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Buckle up, this is a big post with a lot going on! It won't all be relevant to everyone, but please check for the parts that are relevant to you.

Fanart: The image for this post was drawn by Annikath, not as a commission, just as fanart she wanted to do. Qum is having a good time. ^-^

TLS Art Update: Originally, I was going to do a poll asking you guys if you wanted a faster update focused on the art, or a delayed update that would have the new art plus other content. Based on how my progress has gone overall, I think an art update would be better, as a later update would risk exacerbating the delays. However, this is the post to raise objections or point out anything I might have missed.

(To preempt the common question: yes, you will be able to turn off the images if you don't want them. I've already gotten this figured out thanks to Lamsey and Decanter. If you don't care about the images at all, I just ask for your patience, as a lot of people have been waiting for this update for a long time.)

Fan Video: DankPotatoes has created more TLS memes, this time based on Vine videos:


Street Cultivation 2: It's coming out this Friday, so cross your fingers. Will post a link in the next update.

Street Cultivation 3: This has taken a lot out of me, but it's getting fairly close to complete. I look forward to finishing it this week, then hopefully my plate will be much clearer.

So yes, there's a lot going on overall. But by the end of April, I hope that I will have accomplished a large number of goals for 2020, which will leave me with some freedom I will very much enjoy. More on that when the time comes!



Jim Billy

Is the only way to view the art by restarting? Or will they be viewable in the memory recall ability like the script


I dub that fanart "Simon tests his Valentine's Day themed tentacles." As for the update preference, while I want Neranda and Elleani inducted asap (and, well, more goddesses to fuck) I do believe an art only update is the way to go, especially for the first batch. That way, if there's crazy world ending bugs you only have one potential cause.


Does that really mean to say this April is focused on only the art thing of TLS and May is when new content comes out? The Coronavirus is bad enough don't need that kind of news added to it. And I mean this in a humorous way. Whatever works for you Sierra.


Something I just noticed that Qum'dumpe's skin looks like a normal female humans skin in that picture. I was under the impression her skin and hair were pinkish.


Based on how things are going, Neranda will almost certainly be in version 0.51.0, if you have the variables for it. Hopefully I'll get all the core script bugs worked out before anyone plays it, but I won't be able to replay the whole first chapter repeatedly, so I hope others will help test.


Her skin is slightly pinkish. I'm not whether it's more normal in that scene or whether it just looks less pink in comparison to the tentacles and background. ^-^


TLS art and new SL novel? Thank you always for the wonderful creative work you do! Also poor bottom left mopey tentacle. Left out of the fun


Thanks for linking my video :) Glad to hear things are moving forward on all fronts. Stay healthy!


LOVE the fan art!!!!!

Qwinton Moore

Hi! Quick question as I’m slightly confused. Is the art update already live on steam or is there a delay with the steam version cuz I’ve been planning on replaying and just waiting for the first art update to do so


The update is available to $5 backers. The Steam version won't update until the public release on Friday.