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UPDATE: I hope the version linked below is very nearly the public release, but I decided to let everyone try it early if they wanted.

The previous thread has over 300 comments, so I thought it might be better to start with a clean slate. While it's possible that I introduced new bugs to this version, overall it should be a substantial step up from the previous one, unlike the interim fixes of 0.49.1.

0.49.3 Link: https://mega.nz/#!2xcxkIgb!OcMV4xQkpei_p1ZlQJDNDXpUriRv8ECxW2CT_ctUpBo 

TLS 0.49.3

 - This is a noncritical update, mostly final fixes and improvements.

 - The skeleton in Aram desert now provokes a new party conversation.

 - Notable change: the investment returns at the start of Chapter 4 are now paginated, and possibly altered incorrectly.

Link: https://mega.nz/#!zoEnDIYD!sIZuIiWrNbCgofqAE4zVBTJP_8ZmeQIYgJYYIMpkkYs 

RTP: https://mega.nz/#!jsUlRIIL!AArN-2yuSFP5cUpfP5htmsCSBP2aWxTCIPZSHip17FY 

TLS 0.49.2

 - Zirantian leaders now report on the state of their nation. This can potentially unlock the new Biyue scene.

 - The Stineford succubus bar is now available if missed, and can be visited as a new map, but only going through the improved iterate event mentioned below.

 - Min now appears in the Givino Vinai Court.

 - Antarian now appears in Ardford Cathedral.

 - Nabith now has a new conversation when first spoken to in Chapter 5 (with Yhilin Final).

 - More variant dialogue has been added, notably in Ardford Business District and Orri's Restaurant.

 - The physical condition of Ryoken now varies based on Erosia's  country score.

 - Retroactive: The Ramasta Unperson HQ now visually improves if Gawnfall helped the Unpeople.

 - Lynine and Iris have conversations that increase their RP if you investigate their funded investments.

 - Serious improvements have been made to the Chapter 5 iterate event, including more potential RP for Tertia.

 - Quest objective bugs fixed (only if you repeat the events).

 - The Duelist's Pin can now be enchanted in Ghenalon.

 - The costs for a number of investments have decreased, some based on past decisions.

 - Sublime equipment is in some cases more expensive, but overall buffed.

 - Sublime equipment now has unique icons.

 - Assorted minor changes, fixes, and improvements.

Though I couldn't catalog every single change, I tried to list all the major ones for anyone wanting to check them. There are some new maps and conversations in there, plus the scene that was locked previously.

Anyway, we have another week before this one goes public for final polish. I'll probably open it up to $1 patrons later this weekend. You'll be getting a weekly post on Sunday discussing March, which has some fun stuff coming soon!



Talk about bizarre. I literally checked 2 minutes ago to see if 0.49.2 was out and saw nuthin'. Need to get a tune up on my goddess fucking senses to fix that timing issue.


The imp that offers the Feroholm and Stineford farm investments is gone. Not sure if it's a bug or there's a new condition before he unlocks.


Except for changing his prices, I didn't touch him, so I honestly don't know.


Biyue's wingjob in the Reflect menu crashes the game. Also it's such a dirty tease.


I did the prerequisite event for the succubi bar in stineford but wasnt able to get in. Am I missing something or did it not work?


What are the differentiations with Biyue's statements of Zirantia's status. After her "wingjob" she tells me "Zirantia is thriving! Thank you so much for all you've done for us!" Is that the top result?


I would assume so, since Biyue joining the group seems unlikely. Not really any more room on the Leader page with Elleani, Neranda, and Esthera waiting in the wings. It surprised me Fheliel beat Elleani to be honest.


And the reasons for it completely ridiculous. Even assuming that Tanurak was behind it the reasoning to show proof that Biyue isnt under any sexual domination is so laughable that it's not funny.


Still going through the update, massive amount of stuff to do! One minor typo found. https://imgur.com/a/FRD9CtV


It's possible that this is bugged since I added it at the last second, but it should have two requirements: 1) Fund the bar during Stineford (not now). 2) Start from a save at the beginning of this update (not from 0.49.1 or earlier). People should now be able to fund the bar if they missed it earlier, but it won't appear until the next cycle.


Is the Sublime Ribbon the upgrade of the Old Ribbon Wendis alluded to earlier?


Quick thoughts: Yarra's statement about making the harem immortal on interacting with the new emergency backup divine shard in the Tower HQ might benefit from an update. The old lady from Feroholm in Stineford's Keeper's Tavern who unlocks the FEROHOLM REQUEST switch is still there. Her introductory dialogue seems to suggest she is the same character as the old lady in Feroholm who wanders south of Simon's old house. (Coordinates 029,018). If so, she's capable of being in two places at once. Either or both events could arguably do with some updates once the Feroholm upgrade gets started.


Some typos still around in 0.49.2: https://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t403/onkelemma/49.2%20orcentkara%20pg.4%20fingers%20fingers_zpsw5jnu6y0.png New Orcent/Kara scene, page 4: double 'fingers' towards the end of first paragraph https://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t403/onkelemma/49.2%20robin%20construct%20scene%20titfuck%20pg.4%20-%20between%20her%20LIPS%20not%20hips_zpsvxttkviv.png Robin Titfuck scene (unlocked via Magical Construczs research), page 4, end 1st paragraph: 'let him thrust between her LIPS', not hips https://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t403/onkelemma/49.2%20huH%20maybe_zps3b7d9ttd.png Tertia's harem recruitment talk with Yarra: I wonder if that's supposed to be 'Huh' at the start of the text there. Or maybe it's a kind of laugh, like a half huhu? Looks weird to me at least. https://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t403/onkelemma/49.2%20tertiahareminitiation%20pg.1%20-%20TODAY%20instead%20THAT%20DAY%20maybe_zpswwycc3qd.png Tertia's following scene, page 1, end 1st paragraph: TODAY she'd need nothing but... https://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t403/onkelemma/49.2%20tertiahareminitiation%20pg.4%20worshiPPING%20double%20P_zpsynhjv5pf.png Same scene, page 4 last line: worshiPPing with double p https://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t403/onkelemma/49.2%20lynine%20100%20scene%20pg.5%20-%20stayed%20There_zpsfiaqhfra.png Lynine 100RP 'Fuck' scene, page 5, second sentence: '...and stayed THERE', not 'here'


Should there be a 'sublime claw' weapon? I ask if only so I can read just another one of those descriptions.


Has anyone yet figured out what it is that wandering chosen says. If indeed there is a hidden message to it.


In helvana the ivala chapel we normally visit Andra by heading through the left door. Why has that been blocked off?


When heading over to see the potion hermit if you didnt get the grey lotus in chapter 3. In chapter 4 we get a message saying melymyn reluctantly allows us to enter the glade. Should that message still be playing in chapter 5?


Super minor thing, but the booze seller in Yhiilin Square sells orc potions for 2sx. Everyone else sells them for 500. But it's a great update to the update non the less love Biyue's new scene.


I have a bit of a request. We've seen sprite animation for succubi fucking orcs plenty of times. But why not add new animations of them fucking other succubi, humans, and elves?


Thanks for the typo reports! Some always slip past everyone... >Tertia's harem recruitment talk with Yarra: I wonder if that's supposed to be 'Huh' at the start of the text there. Or maybe it's a kind of laugh, like a half huhu? Looks weird to me at least. Yeah, it's half a "huhu". >Tertia's following scene, page 1, end 1st paragraph: TODAY she'd need nothing but... Actually intentionally that way.


Good suggestions. I implemented them except for that I'm okay with there being an indeterminate number of old women in Feroholm.


Haha, I don't know if it would actually be functionally that distinct.


I open and close different sections to try to make the world feel more alive. But the real reason is that there's nothing interesting for Andra to say until she reappears later.


This message is actually a result of Gawnfall, and it's still the deciding factor in whether or not you can enter.


I have some of those, but not all. I might be able to add more succubus/succubus animations.


I took a quick look at the texts from a cryptographic standpoint, and my educated guess is that it's just gibberish. (Or at least, tough enough that it's not worth my trying to break it.) The determinants are that there are too many unique alphanumeric characters for it to be a simple Caesar cipher like Dari's native Rot13, that there also isn't a predominating character corresponding to "e", and that there are too many very long words based on the visible spaces for it to translate into something intelligible.


Small bug- Hermit will sell you lotus again after restoring wendis.


Super happy about more Tertia RP, but is Neranda's Tour retroactive? Because I only got +2 when I should have gotten +4 from last time (24 last, 26 now, 28 theoretical), since I know I got Major Tak'kan assistance at the Synod.


As I have no way to test it, I'm just asking: If Altina didn't come around to absorb the sexual energy left by the Fucklord in Zirantia during the Erosian War, does that unlock another investment in Zirantia during chapter 5 dealing with that energy? Because if not, I think it totally should.


Visited Wynn's old crib and we finally learned the mystery of the yellow candles! It was as sweet and as cute as I hoped. And glad to see Min wasn't forgotten and still has our backs. Next time we see her I hope she needs our help pulling up a stool so she can reach the desk and the merchant guild and drop 1 million Pron on the table for her membership.


...though I guess it's rather safe to assume you included investments for all the problems that were caused in Zirantia during the war, much like in Yhilin after the BOY. Silly me actually, sory for not thinking it through. ^^


Also another bug, but they are getting fewer and far between in finding! One of our new banners is non-intractable. https://imgur.com/a/x3r2KoW


The yellow candle conversation actually is 'old' stuff from chapter 4. I think it became available right after Wendis' maze, not sure though.


There are a ton of different factors involved here, so it's difficult to say from just that. But the Neranda's Tour RP hasn't changed from previous versions at all.


Sorry, but I'm not completely sure what you mean here. When I check out that banner with one of my saves, it appears to function normally.


Still having trouble with acquiring the materials for Wendis' new body. I believe I have most of the material, but I have no idea because the quest seems to think that I've only gotten the gray lotus. Didn't we get some True stone back in chapter 4? And I swear I found a guy that gave me a demonic seed. What about the divine shard, did I have to give her one when I was making characters immortal? And from what I've seen the crystal of harmony shouldn't be missable?


Just noticed that Min's Trade Route is listed in the Darghelon/Geldaron section of investment returns. Shouldn't it rather be in the Yhilin section, as that's where her investment can be done? I'm aware that Yhilin is already overloaded with investments and there's more room in the Sylvan section, but the wiki lists the investment under Yhilin. Ingame/wiki congruence would be nice, and while I'm also aware that wiki logic should conform to ingame logic and not vice versa, I think order by investment location makes more sense.


Also, I think 'Tarran'Kan Upgrade' should be labeled 'Tarran'Kan Trade Upgrade'. Again, according to wiki and much more recognizable.

Aris Katsaris

True Stone is gotten by the best result in thr Ardan Succession Crisis. Crystal of Harmony needs a good result in the Cult of Magic issue at the Gawnfall council. Demonic seed is potentially gotten or not from Sabitha in the Erosian War. (It's not the demonic fruit). You can check what stuff you have by looking at the Key Items in your inventory, you don't have to go by memory.


OK, so I made a list of minor notes from my latest play-through, and here they are. Ch 5 Iterate: If I'm reading it right, it credits you with a 0 ProN revenue from both the Erosian Trade and Kyangen Ag pre-investments regardless of whether you have actually paid for them. The Givini clerk in Feroholm's Merchant Camp HQ has a Ch5 statement about Feroholm with respect to trade routes, this could possibly use an update once the Feroholm Upgrade starts. Miner in the item store at Stineford is still complaining about getting into mining being a bad idea even though the mine is now operational once again. Succubus in Order of Yhilini Thaumaturgy garden area is gushing about the crystals, while facing the plants. Possibly lame idea. Now that we know the sad story of Tanurak and the TLS Dragons' Chicxulub, the first draconic skeleton Megail & Co. found in the Aram Desert might spark more lore conversation. (Maybe Orilise or Robin and Riala have been going over old dragon legends to get info on Tanurak.) This could be Chapter 5 or just since the Erosian War. Wendis' tomb at Wynn's house could arguably use some new event code if Wendis has been reanimated. The rest of the maps have also not been touched for Ch. 5. If the magically engineered dwaregast have been wiped out, it might make sense to put a dwarf guard back to block the Deep Tunnels. Maybe the Eustrin Guild's characters could make some comment on the new work they're doing with Wendis. Same with the Premium Steel guys and the armor shack succubus. The Hall of Mental Strength in Tarran'Kan could arguably use some new dialogue or characters. A cutscene visit by the Ghenalese Orc Mage if alive might be interesting.


Tempting fate... So, are the Succubus Pin and Sexual Pin not considered "Hard to Get"?


Returning from Wendis' maze, I can learn Yarra's new synergy skills from this update (Lash of Torment, Wild Lashing, Lustful Emissaries). While I do very much approve, are they supposed to be available this early?


Uh, I'm not sure if there's a compelling reason. Since I don't want to sort through the sparkles to find them, I think they're fine as is.


Sublime equipment went from "the collars are OK" to "must find Sx to buy everything" between updates and that's cool.


0.49.2 is looking nicely polished, and I think the reduced prices for the Stineford farm make sense relative to other investments. The increased pricing for the Sublime armours makes more sense, too, despite my instinctive "ah fuck, should have kept my mouth shut" reaction. The setup for the Biyue scene seems unnaturally forced to me, though. If people are already suspicious of Simon as a devious manipulator, I don't see why they'd accept the demonstration as anything other than more devious manipulation. If they think Simon has Biyue under his thrall, it's not much of a leap to think he could set up the demonstration or at least go along with it, especially since all she does is pleasure him. Maybe I'm thinking too much like a human, but the whole setup just felt like a weak excuse for the sex scene, especially since outside influence (Tanurak etc) is explicitly ruled out. Assuming there are no further balance changes, my Zirantia variable is probably going to be at 39 at the end of the update, although I still need to make a list of available investments to check I'm not missing anything important. Typos etc: Wendis Reunion II - 2nd paragraph, 1st line: slid -> slide: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b8ms41b929l6qmq/Screenshot%202020-02-29%2015.44.57.png?dl=0 These lines are looking a bit out-of date now, especially now that Wendis has a new face: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sj42gyiou7m46m7/Screenshot%202020-03-01%2011.24.46.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/u7s9qxoffnk23qu/Screenshot%202020-03-01%2011.24.49.png?dl=0 Change one of "Arclent" or "the nation" to "Ardoheim", or change "the nation" to "the continent"? https://www.dropbox.com/s/kvkjstotqixp1jw/Screenshot%202020-03-01%2016.11.19.png?dl=0 The guy on the left is updated, but this guy isn't, not sure if deliberate (or if there should be two Claims desks)? https://www.dropbox.com/s/z4ftal4f66lnioo/Screenshot%202020-03-01%2016.12.05.png?dl=0 Yhilin's -> Ari-Yhilina's? https://www.dropbox.com/s/qvveua4fkzlml7u/Screenshot%202020-03-01%2017.01.04.png?dl=0 Stats seem swapped between the Seni Armor and Robes? https://www.dropbox.com/s/wrvz2y0ywru7gnv/Screenshot%202020-03-01%2017.54.53.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/hojhshrzox4lp7a/Screenshot%202020-03-01%2017.55.02.png?dl=0


Like I said in the other release post. What does that demonstration prove? I would've thought purity tests would be sufficient to prove that Biyue is not under Simon's thrall. And what evidence is there that explicitly rules out Tanuraks involvement?


I didn't want them to instantly obsolete all other equipment, but I did think the old stats were a little bland. After some in-depth feedback on balance, I upgraded them a bit.


Trivial: It looks like the event to meet and finally recruit Patty in Cee'Kan is disabled after the start of Chapter 5, but the various Patty subquest events elsewhere in the new country maps are not. Meaning it's possible to talk to Patty for the first time in Ch. 5, talk to him twice in New Givini and Gasm Falls, but then not recruit him.


Minor bug: The Preparations- "prepare for the Doomed King plan" quest from chapter 2 is still in my questlog in chapter 4. The objective "talk with Orcent" remains unchecked for whatever reason.


Is this on a fresh save? I often forget the quest log in early releases, so patron saves have sometimes missed the quest objective completion.


OK, this one is potentially serious for Disaster Runners. It looks like the process of effecting the Kyangan Restoration investment from the war's Erosian War Camp area in the event Kyangan got damaged was overlooked in the shuffle for the update, and moreover the party has access to Kyangan even if it was damaged and not fixed. So I think this means that the construction orc from the war camp needs to be loitering in the transportation chamber, HQ or somewhere around Ryoken offering to repair Kyangan for any raving lunatics who happen to have NOT fixed the place during the war, but intend to eventually do so. Or the place could eventually fix itself with an Erosia score penalty... Not sure there are any plot mandatory events in Kyangan presently or planned, but I think the latter course of penalized self-reconstruction needs to be implemented if there are.


Yeah... this is an oversight. I will try to get it done for 0.49.3, thanks!


Re. 049.3: I was just finishing up the wiki spreadsheet of new investments for Ch. 5, so I'll take the time to go through Megail's 1st Ch 4 ProN dispersal to see that nothing has been unintentionally changed. After that I was going to wander through Yhilin and screw with the Final Yhilin variable in each map to see if there are any things either the +1 or +2 state might have missed.


The "Gasm Falls Trade" investment is missing from the new nations page.


Minor thing, but investing in Yhillin bank in the latest iteration has a minor visual bug where the guy you invest with at the front vanishing after you hit 'yes' despite still having a few lines of dialogue afterwards.


Is it me or is this iteration of 49.etc releases full of the largest amount of glitches ever or just that I've seen?


It is an update of the whole world at a point when the world has suddenly expanded.


I've had a quick poke around in 0.49.3, didn't find anything new. The new line about Tanurak after the Biyue conversation goes some way to hanging a lampshade on the ridiculousness of the setup, so that's an improvement. It still feels awkward to me, but I'll reserve judgement until we find out if future developments will mean it makes more sense in retrospect.


When I like comments, it just doesn't seem to take for some reason. =/ Apologies to all the people whose comments I haven't liked.


In the new party conversation at the dragon skeleton in Aram Desert, Orilise says: 'It's hard to tell if there were any reference to these creatures, [...]' Shouldn't it be 'references'?


Also, I assume that conversation was added at least in part due to the matter being debated on the wiki a while back. Much appreciated! :)


Oh, that's happening to everyone? When it stopped accepting my likes I thought I was just going insane... er.


Is the Stineford bank investment supposed to be unavailable in chapter 5?


Hmm, I suppose it shouldn't be. I'll add a new page to make it available.


0.49.3: I invested in Yhilini AIrship Fleet only at the last iteration of chapter 4 (so, right after EW), and now at chapter 5's first iteration, Patrici has the dialogue with me regarding the Stineford update and then tells me I should militarize the airships, but I don't get the option to actually do so. I've seen this mentioned before, not sure if here or on the wiki though, so sorry if I'm double reporting.


Honestly, I don't know. =/ I'd begun the compiling process when I saw your comment, but I tried to look at this. I don't see anything that stuck out to me as clearly wrong, so I'm not sure.


OK... So I finished up the double checking of the Blue Rose event, and other than the missing Gasm Falls Trade investment Decanter spotted, you should be good to go on that. Then I took a gander around the Final Yhilin 2 version of Ari-Yhilina as I suggested previously. Unfortunately, the gander wasn't housebroken and Janine yelled at me, so I just explored the dialogue options and maps looking for bugs or omissions as stated before. The list is below, and has trivial SPOILERS for the optimal endgame for Yhilin. A lot of these may be deliberate, but I assumed anyone who got a Final Yhilin 1 page should get a Final Yhilin 2 page and noted the absence of the latter wherever I found it (except for the slums map, where I got a bit burned out.) There are also cases where there are blank dialogue boxes, especially noteworthy being the non-party Altina in Final Yhilin 2. I have no way of knowing if these were accidental or deliberate omissions so I noted them all. Final Yhilin 2 List: Ari-Yhilina Outskirts Orc renting tents has an empty dialogue text box. Green haired elf wandering in SW (event EV139) has an empty dialogue text box. Orphaned merchant cart at (029, 029) and (030, 029) It looks like the guard inventorying supplies in Final Yhilin 1 and 2 should be fixed instead of being a random walker. There's something off with the conversation with the supply distributing succubus besides the fact that the guard wanders off. Either the 30 frame wait time is too long or you need to push z to advance through the conversation gaps. Not sure. The Court Removal of guard from right door of House of Petitions allows door to be entered, but takes player to defunct House of Petitions map 282 instead of Final version map 570. House of Petitions (570) Skull Cap entrepreneur lacks Final Yhilin 2 dialogue. Yhilin Cathedral No Final Yhilin 2 pages for nun in NW corner or succubus in SE corner. The dialogue for the guards or unpeople guarding the interior of the cathedral have not changed since the Battle of Yhilin aftermath. Ari-Yhilina Square I am relatively sure the girl in the square talking about the Strange Little Girl is not real Final Yhilin 2 content, but it is pretty good trolling. No Final Yhilin 2 page for Alchemical shop, orc wagon patron or orc wagon competitor. It looks like girl in the witch hat selling potions in SW corner (right of fashion stall) shouldn't have the "Economic Chaos" switch on her page 3. (Event is on counter and not the character.) House Rose Halfling/succubus couple in the library should maybe be fixed instead of random moving. No Final Yhilin 2 pages for chef or the former House Jade clerk. Possibly related, when the former House Jade clerk halfling fakes us out into thinking Lady Rose has died, she is visible in the next room, and appears regardless of whether or nor she was zapped by Trin or not released in the Yhilin I House Jade raid. Consider using redheaded female halfling (EV012) for the scene instead, although you might need an extra switch to keep her from appearing in Final Yhilin 2 until after the Lady Rose Ending scene. Order of Thaumaturgy No Final Yhilin 2 pages for Head Mage (center of outer courtyard), male halfling and door guard. Slums Altina returned to the Elven slums has blank dialogue on her Final Yhilin 2 pages. (Possible spoiler protection?) Human-human-succubus thruple has only the human girl with a Final Yhilin 2 page. A lot of the wandering folks inside and outside of the elven ghetto have Final Yhilin 1 pages without Final Yhilin 2 pages. Slums Shop Only the anti hanky-panky guard has a Final Yhilin 2 page. Queensmen Bar Only girl at the far left has Final Yhilin 2 page. Magic Shop 3 No Final Yhilin 2 pages. Lustlord's Rest Bartender missing a Final Yhilin 2 page.


Thanks for your attention to detail! Some of those are intentional omissions due to avoiding spoilers or just not wanting to get into endgame stuff. Not all are, but I'm also pretty busy with other stuff. So maybe save your list and we can return to it in the far future when we're dealing with Final+2 for real. The secret revelations in the square, of course, are massive spoilers that I'm scrambling to remove.