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Okay, 0.52.1 is out! Since the first version seemed mostly stable, I waited a bit longer to put out a cleaned up version in a relaxed manner. I want to say thank you to everyone who offered feedback and encouragement! I'm glad you enjoyed this one. ^-^

Link: https://mega.nz/file/D4lGAS5I#pV39eFMVnVzuJnzmbti9QZt78WxBZ0iaDOfW5NScSkE 

RTP: https://mega.nz/file/n1sxiRhQ#kXSewqg-QSbfAJ4i6FpqjWuuHUoGSkkPQXLC8PzNlCo 

Though there are no major changes, a few things may be relevant to some of you. Ginasta's skills were mostly buffed, while the bosses were tweaked: mostly buffs, but they were also too resistant to stat debuffing before. You now also have complete freedom to choose your parties. Hopefully this can be final balance.


Well, coming out with a new update the day after the Steam summer sale starts is probably not the best of ideas, but whatever. The update is in the right shape to release now, so here we go!

(See above.)

TLS 0.52.0
- New plot section.
- Fixed Robin profile thanks to Lamsey.
- New illustrated scenes: Lynine titfuck, Nalili 69, Orilise luxury, Fuckety Fuck.

I expect this update to be in pretty good shape overall, but I burned out on balance testing at the end. Yet again, I'd forgotten that my bad and low level games are behind the current content. However, there's one thing that didn't get limited testing:

There's a multi-boss this update that I hope people will find interesting. We haven't used this mechanic in a while, but I thought this was the time for it. This strikes me as on the edge of too many battles in a row, but hopefully people will find it a fun challenge. I worry it may be a bit too easy, since my weakest party managed without too much trouble, but resisted the urge to buff at the last second.

This has been a rough week. Nothing serious, or really personal at all, just lots of outside stuff slowing me down. Please feel free to report bugs or give any criticism, of course. But if you like any of the new stuff... well, this would be a nice time to tell me. ^-^

I'm not sure if I'll have anything to say in an update this Sunday. Maybe just something brief along with an updated version.


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