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We're very close to having everything we need. I've seen the new Yarra expressions and they look good, they just need a modification to look good in RPG Maker. I've approved the color on the title screen and I'm confident the next version will be the one I'll go with. It will take me a little while to test everything, but still... soon. ^-^ Meanwhile, I could still use: - Ideas for screenshots of the lines you think are funniest. - General promotion ideas. - Feedback on the new version of the pitch and accompanying images. PITCH 2.0: [Title screen, for non-Patreon locations.] The Last Sovereign is an adult fantasy RPG that plunges you into the saga of a world torn between forces of lust and purity. As you enter the complex conflict, you forge a new path that will change the course of history! ...maybe. The thing is, acting like most heroes gets you killed, and most evil overlords' plans make no sense. The Last Sovereign is a game that twists your expectations for adult games, while fully embracing a reconstruction of some familiar old tropes to provide a lot of fun, sexy content. [I'd like an image saying "X hours of gameplay, 30+ sex scenes" but I don't know what to use.] By telling a story that has sex as an integral component, The Last Sovereign offers a deep storyline that naturally includes sex scenes. No need to grind for hours or lose to every enemy to find the content. Not only will you adventure in a world where sex is a weapon, you'll build a harem of fully-realized characters with their own reasons for being with you... in and out of the bedroom. [See attached image. This took a while, since I'm not terribly good at image manipulation. I hope you guys don't see something massively wrong with it, since I'm reasonably satisfied (but I never know about fonts). These are five characters with dynamic designs who are already in the story (as of 0.8.0) who I'm happy with representing the game in the future. We also get a solid range of hair color, hair length, clothing, and personality.] The game has been updated with a new chapter every month without fail, each update adding more sex scenes and advancing the intricate plot. You'll not only battle monsters and explore dungeons, you'll negotiate with kings, survive steamy encounters with succubi, investigate mysteries, dominate the world economically, and claim a glorious destiny!




Huh, when attached the image looks screwy to me. No time to figure this out now, just look at this one: <a href="http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah284/sierraleeauthor/Group%20Shot%20Content_zpsw3ltizzy.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah284/sierraleeauthor/Group%20Shot%20Content_zpsw3ltizzy.png</a>

Notalie Portman

Looks fine one my phone. Unless the text on the photobucket image is supposed to be on the attached image as well?


I love how this has progress from its roots full of awesome ness to this sexy beast of a game. Instead of content you could try "New surprises every months as updates bring in more things to explore and enjoy". Also " Try this RPG that has not only has a unique flair and sense of humor, but is aware of its predecessor and their repetitiveness. The Last Sovoreign is a game that does not require endless hours of grinding and repetition. All it requires is some time(and privacy), and a sense of humor and exploration." "Sex is not a gimmick in this game, its a cornerstone with its beautiful visual and unique battle systems." " Ever wonder what the Veteran that trains the heroes does when the hero fails, Simon will answer that. Join him on an adventure of laugh, sexyness and endless possibilities as he takes saving the world (and the ladies) (from stupidity) in his own hands (and pants). Meet charming characters that you will grow fond of as they proceed to turn a typical RPG into something truly Unique and beautiful." ...sorry went on a rant. You may proceed to ignore this. This is a sample of what i like about simon and crew and the respect(and worship) that i have for you to not only continue with your work, but for sharing it with us, knowing that the internet can be a horrible place. While the title may change and some character get made over (happy bubbles didn't change) in my mind (like a parent) it will always be The Last Fucklord, a precious jewel in a sea of wonder. sincerely Wanderer


#Young Simon confirmed (; (messed with photobucket accidently)