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Okay, so the public release is done. Extra done, because I just put out a 0.53.3 that fixes the Ginasta bug and includes some more polishing. Thanks to everyone supporting me throughout the process. ^-^

Annual Memberships?

Something I've been putting off while working: what do you guys think about the new option Patron offers for annual memberships? They've been messaging me a ton about it, but I'm not sure how much they message patrons. What it would mean is that you pay for an entire year of patronage up front and get a benefit like one free month. Is this something people are interested in?

From my perspective, I'm not quite sure what to think. It probably promotes long term commitment, but I'm actually not overly enthused. A lot of you are already pretty committed, so if everyone switched to annual, it would just mean an 8% drop in support. I think it would also result in a huge chunk of income up front, then much less through the rest of the year. That's technically to my advantage, since I could earn interest on it, but lumpier income isn't always ideal.

All that said, if this is something that you guys want, I'll definitely turn the feature on. For that matter, feel free to mention if you think my logic on this is incorrect.

OEA Work

I did some work on OEA between updates... and honestly moved backwards. I was doing some work on fancy attack animations when suddenly every battle in the game started freezing at the beginning. I didn't see how the animations could be responsible (individual animations had tested fine) but I laboriously rolled the new ones all back... and everything still froze.

Random testing revealed that a previous plug-in I used to make enemies appear in unique ways was responsible. I didn't change a single thing about it, and I don't see how any of my other changes could suddenly break the entire game. But anyway, unless I can figure out this inexplicable problem, all the work I spent giving every single enemy an entrance animation was just wasted. -_-

This is really pretty discouraging. The entrance animations weren't the most amazing thing in the world, but they took time and effort. Now they're just dead, without any kind of error report, and I can't think of a plausible reason to even test.

On the bright side, all attacks in the game have more animation now. That part worked fine and I finished it, though more refinement to many attacks will probably be needed later.


I think this year is getting to me, because I'm not at the top of the game. I have a paranoia that I've already written this, but anyway: have you noted that 2020 is two thirds over? In the facetious sense of this being a cursed year, that's a good thing, but when I took inventory of everything I want to accomplish yet this year, it's more than I'd hoped.

But ultimately, even splitting time in between projects, it comes down to doing one thing at a time. So I will turn my attention to the next thing. I hope to be fully focused on 0.54.0 for a while, wrapping up the Gathering with plenty of explosive events.

Back in a week with another update!



You said you put out an update for 53.3 but I don't see any kind of link for it.


Lol in all honesty 2020 has been one of the best years of my life got into university, made a ton of money at work, got into a healthy lifestyle with workout,etc... not seeing why people are saying its a bad year. All in all keep up the good work sierra

Zaq Reman

I would not make use of an "annual commitment" option. It's a little conspiracy-ish but I wonder if they're spamming creators of adult works about it to get more money up-front in case another round of bannings is in the works.


I hate 2020, because of all the freaking facemasks and staying 6ft away.

Edward Culham

I hear you with the annual memberships and do think that they do think your logic is correct. Have another supporter that is offering it currently and is something I did jump at as it does save me money during this year. Though like all annual memberships, the cost is upfront and I pay it once a year, which would also mean that you would receive it once a year. I do see the benefits of both, apparently you would get more as there is less patron processing fees but at the same time you would no longer have consistent income from month to month.


The links for public updates are centralized on the blog, so same link as Friday.


I got all the same notifications for my SFW Patreon, so it isn't that, but you're right that we can't ultimately trust Patreon. In any case, your response is useful information, thanks.


Thanks for your feedback! I hadn't thought about the reduced patron processing fees, which is a good point, but doing a quick calculation in my head I don't think the savings would be all that much relative to the 8%.


TBH, I thought the same thing as Zaq when I first read your post about the annual memberships. Either way, I'd still have to have my bank allow the processing of out of the US payments, but for now I think I'd prefer to stick with the monthly method. Not because I think you and the other people I support aren't going to produce,(well maybe Yummy Tiger, lol, poor YT), but more because I don't want that one huge output of money. But pretty much all the creators I'm supporting I'm invested in, and barring some major financial crisis or ZA, I'll be supporting them on a regular basis.


Thanks for giving your thoughts! I'm grateful to have so many people invested in what I'm creating.


Another Idea for the annual commitment is to set it up as a tier. Personally, I will be sticking with monthly


So if I'm very sure that you'll continue to reliably produce content worth supporting, I can reward you for this with... 8% less money yearly. Hmmmm think I'll pass on that lol. Maybe if the difference were coming out of Patreon's cut, since I'm more worried about them dropping creators or declining than about you. You could earn interest on it, but could you earn 8% interest on it? And of course I have to consider that if something dire happens to my own financial situation such that I can't spare <i>anything</i> on patronage or hobbies, I'd regret putting up the money up front.


You are one of the very few creators I would consider switching to an annual membership for, but I'd do it as a vote of confidence, not a way to save money. You can make some of the 8% back by investing the excess, but a) investments are inherently risky (with all the caveat emptor warnings), and b) (assuming you're in the US, similar laws may apply elsewhere) even if you did make that back, you'd have to hold on to the investments for at least 2 years or you'd pay short term capital gains taxes on them, which are substantially higher than long-term capital gains taxes. I suspect* that the number of patrons who would elect to switch to an annual membership is going to be small relative to all patrons anyway, so maybe it doesn't matter much. * entirely speculative, I have no hard data to back this up


I don't know if they give us that capability, but thanks for your input!


I'm not aggressive, so it'd be less than 8%, haha. Anyway, yeah, I kind of figured that many patrons would be thinking along similar lines. Thanks for your input.


The possibility that only a few patrons would ever use the annual option is the one scenario where it seems like a good idea, to be honest. Based on the response so far and my gut instinct, I'd also suspect that it wouldn't be many, but I don't really know what the numbers would be.


I'm actually not that afraid of Patreon banning you in the next year. My objection is the automatic renewal. I would be happy to pay, say $60 to support for 1 year at a $5 level if it was not automatically renewable. Is this an option?


A good question, but one I can't answer. The language vaguely suggests that it renews automatically, but I don't remember anything precise.

Michael Vaccaro

My thoughts on the annual is that even if it is available, it is not something I would be interested in using. Also the thought that is many supporters did go annual, your income stream would be a wreak as you would have surges of income and smaller month to month income, which I would think would make budgeting expenditures problematic at best.


No real preference on monthly vs yearly subscriptions from me. And sorry to hear about OEA troubles, nothing worse then working hard but having something outside control negate all that work. :( Hope things work out!

Dark Art

As far as I am concerned, yearly sub is a bad idea. Actually, not just a bad idea, but a very BAD idea. I get the notion, but this kind of trust is not something that can be easily earned. Granted, its very much like you've said - lots of folks here are quite committed, but would a new patron choose it? Doubt it. I know I wouldnt it. Even now, I can say with 99% certainty that I would not switch to yearly. No offense Sierra, I know you are extraordinarily dedicated and I greatly appreciate and respect that, but yearly sub option is just begging to be abused and almost give the creators a feel of academic tenure for a year. I think this is the case of "if it aint broke, dont fix it" and I would leave current sub options well enough alone.


From a motivational standpoint, if I were a creator I would want monthly as it would keep me more on task as it provides a psychological deadline for keeping patreons and keeping them informed throughout the month. Annually, I suspect I'd fight the lulls less and would find myself very stressed out at the end of the year with my productivity. I wonder if and then how you might think it'd effect your motivation.


That annual membership plan is incredibly stupid. Patreon is forgetting what their name stands for. A discount on a donation? What the hell? Patreon wants you to do this because it allows them to collect interest on the money as well. But instead of giving me a discount, they should add a percentage of my donation to the amount, or wave your fees for part of that donation. Please no. Don't support Patreon going further down the wrong paths. PS: Sorry to hear about that weird bug in OEA. I hope you find something banal that you can change to fix it. Thank you for your work.


Well for me, I prefer the monthly payment, than year payment, right now with all the covid, a lot of people cannot know if they will have a job until the end of the year.And by my work experience, you are more motivated earning your payment month by month, than having a year payment secured.That's a cancer on my job, but as I'd say is my experience and I am not trying to offend anyone. Have fun making the gathering, in some way I know you have everything planned XD


For the sub, monthly is the way to go in my view. It allows the patron flexibility. And I do not trust Patreon in the slightest. As for 2020, it is not as bad as the media portrays it to be. Ignore the news, observe your own surroundings.

Actual Personman

You get 11 months of sub money up front, but have to work for free for one month. If you're having trouble retaining subs, it would be useful, but patreon is making you pay the cost out of your own pocket. I personally prefer the monthly model, but mostly because it offers protection on my end. I suspect that in this specific case, monthly or annually wouldn't change my sub habits here.


Thanks for your input! Fortunately, I'm in a position where I can easily budget, and I'm pretty responsible about such things, but I agree it's not an advantage.


Thanks for the input! Yeah, I don't really know how likely it is to appeal to new patrons... maybe it might persuade more people at the $1 tier to stick around longer, but otherwise it doesn't seem as likely.


I'm pretty self-motivated, so I don't think this would be a major issue for me personally. That said, I also don't see any advantage to yearly income, and I'd find the lumpy income irritating for irrational reasons.


Yeah, I don't know: they claimed in the announcement that this was a commonly requested feature, but that's hard to verify. Given their attempt with the unbundled payments thing, I have no reason to believe they've thought it through. The bug almost HAS to be something banal, but heck if I know what it is. Fortunately, it's easy to disable one plug-in, so I can try to figure it out later.


I've been at the $1 tier for *ever*, and the wife and I have bought everything you've released on steam and amazon. I am also a business owner, and in my personal experience small recurring beats big lumpy every day. &lt;3 keep up the amazing work - we have no complaints about your vector (:

Nathan Phoenix

I would not go for the 1 year. Creators like you who keep up the monthly updates are trust worthy but others have a tendency to drop off the radar so I edit payments monthly.


I only very recently discovered TLS and you, so I haven't been a patron for long, but I'm more than happy to stick with the monthly model, I think you're doing great work and don't mind dropping a few bucks a month to support you!


Don't feel bad about the year. My friends and I agree 2020 should be struck from history. It just feels too weird to be real life. As for Anuals, I'm onboard with it. It's not something I do with some of the other creators on Patreon, but between the several great games you've made and your books, I have no qualms about paying in advance. Of course, I'm fine with monthly if the works better for you


I must say that I don’t understand the idea behind annual membership. I’m a patron, not a customer, why would I want a discount? The only scenario I could be interested in that would be if you somehow saved money on processing or other fees that way. Even then, I’d probably just pay a sum that’s equivalent to 12 months of current membership. This discount is a really weird idea.

Argo The Ratfolk

I am fine with sticking to monthly if you prefer it, but since I know I will be supporting you regardless it would be more convenient for me to do a yearly payment (easier when trying to plan out my finances each month too xD) as I see it as a way to guarantee that I will be supporting you throughout the year on the off chance I loose my job or something down the line. That might be pessimistic/paranoid of me but still.

Terra Parker

I think the most palpable benefits to yearly memberships are for people or groups with more expensive tiers than you have and/or products than you generally put out