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The new version can now be downloaded at the blog:


Compared to 0.53.1, most of the changes are just polishing, so it's non-critical. For everyone else, enjoy!

But actually, I wanted to take a moment to ask if these public posts are useful. Are there non-patrons who use Patreon as a primary method of following me? I feel like I'm sending out too many messages lately, and these are scheduled posts that usually contain little new information. I can continue them if they're wanted, though, so speak up if you have opinions.

Because I just received it, please enjoy fanart someone made of Lizzie. ^-^




everytime i see an update i get really really hyped soo yeah i like those posts

Notalie Portman

I follow you through these public posts. I’m happy that you’ve done so well!


Yes I like it!!! and in the blog too!!!


I don't have a problem with how often you post. You could start ranting about tax law and I'd probably read it to see if I could infer some TLS spoilers out of it.

Kyle S

I enjoy the updates. Some don't Interest me. But I still read them. I love the updates about tls and how things are going for you. Progress wise so I'd enjoy if you keep doing them. But if you cut back to only essential posts when you have time I would understand.


And I appreciate your support! I was primarily wondering about non-patrons, but if you find these public release announcements useful, that's good to know too.


Sorry if I was unclear: the weekly updates and most of the others will continue exactly as they have. I was just wondering about these announcements of public game releases. They feel more redundant to me, since they always happen at the same time and just link to the blog.

Jeffrey Lebowski

Perhaps less useful because I have been a patron for a while, but before I became a patron I did primarily use your public patreon posts to follow your work, and the patreon announcement posts alerted me to when something new was up on the blog because I didn't really check that. Also, i was going to comment it earlier but forgot, I wanted to note that while I know that you don't commission any custom music, I do think you do a good job of choosing appropriate themes for many sections. All of Gawnfall's music, Ginasta's theme, and the Aram desert early on all fit really well in my opinion, as does The Lonely Path music. I mention this because I also really think you chose a good track for this gathering and it really amplifies the tension.

Dark Art

Not sure if this will be useful, but I became a patron partially due to your regular communication. I used your blog and patreon (not sure what was used more). Mostly lurked on patreon/blog for about half a year before joining. So all in all, I'd say go on doing what you've been doing, if its not a burden to maintain that is.

Runcible Technician

Awww! I loved Crimson Gray and I'm glad someone else liked it enough to make fanart!


I am a Patreon but the public release is useful to me as it links into my email making it easier to find.


I just like being able to comment on the newest release somewhere that isn't the blog, where it's a pain to comment using the account I want. There are definitely creators I follow on Patreon without supporting. You're not one of them, obviously, but people do it. From a more business perspective, maybe it's good to have posts for non-patrons so that you can engage the kind of person who has a Patreon account and is therefore more likely than baseline to support creators.


I think these public posts are important, if for no other reason than they announce that the final* version of the release is done. * within reason, you could of course locate a major bug afterwords that requires a fix, but these are exceptionally uncommon


Personally, I love the updates because I'm so addicted tot his game that it's unhealthy, and if I refrain from doing anything other than checking them once a week, I feel better about my habits. =D That being said, if you found them redundant, you could always just use them to post links to other things you've written so that people can chase those down instead. That would reduce repeat work perhaps.


Music is not my strong suit, and I'm only partially responsible for selecting the pool of music used for the game, but I do try to pick appropriate themes.


Shut up and take my Inbox space!

The Emberfox

Before I started backing you I used to check your Patreon for more infos.


It's hard to imagine visiting Patreon and not donating.

Zaq Reman

When I was between jobs I had to stop backing you but I still followed both for the reminders about new versions and because I knew that any truly major news would be posted publicly at some point.

Charred Heretic

In a setting like this, if I (for instance) am uncomfortable with the frequency of updates I'm getting from a creator, I can just unfollow them until I want more info. So I'd say to follow your instincts on how often to post.


I personally use these to keep up to date, as I do with a lot of games and developers, so yes. Some of us non-patrons do unless I'm just the odd man out :D

Leveler All

If i recall each new update is always for the balance and polish or things like the addition of cg recently, but is it also to add content to the already previous runs? i forgot if i had to re start a new game when i download a new one of yours.


You don't need to restart the whole game, just move your saves into the new version. I add content to previous sections only rarely, mostly minor improvements or dialogue.


Encountered a bug after getting around to playing this. As I start day 3, the game goes into the Game Over screen. I did some looking, and while Ginasta is up, Riala, Nalili, and Yarra are not. This was done in 0.53.3 Edit: I reloaded an earlier save and revived all party member, and did not encounter the aforementioned issue, so it is very likely related to Yarra, Riala, or Nalili being down Editx2: It's probably Riala, given that she's not at full health when I enter the Orgasmic empire proper