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Clearing out my schedule last week was a good idea, as I was able to focus almost exclusively on TLS. Still a bit of art stuff and editing, but that's normal. We're a step closer to the release.

Unfortunately, not as close as I'd wanted to be. My creativity is not cooperating for a number of reasons that I could speculate about. For example, I've written all Neranda's sex scenes and that was easy - loved doing it. But then I wandered into doing some other dwarf scenes that might not actually be available next update. Maybe I'll do a "Eustrin Final" switch with some variations, like Yhilin.

I also had some rougher days and ended up working on stuff that isn't relevant to the upcoming release. Like Sabitha. I'm not implying anything important there, I just enjoy writing her dialogue.

Anyway, TLS 0.51.0 is still my primary focus. I hope to have an update with several chunks of new content along with a host of secondary events that might unlock content for more players. New ways to access Fheliel/Wendis content, for example. Hopefully in a week I'll have made good progress.



I read "Fheliel/Wendis content" as, "FhelielxWendis content" and now I'm sad it wasn't true :(


While I am looking forward to seeing these neranda sex scenes. I'm left to wonder based on your comment about your creativity block. Exactly how much work do you have left? Do you have a clear idea of exactly what you are going to add for the update, besides a Eustrin final switch.


I.E talking to Palina with varied results based on Eustrin and Economy scores?


Is it weird that i find it strangely encouraging that Sierra actually enjoys writing adult scenes? I mean, I guess I just half-expected that she would concider it an obligatory and unavoidable part of telling the rest of a great story, to keep people interested. But the Neranda thing seems very sincere, and makes me think that there aren't any central parts of the game that exist just as fanservice. It exists because she concidered it as a necessary part of the story from the start. Idk man, I'm rambling. Glad to hear things are moving forward, at a snails pace, or at a jaguars, or somewhere inbetween.


Think I've said this before, but I'm not concerned about you following creativity and doing future work. It just means time saved on those later updates.


Hmm, I'm not sure what that pairing would look like. But if you're looking for threesomes, some of the rulers will be involved with some that might surprise you!


I'll be getting into these things over the coming weeks. Talking to Palina will be the trigger for the final Eustrin content.


Poor Neranda has been waiting for a long time and I enjoyed finally writing her some relief. ^-^


Is it possible we could have a scene written in, a fuani threesome with simon and yarra? For this scene yarra uses a futa spell and pounds fuani's pussy and Simon can pound Fuani's ass or vice-versa.


I'm fine with you wandering a bit when the mood hits. "Strike while the iron is hot" and all that. If you do that a lot, then over the long haul any given update will gain as much as it loses from you working on stuff a bit out of order.... and we're all pretty much in it for the long haul. Edit: Uh, Decanter said the same thing a little bit before. So TL,DR: "+1".


I already did a threesome with Fuani, but another one isn't impossible.


Your support is still appreciated! Striking while the iron is hot definitely works better for me, but I also try to keep a balance.


A Eustrin Final State would be interesting. Any chance we'll get some more elven kingdoms content? I mean, likely since the Mother is still a player at the table.


Yes I want to see the mother put in her place. Beneath our feet


I just want say thanks for all your hard work. I'm waiting until Ch. 5 is complete before I actually start it, but everything I've read (read: spoiled for myself) looks great! Also, no worries, take your time to make it as great as you want/can!


I honestly would like to see an update involving tyna. Something about her first act as queen to acknowledge the doom king by making a formal alliance. At the least I would like to see Ardford castle open to us and have us able to freely talk to tyna.


Dude, chill. You post comments literally all the time. Be patient. We all know that the Ardford/Tyna storyline will be completed somewhere down the line, so why try to rush it?


I appreciate your patient support! Chapter 5 will take a while, but it should have a lot of content I hope you'll enjoy. ^-^