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The TLS update should be this weekend. I received a good quality map, so that won't be a delay, and everything else is moving along swimmingly. It's not all done, but most of the core stuff is in place, so only an irregular development would prevent release.

I'll keep this short, but we had some other good news. Thanks to everyone who helped make my AMA a success! Though it was nowhere near the big authors, it got considerably more upvotes and attention than most indie writers. This exceeded my expectations, which is nice.

On Steam, Ouroboros finally got approved for trading cards, and after some time, the cards themselves were accepted. So those will be ready for the summer sale. Achievements are out: the plugins that handle those don't seem to have meaningfully evolved since the last time I tried, so it's not worth the headache.

That's all for now. Back with an update, hopefully!



Just wondering - wasn't there something mentioned about being able to go down to the girls rooms in the HQ and see how they decorate them? Has this idea been discarded (I can understand if it is) or is it still in in the plans? I wouldn't mind going to see Aka's knife collection, Hilstara's armor collection, Yarra's... whip collection... (ouch). What I mean is it would be fun to see those rooms before whatever horrible fight they have to get into at the end of chapter 5 (except maybe Trin's, unless the joke is she is less interested in iron maidens than fuzzy bunnys)


I can field this one. Last time I asked SL about the subject, she said that she wasn't planning on implementing a map for the private rooms because she didn't think she could make them each sufficiently distinct. (IIRC.) Right now, in Iris's Ch 4 base tour, she alludes to there being a number of private rooms that each member of the harem could customize for themselves, and Yarra indicated they had "all sorts of possibilities for sexy times". Dunno if this was different in an earlier iteration, and it might be good to edit Yarra's line if we're never going to see the rooms outside of implied sexy times in the on demand affection scenes.


You dont have the resources for it? What exactly is that supposed to mean? And for other missing rooms I've been wondering when you might be able to add the succubus ring that we've funded. If it's a matter of location I know where you can put it. In the elven ghetto in yhilin south of the slums.


I don't have enough tiles to create 20+ unique rooms, at least not to my satisfaction. You're not the only person to request the succubus fighting ring, but I don't really have anything planned for it.


I generally don't pay much attention to Steam trading cards, but it made me smile when Atreyan, Emantha, and Slimey showed up in my inventory.


You know, JJS... You REALLY need to learn how to take "No" for an answer. Maybe you should think about making some more substantive contribution than constant demands for the implementation of your own ideas and importunate requests for spoilers. It's sufficiently immature that it honestly has me wondering if you're actually old enough to be playing this game.