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Okay, the plan is to release the public version on the weekend (Friday night for North American time zones). People seem to be in agreement now is fine and I want to be available for responses/problems before the work week kicks in and my schedule becomes hectic again. If you'll indulge me, I'll run one last piece of promo art by you: http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah284/sierraleeauthor/AkaWIP2.2_zps1tpakpep.png If you guys think the sketchy WIP looks so awful that it'll turn people off the project, I'll drop it. Likewise with the required censoring. I'd like to have an image of some kind to advertise the content, but it can wait if necessary. This image would be replaced, obviously, with new art and also when the numbers change significantly. Other than that, I'm just going to run with things. On Saturday I'll resolve any final bug reports and compile 0.8.2, then make the change. New name and everything. I'll finalize the promotional stuff we've discussed as best I can and send it out there. If there are missteps with that, they can be fixed later. For the most part, I think I just need to get people to give the game a chance and then let it speak for itself. No sense delaying any longer.



The white censorship makes the image look more unfinished than it is - would a slightly more obvious form of censorship work better? (Grey circles instead of white, perhaps?) Just a thought. Otherwise, good luck with the launch!


Truthfully, I don't think the image as is represents your project in a positive light. While I personally have just enough of an artist's eye to see the direction the picture is taking and have a good feeling about it, many people will just see a super unfinished sketch, lacking important details, and think "super unfinished project, lacking important details." Assuming I haven't missed a pitch update since the one on May 12th, I think you can just straight up leave the image out until it's ready. Maybe for the time being stick the "x scenes y hours" in the corners of the "new content every month" pic.


Why the heck am I not getting comment notifications anymore? Anyway, I'll drop the image for now and run with everything else once the uploads have finished. (Decanter, it'll include feedback from your most recent email, but I'll write up my response later.)


Couldn't tell you. Starting to think the answer to questions like this is "because Patreon". Try emailing support?