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It's time to open up The Brightest Shadow to all $5 backers! This is early access to my epic fantasy novel that is coming out in early 2020, depending on book seasons and my other releases.

What to say about this? It's the first volume in an epic fantasy series. Though I know it won't appeal to everyone, what I can say is that I feel it's the most similar to TLS in scope and that I believe in it as a story I want to tell. As I said a while back, this is sort of a path not taken when it comes to TLS, with a "the hero is the villain" premise played straight instead of for comedy.

Anyway, enough prelude. Here is the book in PDF, epub, and mobi:


Changes: This is very similar to previous releases and there would be no reason to reread except for the prelude. It has received several changes, mostly stripping out all flourishes in an attempt to make it more straightforward. Feedback welcome.

Stuff For Readers 

The most valuable thing you can give me is your feedback, however works best for you! But if you have an Amazon.com account and think the book is worth a good review, please let me know so I can get a rough estimate of launch reviews. Regardless of if you can/want to review, if you give me feedback, let me know a name/pseudonym and I'll put you in the book's acknowledgements.

If you like what you've read or just want a taste of the world, check out the following worldbuilding posts:

Introduction: https://thebrightestshadow.blogspot.com/2019/10/the-brightest-shadow-introduction.html 

Coran Culture: https://thebrightestshadow.blogspot.com/2019/10/the-brightest-shadow-corans.html 

Magic System: https://thebrightestshadow.blogspot.com/2019/10/the-brightest-shadow-sein.html 

Rhen Culture: https://thebrightestshadow.blogspot.com/2019/10/the-brightest-shadow-rhen.html 

Mansthein Species/Culture: https://thebrightestshadow.blogspot.com/2019/10/the-brightest-shadow-mansthein.html 

Oken Culture: https://thebrightestshadow.blogspot.com/2019/10/the-brightest-shadow-oken.html 

Maps: https://thebrightestshadow.blogspot.com/2019/10/the-brightest-shadow-three-cultures.html 

Final: https://thebrightestshadow.blogspot.com/2019/10/the-brightest-shadow-beyond-chorhan.html 

They have a bunch of art, additional info, and other fun stuff. ^-^ Feel free to mention if you have any questions/comments on those too, since I intend to make them public posts eventually. Thanks again to everyone who supports me!


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