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Release time, everybody! I thought about pushing this to next week, but I'd prefer not to delay TLS releases any longer.

Link: https://mega.nz/file/T4cTgY4C#2pyvpnQTruJBjr0Nmez0U-nq3sZjMQ9DLDwOj16B4MQ 

RTP: https://mega.nz/file/v40AjCbQ#J60h6jPk2jp96_7c7eL1zcm9owpQl10VjJm5cd0cnAs 

TLS 0.50.0

 - Grand art update: All scenes in Chapter 1 now have an illustrated image!

 - Total added: 28 scenes, 5 joke scenes (52 images total)

I'm irrationally pleased that this major update is coming on such a round number. ^-^

To reduce total questions, there's an automatic event in the teleportation chamber that will answer several of them. If you just want to see the art, you can view almost all of it via the Reflect menu. However, I hope the hardcore people who repeatedly play, or anyone who wants to see the art in its natural context, will help me test all the changes.

This update was a bit more involved than you might think. I was only able to make everything work properly thanks to scripting assistance from Lamsey and Decanter. I've tried to test everything enough to avoid any crashes, but there may be softer bugs and something could always have been missed.

Some scene text has been shifted or changed to better fit with the images. For example, the Robin interruption scene is broken up so that the image itself can be the surprise. More of this could likely be done: consider me open to suggestions.

This is also the time to bring up any suggestions/issues about how scenes are displayed. For example, I've almost always put the art up for one final moment at the end, but if people don't like that, it can change.

In a week when this update goes public, I hope that it will lead to increased interest in TLS. I'm also open to suggestions for how to promote it. Honestly, I'm going to post on my usual forums and r/lewdgames... not sure what else. Do people still visit LewdGamer? Not looking forward to more promotion, but this is the time for it.

This is promotion weekend in general. More info on Sunday.

P.S.  ...it just occurred to me that I never stated in the game that the "W" key can be used to hide the text box. I'll add that on my end, but I'm too tired to recompile.

P.P.S.  Additional note: no need to report that the text box turns translucent unnecessarily if the NSFW switch is off. I'll correct all these when I'm feeling up to it. 


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