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Look at the chibi art I commissioned from Annikath! If Halloween existed in their world, Wynn would love the costumes and Trin would be putting razor blades into apples.

I once hoped this could be a short update with a "Happy Halloween" and just the image, but there's simply too much going on. Weeks feel very long to me.

On one hand, I finished writing something for next year. This made Present Sierra happy and will make Future Sierra's life easier, so this is pretty much an ideal use of time. I won't always be that motivated, but I intend to lean into it when I am.

On the other hand, the audiobook launch stuff has predictably cratered my mood. It's selfish of me to be unhappy with 90th percentile results, but when the numbers curve so rapidly in the upper part, it's still disappointing. At least the promotion is over for now.

I would like to begin looking increasing toward OEA work, finishing the core creative work as I intended to do months ago. There are still some delaying factors, plus the ongoing map work, which you can see in the subsequent images.

There we go, kept this one reasonably short. Hopefully I'll be able to report a very productive week next time and nothing will have exploded. Everyone stay safe and happy!




Damn, those OEA pics looking absolutely gorgeous. Kudos to the artist. Are you suuuuuure we cant see some of that art in TLS? Its so much better than some (not all, but definitely some) of that bland tile set. Oh and right back at ya - stay safe and happy (and productive) :)


the maps look really good, one of the things that has been really standing out is the color palettes have some a good job of making the different areas, even indoors, feel distinct.


Happy Halloween. I know its a day late but I wish everyone well.

Runcible Technician

Your mapper is amazing, I have never seen light bloom and shadow integrated into an rpg maker map this well.


I don't want to influence your decisions, but I will say that I enjoy your more tightly-contained storylines, as well as your more expansive ones. I still replay Ouroboros occasionally, for example. So I'm excited to play OEA once it's in a finished state. But I won't exactly burst into tears if your work takes you in other directions.


Question: Would the succubi insist Simon wear a He-Man costume, or a tentacle monster costume?


Parallax-only effects like the lighting/shadows mean that I can't edit the maps on my own, plus the maps become a pain to work with. I might see about replacing some after the game is done, or hiring ordinary mapping, since they've been decent to work with.


I can take virtually no credit for the map quality, but the color palettes are something I've been focused on!


I enjoy doing both, and I'm really looking forward to being able to wrap OEA! It's been on the back burner for so long...


Nalili and Esthera: He-Man Qum and Riala : Tentacle Monster Yarra: Both! Iris: Sexy Accountant


Hi Sierra, quick question regarding the gathering: Are you supposed to be not able to walk up to Xestris during the orgy scene? Just curious because you can interact with more or less all other characters.


Yeah, the map ended up blocking her off and I didn't feel it was worth restructuring.