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This week had a ton of up and downs. You may or may not have heard about how Patreon had a problem with charging cards. It's resolved now, but it was a little alarming at first and people who rely on Patreon income had some unpleasant times. I'm bleeding out backers, but hopefully they were opportunists instead of disappointed fans. T-T Anyway, this week I made just average progress due to work. My job tends to go in cycles and I should get some easier weeks soon, so I'm confident I'll pick up the slack. One of the first things I did was get together all of the new assets. You're going into a new area, which means some new tiles, but none of these have been properly set up. This isn't just setting up the tilesets, though - I also tested them out and did tweaking until I had a new map I was happy with. You'll get to see some fun areas next time. ^-^ Also jumped ahead and wrote a bunch of the core scenes (sex and otherwise) for this update. Just... kind of because that's what I was feeling inspired to do. You can expect a new harem member this update, somebody you already know. After that, though, wrenches are getting thrown straight into the works. This update is really going to move the plot forward, hopefully in a direction you all enjoy but didn't necessarily expect.



Simon needs a whip. *Nods sagely* ((Is a total Castlevania fan))


I hadn't heard anything about Patreon having any problems. I got my e-mail on the 2nd, just like every other month, informing me it went through. Anyway, glad that got cleared up, and, hopefully, as you said, the backers who are dropping out are just the leeches and not disappointed fans. Now for wild speculation: Is our new harem member going to be Carina? She did say she was going to the watch towers, and the moment I heard that the Incubus King was going to invade Ardoheim, I thought that Carina was right in the line of fire and Simon would probably have to rescue her. Also, does anyone else suspect King Alonon may have a soul fragment? As always, I don't expect the author to comment on this, but I'd enjoy hearing other patrons' thoughts.


I also did not have problems with the charge going through. Speculation: Of those we know, Carina, Janine and Robin all seem likely choices. That said, there are a few others (ancillary characters) who could definitely also fit the bill. And yes, I suspect the tiring Alonon has one.


Sierra, look what you've done. You started a speculation thread. *Smirks and then laughs*


"If/When Robin does join ...it's a result of something like what happened to Aka." That remains my guess if it's Robin. I believe she's too young for Simon, though much more mature mentally than her classmates. That said, he'd go to whatever lengths necessary to save her from deterioration into a f#@ktoy that we all know is a result of being around Simon for too long these days. That said, Carina is still my #1 guess, although I could also be convinced the naga wants to join the party.