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With the TLS update released, I am suddenly seized by motivation to work on OEA. Considering that inspiration to work on certain things (like UI or animations) comes along rarely, best to do it now while it's fun instead of forcing it later. I don't know if this one will go to release anytime soon, but it should definitely take a major step forward over the next week.

This project has been a WIP for... 3.5 years? That actually surprises me, but I just checked the initial payment. For the vast majority of that time, I knew that it was a far future release because it would simply take so much time for Crescentia to finish drawing all the scenes. But she's now 100% done, so further delays are ones that I choose.

(That's not completely true. I still need NPC faces, and the artist for those is working inconsistently. The pixel artist for the battlers has work yet to do. There are a couple major programming issues. I intend to commission more complex parallaxed maps. But those are mostly sundry assets, so moving things forward is still on me.)

My plans for the next step have shifted. Originally my goal was that version 0.3.0 would be a simple update finishing the plot and gameplay, without many visual improvements. Then 0.4.0 would overhaul major parts of the game, invalidate previous saves, and so on. After maybe a version 0.5.0 at some point, we'd move on to 1.0.0 in fairly few iterations.

That isn't going to happen. I've been focusing all my gameplay energy on TLS, plus there are a few stumbling blocks with the combat, plus my inspiration went in another direction. So I've been putting a lot of time into improvements intended for 0.4.0, while the final content is finished but not really tested.

One piece of that is the new title screen, the video of which you've probably seen above. This one is... hopefully fancier. =/ Since I spent so much on the art, I'm really trying for the production values of this one, which means that there are dozens of little things to do. I'm not sure if they'll make a difference, but I'm giving this my best shot!

I have a big list of things to do: some low hanging fruit, some involved, some relying on things I don't have. By next week I should have burned through a lot of the list and hopefully I'll have a clearer idea about the major roadblocks or chunks of work that remain.


Once Ever After WIP Title Screen Demo

Brief demonstration of new title screen animation effects.



So after OEA is the Sierra Lee Expanded Universe fighting game right?


Do what makes you happy but I hope you won't take any focus away from TLS until it's all done.


Though TLS will remain my core project, I will shift between several projects as I always have. The previous releases were before you joined, but I've been working on this for a long time.


Gotta ask, male or female protagonist. Also what does that art style look familiar?


I still think that the one thing Once Ever After needs most is an NPC who looks like Warren Zevon hanging out in an inn and observing that "he saw a wolf drinking a pina coloda" at some ingame establishment or another, "And his hair was perfect..." But we all know I'm completely insane.


OEA is female protagonist, and the artist is Crescentia (of the Wolfenstahl team).


Are you planning to do a release of some kind? Its been quite a while and it might be fun to run thought it again.


Yeah, there will definitely be a new release. It's just that instead of being a quick release to finish the game, it will probably include most of the reworking and visual improvement. Not the new maps, though.

Coty Reubart

once ever after where do i need to go to get a copy


OEA is still a work in progress, so it can't be purchased. Higher patron tiers will get early access, or you can follow it on Steam for when it eventually comes out: https://store.steampowered.com/app/951860/Once_Ever_After/

Coty Reubart

ok well i was just wondering i may upgrade later than

Coty Reubart

i find it interesting even though you lost a patreon u still make more a month than before only u could pull that off


Hope to be able to play any version of the Once Ever After soon.