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Lots of satisfying end-of-year stuff going on. I've invested some very productive time into writing, the least of which is finally getting the story version of that scene up on Literotica:


So it's there if you want to read it in long form. You could also rate it up if you feel like. This will not accomplish much unless it happens to draw some people to TLS, but it will make the monkey part of my brain happy.

I have a Once Ever After update ready, but I'm waiting on the sprite artist to finish a single animation. This guy goes AWOL sometimes, so I may need to post without it. =/ Expect to see both an update on the Steam page and a more detailed update for higher tier backers.

Some of you may have heard about Patreon striking some NSFW accounts again, this time including a text-based game. Since some of you have messaged me, I wanted to reassure people that I haven't been hit. There's no way of knowing what will happen, but thanks to all of you I'm becoming increasingly resistant to such threats.

Finally, DankPotatoes has made another TLS meme if you want to check it out:


Back next week!


Vitreous Humour

As a creator, and one who is heavily in-tune with all the happenings, what is your impression of Subscribestar? Would it be convenient for you to have patrons start switching over, just in case Patreon goes all Yahoo Groups/Tumblr on you?


I only keep the SubscribeStar open because a few diehard fans don't want to support Patreon. SubscribeStar has been a bit frustrating to deal with, not monetarily worth the small amount of funding I get there. Plus, I don't want to divide players and have to duplicate more reports/updates. In any case, the root problem is global payment processors. If SubscribeStar became the new Patreon, they'd likely start running into problems and going in a similar direction. I think the only real security is to become stable enough that no single platform can kill a project, which is what I've been trying to do.


Nice to hear that it's going well Sierra. Now, i'm having a slow week, with way too much spare time, and decided to do something a bit different from traditional update-feedback. I would like to offer some loose opinions and observations on the game, now that the first chapter 5 free-roaming section is approaching at some point in the not-so-distant future. I hope it will be at least a little helpfull, and that some of my observations can help polish the update before it hits, since you, like a certain bearded man, are doomed to "react instead of acting" in response to feedback. Take it with a grain of salt, as i'm sure you've already thought of the most of these things: First i would like to bring up some past decisions and factors that seem to have faded into the background, which i'm slightly worried you may have forgotten about: -The Yhilini Expatriate Program, potentionally set in motion during the Ardford Summit was said to be expand to other nations, but so far there has been no mention of it's effects. Now the we are likely headed to Ghenalon next, it seems like an obvious place for the Program to have a visible effect. -Givini Equality: This one may be just me who has failed to see it's effects, but i don't think i've seen this switch utilized in New Givini after activating it after the 3AW, in the petition chamber -Likewise, the Monster Patrol petition has had no mention either after being activated after the 3AW. Some NPC's working for this new faction with a couple of dialogue lines would be somewhat cool -Not quite important, but visiting Vinario might be interesting at some point in Chapter 5, after all the trouble of scamming the scammer out of his deeds -I hope the Aram Border and CD score will play a role in the Aram/Eustrin act. It's all to easy for dirty min/maxers like myself to avoid putting funding into the Aram Border, just to increase the damage they take, to reduce the cost of the embassy ;) Next up are a couple of minor characters that have fallen a bit to the wayside, who i personally hope will return in one way or another -I almost feel stupid asking, because of course you've thought about it, but there is a plan for the Lord of Blood right? It may be intentionally that his name hasn't come up since the Gathering, but just wanted to make sure -Lexande was a pretty cool dude, for the 10 lines of dialogue he had. I hope we'll have a chance to meet him again, if negotiations with Philon ever become relevant -Nia has been stuck in the orc breeding lab for several years. The poor girl deserves a break. At least for long enough to talk a bit with her, i think -Sister Beatrice in Ardford is stuck in a somewhat depressing situation. I hope we see if a less restrictive church can help her in any way Next up, a short list of investments that i think could benefit from having a direct role in the plot in Chapter 5, as they often aren't worth their cost at their current strength: -Tak'Kan Trade stands out to me as the weakest of the 3 "Trades" when investing after the 3AW. The Chalice States can have it's cost reduced, and New Givini Trade has a direct role to play in the Ardford Crisis. Tak'Kan trade, meanwhile has no additional benefits, and belongs to the new state with easiest to raise score (many Tak'Kan investments are quite strong). It may be too late, but it could benefit from having more benefits -Orc Democracy is rather unimpressive, compared to the other million-pron-investments in chapter 4. It provides a chunk of social score, but otherwise has roughly the same effects as Orc Pools, both during the Erosian Crisis and Erosian War, while it costs twice as much. I hope it will have some significance in chapter 5. -The New Givini Mage Guild is probably the second weakest million-investment, but not that bad of an offender. This investment might also benefit from some additional benefits -The Mercenary Flotilla was pretty mediocre back in Chapter 2. Now it's looking even worse, as it didn't play a significant role in any war so far. I feel like a strong fleet should be more significant on the broader scale. One (perhaps unrealistic wish) i had for chapter 5 was the possibility of some additional naval investments and eventual naval battle, now that wars are looking more and more intercontinental. The Merc Flotilla could finally find a use. -Of course, the by far strangest/weakest chapter 4 investment has to be the Helvenna Warehouse. No role in any conflict so far, practically benefitfree in chapter 4. So far it's no better than flower speculation. What's up with that? Finally, a little request on the matter of sx: At the end of chapter 4 i could afford to buy all the combat characters the absolute best weapons and armor buyable in the game stores, and still entered chapter 5 with over 70,000pron. I think introducing an equipment store with absolutely endgame-tier equipment, at ludicrous prices (maybe even more than 100,000sx for a weapon) would be very cool. With access to Ghenalon seemingly imminent, it seems like there is even a lorefriendly place for elite enchanters and weaponsmiths to produce high end gear for ridiculously rich customers. I can't be the only player who has completely run out of locations to spend money. Hope you could stand to read through my ramblings, Sierra. Don't feel obligated to respond, if you fear that commenting on my suggestions might spoil something yet to come. Have fun working, and merry christmas!


Some decent ideas there but I would comment on a few: &gt;Not quite important, but visiting Vinario might be interesting at some point in Chapter 5, after all the trouble of scamming the scammer out of his deeds The land that was Vinario is now part of Tak'Kan. Which part may not matter too much, as it was destroyed by the Incubus King. &gt;I hope the Aram Border and CD score will play a role in the Aram/Eustrin act. It's all to easy for dirty min/maxers like myself to avoid putting funding into the Aram Border, just to increase the damage they take, to reduce the cost of the embassy ;) You say this and wink as if it's not <i>supposed</i> to do that. A significant number of players don't like Aram and are happy to let them take the brunt of things. Plus, there's the tradeoff with Hilstara injuries if you really let the Aram front go to shit. &gt;Nia has been stuck in the orc breeding lab for several years. The poor girl deserves a break. Presumably she's not stuck there, otherwise whoever manages the breeding pits has some explaining to do... &gt;Orc Democracy is rather unimpressive It's rule by the people, where the people are on average more aggressive and less intelligent than average. I would be shocked if it turned out to be a runaway success. &gt;Of course, the by far strangest/weakest chapter 4 investment has to be the Helvenna Warehouse. No role in any conflict so far, practically benefitfree in chapter 4. So far it's no better than flower speculation. What's up with that? It does raise Chalice States score, but it's not an investment so much as disaster relief funds. If the Chalice States is in good shape, it's to be expected that it wouldn't do much good.


You make an interesting point decanter. To see the remains of the kingdom of vinario which as grubbak said is in the lands of tak'kan. And honestly I don't think the orcs could do well with democracy until all the orcs have the same level of intelligence as orcent, and grubbak as deep thinkers. But I'm hoping those investments made go a long way to helping the orcs achieve that goal. And in the case of Erosia and the IKD compared to aram. I see the reasoning behind it. The idea being that Erosia and IKD come to accept the doom king and basically earning their goodwill which would only benefit him. Whereas Aram wanted nothing more than to invade yhilin even before the doom king appeared, so the idea is Simon knew he would never win over Aram the same way he won over Erosia and the IKD.

Quiet Stranger

I have dutifully created an account in support of your depraved limbic highs. I've even gone back to rate some of my other fond memories, like "Gentle Violence" and "War of Lust." Favorited. Five stars. Enjoy.


Hi Sierra! Long time fan, first time comment here - I just want to say, TLS is the greatest thing I have ever played. I have played video games my whole life (I started with a ps one and Spyro Year of the Dragon when I was maybe 6) and nothing out there is written this well, is this complex, or is this fun and satisfying. This game is so good that I made spreadsheets about it voluntarily. It's so good that I actually told my girlfriend that this game existed, and explained 1) rpgmaker games in general and 2) adult games. Anyway, what I'm saying is, apropos your recent reflective post, I am so glad you chased making this thing and I believe that the world in general is a better place for it. Thank you!


Hello! I appreciate your support as well as your kind words. It has been very gratifying to find so many people who enjoy what I've created. ^-^