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I think I'm going to do my weekly updates Sunday instead of Saturday now. Too many things happen Saturday, such as game releases, and I don't want to end up rushed on anything.

I feel like I have my feet under me more than I did last week. Moving to a new location brings on a lot of new problems, but at least I feel like I'm dealing with them for good - unlike work, which just keeps coming back every week. I think I'll meet my general deadlines this month, then hopefully get into a rhythm next month.

That's not to say that nothing was done. I have a lot of the character writing for Aka's section done, as well as most of her version of Ari-Yhilina (as opposed to the original one and Megail's). Of course, Aka will be going deeper and visiting sides of Yhilin that you haven't seen yet, so there's plenty to do.

It will be interesting to see how well I can realize my vision for these three routes. My hope was that the plots would hint at the others, such that playing them in any order gives a slightly different experience. You'll definitely see that between Aka and Megail's routes, and Yarra's impact on things is obvious.

That's all for now. ^^


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