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I had a pretty good week! Normally I don't like to divide my time this way, but it seemed to work well in this case. Most of my time was spent on TLS, a mix of preparation and direct work.

The easiest part is the bridge to the next section, in which Ginasta interacts with various characters as they get ready for the Gathering. Beyond that, however, getting this event in order is a bit tricky.

Unlike the previous version, where it was a matter of putting everything together in a concise manner, the Gathering updates will be sprawling. Lots of characters have moments planned for this, but little things have changed, and as I review my notes, there are past details that are relevant. So my question is how to put it all together in the most satisfying way, as these events will be pivotal.

Even though I didn't spend a lot of time on OEA in absolute terms, having it on the second burner worked better than expected. On occasion I just wouldn't have anything I felt like I could productively do on TLS, so I would go tool around with new enemy skills or iconsets or something. This has really chipped away at things I wouldn't want to do all at once and made the work overall more satisfying.

One thing that wasn't satisfying was all the promotion I had to do for the launch of the Street Cultivation 2 audiobook. -_- At least it didn't hinder my momentum all that much. Because this is through a publisher they don't give me sales figures, but indirect indicators suggest that they're higher than the first book.

Also, here's a minor thing I've been waiting on for a long time:

Looks like just normal Yarra? Wrong! This version's hair and horns match exactly with the details from her other set of faces. Now when Yarra is talking there won't be any distracting shifts near her face. This has been non-critical but less than ideal for a long time, but I had Annikath fix it just this week.

Anyway, next week should be a similar blend, hopefully getting a lot of the TLS plans into a shape I'm really satisfied with.



Glad to hear you had a good week!


Perks of having a real artist and not just some random fans who tool around with graphics programs sometimes. Looking forward to seeing who has Gathering moments, and how. I suspect this one won't be organized the same so this won't actually be answered by the next update's content, but I have wondered what sort of event Simon would've organized for the first Gathering, had he attended as a King.


Far be it from us to tell you what to do but why don't you share your ideas with us and maybe we can give greater input. For example is Ginasta going to appear at this gathering? What role will the lord of blood have here?


The biggest concern is what the anak is going to do


Sierra Lee developer stats: Work ethic: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Writing: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Worldbuilding: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Promotion: ⭐


Heh heh heh heh heh heh. That's funny that's very funny.


JJS, I swear to God man, it's like you live on another planet. How many times do you have to read some variation of the phrase "I won't answer spoiler questions" before you give up? The Lord of Blood will be there in some shape or form. Do you expect more info than that? And obviously Ginasta will appear, like come on. It's nice that you want to help, but I doubt you'll get a public brainstorm for plot relevant ideas going in a thread, where I'm fairly certain most people don't want the next updates and future of the game spoiled


Ginasta interacting with various other characters, especially those in the harem, will be very, very, interesting. Robin (if she can discern Robin's full relationship with Simon), Varia, Carina, Sarai and Riala would be my top 5 to see


I know it's unlikely due to her getting depowered, but I really hope Ginasta explodes another uppity Incubus King.


Yeah I found that predictably cliche yet so disappointing. After all the grief she's given us she can't even pull her own weight.


My favorite of those 5 would be with Sarai.


I am looking forward to it. Tentatively, when is the next update going to be released?


I wish I could give you a clear timeline, but I'm not sure. We are early in the development cycle due to the time invested into OEA, plus the scope is still unclear because I need to decide when to break the Gathering.


Not sure if this is where I should post this butI have encountered a very very minor bug that you may already know about. In the blank area at the end of the this version of the game with Yarra, the thank you message, and the RP guy I went to look at Sabitha in the harem menu and it caused my game to crash. I don't know jack about game development but I thought I'd still mention it. Absolutely adore TLS and have spent over 200 hours playing it so keep up the good work!


Have a great week, sierra


Nice to hear from you, glad you're enjoying the game! Here is fine for reports. In this case, the Sabitha crash will be fixed next version.