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(Updated: No separate weekly update, since I don't really have anything new to say. Version 0.49.2 should hopefully come out a while later, including new content.)

New version is here!

0.49.1 Link: https://mega.nz/#!z98XQZaT!1dMNmgXdcffZK5UWfS6mw3tHeVWLMlnYw8TnAVpf6Xc 

TLS 0.49.1

- This is an awkward half-update. I don't prefer these, but I wanted an update to help people stuck in Eustrin. It has a ton of minor fixes, so use this one if you haven't played, but there's no reason to replay this one.

Link: https://mega.nz/#!X91kEYjS!Mk7GF4MTs0Pa6qua_dEdGrQYowwEI2c8iIQPa63mahI 

RTP: https://mega.nz/#!m8sA2YIB!uXq6O8LBd3Jih09kPNAbvRkuRNlEC22P5jtkE48DJXQ 

TLS 0.49.0

 - Complete world overhaul for Chapter 5.

 - Access to new nations: Erosia, Ghenalon, and Tatseni.

 - Up to three new harem members (depending on your decisions).

 - Several potential new staff members (heavily decision-dependent).

 - Seven new plot scenes, plus four new affection scenes (NOTE: one of these is inaccessible for now).

 - Four new synergy skills.

 - Three new Orcent conversations/events.

 - Assorted minor retroactive changes. Yhilini civilians comment on the Thenoursan War, the monster patrol investment has some cosmetic NPCs, etc.


I pushed too hard. =/ In retrospect I definitely should have interspersed more testing with core development, but that's a lesson for future cycles. For this one I'm courting burnout, so what's best for me is to launch now.

I didn't quite finish everything I wanted, but all the stuff you see on the list is done and in the game. I don't think this version will feel too buggy or incomplete, but I'm sure that version 0.49.1 will include additional content. Variables and checks are also likely to change, so don't take your only saves into this one. Even if you don't care about exact continuity, the chance that I forgot investment profits or relationship points is high.

This one includes a ton of stuff and I can only hope it feels plentiful in the playing, as there's content only available on certain paths. Lots of new sex scenes this time, including some that are new types of content for TLS. And one that I haven't seen done before... though that is the inaccessible one. >_<

There are some placeholder variables that might need to be updated. For those who have played, can you tell me...

1) Tertia's relationship value?

2) How much ProN do you have relative to new investments?

3) What's your Zirantia variable, before and after new investments?

Not sure what else to say. I rest now. Or after promo posts anyway. This weekend I'll put out a bugfix if necessary, then over the next two weeks I'll update oversights and add content as I have energy and inspiration. Hope you enjoy!


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