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Hey guys, time for another overall direction update thing. But before I get into that, you probably didn't get a notification message about Decanter's new guide. Check it out just before this post. I wanted to give you guys a heads up that sometime relatively soon I'll be making a new announcement. I've been actively pursuing a number of different options, but I want to put them in context first. In addition to part-time work, I have my housing lined up. There will still be some hassle finishing my main job, dealing with visa paperwork, moving, etc. Still, I'm glad to have plans in place that should make this transition as smooth as possible. I have several months of comfortable part time work before I would need to make a decision about a new contract. Potentially more, depending on various unknown variables. In that time, I want to give creative projects my all and see whether or not it would be possible to make games full time at any point in the future. In order to do that, I've finished my half time job early. I think this was probably a wise bet, and regardless of that, it leaves me with more time for new efforts. The first you'll be seeing is a collaboration between myself and an artist. We're going to start with a fairly straightforward and conventional game, but one that I hope will be fun (and we're aiming for very high visual quality). I have my fingers crossed that it will be successful and the beginning of a fruitful partnership. What I wanted to do here was reassure everyone that it won't interfere with the creation of TLS. Even under my present conditions, I've been able to handle production on both games simultaneously. Unless my productivity just plummets, with so much more time freed up soon I should be able to do a lot. Anyway, my heart is obviously with this project, but I don't want to make just one game and disappear. I hope to be doing this for a long time, and I'm going to take some careful steps to see how plausible that is.


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