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I'm pleased that players liked the first update of the year, especially the plot revelations. ^-^ The optional fights seem to need some tuning, but I hope we'll move toward a smooth public release.

I'm on top of bug reports, but not sure when I'll put out version 0.48.1. Maybe later in the day, after I've fiddled with the spiders some more.

The next update will be your first open world one of Chapter 5 and it's... just going to be a broad one. Areas that were locked off will open again, events unchanged through Chapter 4 will update, there will be some more consequences of player decisions, etc. Add on top of that some changes that can be triggered based on player variables.

But the thing is, there's nothing else I intend to focus on. We prototyped some new stuff for DStP, but the rest is delegated to others. I want to work more on OEA, but not right now. I've finished my major writing project and the releases aren't imminent. So I don't know exactly how long this update will take, but it will be occupying almost all my time over the coming weeks.

One other thing is happening meanwhile, the release of the Street Cultivation audiobook:


Unfortunately, it has some early low reviews from people who didn't finish, which is always frustrating. If anyone is an Audible user and wants to vote on the reviews they feel are best, please do. The good news is that going through a publisher, there's no way I can lose any money, even if this harms sales.

Anyway, expect the normal cycle of .1 and public releases!



Audible user here. I'll give it a listen, vote, and leave a review!


Yeah the spiders were too strong I barely beat some of them by by having Vhala use defensive rain to bring their attack and agility down and having aka to slow down the strongest one first. But I couldn't see any other way to beat them, sure they are beatable but I don't think there should be only 1 good way to beat them.


I had to switch out my normal party of Simon, Aka, Robin, & Carina for Simon, Hilstara, Vhala, & Carina. With that formation was able to beat all but the last spider group, the one with the skittering nightmare. Invariably at least 2 party members go down on the first turn.


Sweet! Glad to hear that the new update is already in focus. Honestly, this is one of the updates i'm looking forward to the most, in the history of TLS, simply because of how it will show the entirity of Arclent for the first time in chapter 5. I loved the change to "open-world" in the beginning of Chapter 4. I'm not wrong to assume Chapter 5 will be similar in that respect?


Somewhat, yes. There will be a very similar open world segment and later an "endgame" open world with more quests in preparation for the final section.


Just played 48.1, and those spiders were ludicrous. They made the Stineford House of Horrors look like Candyland. Their damage output is horrifying. On the plot note: Our new friend is...interesting. Seeing someone so outwardly calm suddenly act like that is pure whiplash, and kind of weird - though it works, even if it makes me cringe since everything about what she's mocking is cringeworthy. Still playing through, but first impressions.


Also: Her artwork is jarring, but it fits since she's from so many eras prior she gives the word 'ancient' a hell of a workout.


Sounds like the spiders are still too strong. Apart from making it so disrupt doesn't work on them anymore did you weaken the spiders at all?

Nathan Phoenix

48.1 cant pass the last spider fight at all. At level 74-76 it one shots two or three party members. Update: Yep finaly got lucky and killed the weakest spider before Shadow Web killed all 4 party members, even Hils with mammoth armor. Hope I'm not missing any good items cause I have to skip this one.


I enjoyed the challenge and have no problem needing multiple attempts to beat it, but I think Dank Potatoes has it right - if this isn't supposed to be the hardest fight (to date), then it's too hard. If it is, great.


It will be possible to complete it later for little cost, but in any case it will be easier in version 0.48.2.


I've been replaying this myself and I think it's time to admit that sometimes my own experience with a boss isn't an accurate benchmark. It will be changed in the next version.


SL, you might want to check your PMs on LOK if you have not already. Musical74, a regular over there wrote a fanfic for Antarion trying to score with Vera and her group. No idea how his writing is, but it sounds like it should be an interesting read.