Thanks for the bug reports!


Actually, I might have had maybe a better idea with regard to those. I think the reason they always stay white is, in every case, they are general goals without clear "fulfillment" conditions, which is why there are no events that turn them green. What if such conditions are simply either put between parenthesis in the list from the start, or perhaps better, given yellow text from the start. Then there is no need to add more game logic to them, and still there is no feeling of nagging unfulfillment to the player. Anyway, I hope you consider it.