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Things haven't gone according to plan and the day has been weird, but it's the release day nonetheless! This will be the last time I throw out this link, because the book is finally in the wild:


Also, I've made a promotional post on r/fantasy that includes a giveaway of free audiobook codes. If you're interested in that or signal boosting, look here:


This is hopefully the last promotional post I need to make in a long time! By which I mean about a month, but still!



Epic just waiting for the next monthly credit so I can get it


For you, the day this audiobook graced Audible was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday. Sorry, randomly popped in my head, couldn't stop it. Good luck on sales!


Haha, not as important as Bison destroying my village, but I definitely have my fingers crossed for this one to go well.


I've been replaying TLS and I noticed something. Did you change the impalers outfit sprite in the chatbox?


It was changed to match his new bust, which I think Lamsey made. You can compare them at https://thelastsovereign.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Impaler.png