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I can't seem to edit the old post anymore, so here you go, progress: CRITICAL TO DO LIST - New chapter added. (DONE) - All ten new sex scenes implemented. (DONE) - New city NPCs and flavor text. (DONE) - Complete playthrough for final testing. I'm holding off on this until all other updates are included. IDEAL TO DO LIST - Prologue remake. New tilsets and graphics for the scenes at the end. (DONE) - Increase the icon set. (DONE) - Mushroom quest guy. (DONE) WAITING LIST - Commissioned a custom title screen. - Getting a custom font for title/chapter screens. (DONE) - I've commissioned more emotion facesets for Yarra's new look. (50%) - The Hilstara art above is preliminary, the final version will be a little better. (DONE) So, the situation is that I've finished almost everything, but I'm waiting on art. As you can see, it's not trivial art, either. I should see one inked and colored this weekend, but I've only approved sketches of the other. Hopefully I'll receive those soon and the game can release fully polished next week. Once I receive the art, it won't take too long to do my final playthrough and iron out any kinks I've made (already done my low level game run for initial testing). If the art takes longer... we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Meanwhile, it's time for us to discuss the issue of promotion. Once I finish this version, I want to promote the game more seriously. That will start with a better pitch here on Patreon and in the threads. If people are going to look at the game due to the revamp, I want to put its best foot forward. I suck at promotion, though, so I thought I'd run this past you guys. THE PITCH: The Last Sovereign is an epic adult RPG that plunges you into a world torn between forces of lust and purity. As you enter the complex conflict, you set down a path that will change the course of history. Negotiate with kings, survive steamy encounters with succubi, dominate the world economically, and claim your destiny! [Some kind of sexy image, advertising the fact that the game has 30+ sex scenes. Not sure what to use here, but I do have some decent-looking WIP art from the artist who went AWOL.] By telling a story that has sex as an integral component, The Last Sovereign offers a deep storyline without forcing you to play for hours just to reach a single sex scene. Not only will you adventure in a world where sex is a weapon, you'll build a harem of fully-realized characters with their own reasons for being with you... in and out of the bedroom. [An image advertising monthly updates. I was thinking a group shot of some of the characters with the most dynamic designs: new Yarra, Qum, maybe Megail.] The game has been updated with a new chapter every month without fail. You'll not only battle monsters and explore dungeons, you'll engage in negotiations, investigate mysteries, and enter the complex financial system. Each update adds more sex scenes and advances the intricate plot! - That's my first draft, anyway. Ugh, I can never be objective about these things, they all seem weird to me. Anyway, let me know what you think. Meanwhile, I'd like to use this thread to discuss presentation and promotion in general. You'll notice I added a new goal - it will be a lot of work, but I think worth it in the end. One last question: do you think I should change my blog name/title/url? Part of me is just tempted to keep the url. Not that I've earned all that much of a following (though I do have great search engine ranks), I'm just not sure how much it matters. I suspect people will find it and no one will care too much if the blog uses the old name.



Congrats on getting all the stuff except the art done so soon. I hope the artist comes through fast so I can see all the hard work you've put in...and the smexy stuff too :P For the pitch, I think that "depravity and limpidness" work better at describing the opposing forces than "lust and purity". Beyond that, I liked it and would be interested if I wasn't already a fan of the game. As for the blog name, up to you as I don't know enough to really be able to help one way or another.


An update already! I have all the custom font stuff done - not just for this chapter, but for the entire game. That's the advantage of having a clear plan. ^-^


I asked a friend who had no idea what the game was about to read your pitch so that I could get some first impressions on the matter. They thought that the game you're making is like an open-world adult RPG, kind of like and Elder Scrolls game with sex. They also wondered if you could optionally play a large amount of gameplay between sex scenes if they wanted to since you mentioned low required gameplay between scenes. So, I think they liked the pitch, but it was misleading to them.


Thanks for going to the trouble! I hope to get as much feedback as possible, but I'll definitely take this into account.


Sorry for the late input on this. I didn't even get an email from Patreon the day of, and then I was terribly busy. I'm surprised how few responses there are - did you make this a $10-only post or something? May I suggest doing a playthrough and backer release once the only thing you're waiting on is the title art? That seems like it would be easy to slot in for the public release without introducing bugs. I showed your pitch to someone and he said, "Sounds like CoC with more depth" and "Negotiation/politics and an economy are huge plusses for me. Also the promise of no grinding for sex scenes, and deep characters that are more than fap-fodder. Would definitely check out." So, appealing and definitely communicating some of the strong points, but maybe creating an impression of more free-roam or branching gameplay than there is. This might not be a problem - most people expect an introduction to be linear, you don't actually promise or mislead along those lines, and by the time they realize it's not gonna be 2d-Skyrim-with-sex they should be hooked anyway. "epic" is a word basically worthless from overuse. Everything's "epic" these days, often in no sense but the unwarrantedly hyperbolic. Maybe pick a different word that speaks to what's "epic" about the game? "forge a path" sounds cooler than "set down a path". Maybe even "forge a new path" to emphasize that you're not just picking a side per standard RPG plotlines? Maybe plop the word "fantasy" in there somewhere, as shorthand for pre-Industrial-with-magic setting. "You'll not only battle monsters and explore dungeons, you'll engage in negotiations, investigate mysteries, and enter the complex financial system." This sentence doesn't fit in the paragraph about updates, and is partly redundant with "Negotiate with kings, survive steamy encounters with succubi, dominate the world economically, and claim your destiny!" I'd merge the former into the latter, something like "You'll not only battle monsters and explore dungeons, you'll negotiate with kings, investigate mysteries, survive steamy encounters with succubi, dominate the world economically, and claim a glorious destiny!" (Point of order, though: IS Simon a destined hero? So far he seems like The Unchosen One, to steal a TVTropes phrase. Indeed, the idea of Chosen Ones seems mocked in this game.) I think it's also worth mentioning that you don't have to grind a lot or lose battles to see sex scenes. In your original pitch, you said this: "The Last Fucklord is a fantasy story about a world locked in battle between lust and purity, but it's not going to go in the direction you think it will. Well, maybe. Thinking you'll start off with a first level party and slowly gain power until you beat the final evil? Nope. Thinking you'll start off as an evil overlord and conquer the forces of purity? Nope. Going for something a little trickier that will hopefully be a lot of sexy fun." I liked this pitch, and in particular the idea that it wasn't going to be a typical RPG, doing its own thing instead. Your description hinted at novelty and deconstruction (and this is probably why that guy on /r/rational picked it up). I'd try to preserve something of this in your new description. Plus, some people might not persevere for the twist if you don't hint at it at all. Oh yes, and there's one good point of your writing that isn't mentioned: humor! Perhaps add a screenshot for this? Humor is best demonstrated rather than mentioned as an informed ability. I think the only other thing unmentioned is that the combat aspect is the custom scripting and polish put into things like the combat system. These too are better experienced than told, but maybe a screenshot of the new custom shops with a fun item description highlighted could be a humor screenshot? Monthly updates group shot sounds good. Might I suggest Carina or Sarai in addition to Megail and the two succubi, to illustrate a fuller range of harem girls? However, I think using WIP art you don't intend to put in the final product (since it's unlikely to be finished) is sort of dishonest. Will none of the commissioned sex scenes be Consider adding a screenshot of the custom title, if it turns out well. I do think you should change blog name and URL. If the blog name is the name of a game, it should be the game spotlighted on the blog. People who passed over your game in a forum because of the thread title may still do so when they see your blog title. I think "Last Sovereign" will pull a good search rank as well, and it's what people will be looking for if someone just mentions the name of the game. Besides, you can leave a redirect to the new blog and benefit from the search results of both, can't you? Gonna put promotion links in a separate post in case Patreon decides I'm a spammer again.


For starters you can ask to be added to these threads: <a href="http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php/407862" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php/407862</a> and <a href="http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=21803" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=21803</a> You could post on this forum that has thousands of users, although they're not super active and I'd wait til you have more art <a href="http://www.toonchamp.com/phpBB3/viewforum.php?f=6" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.toonchamp.com/phpBB3/viewforum.php?f=6</a> You could head over to reddit and start a thread at <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFWgaming" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFWgaming</a> - and visit the existing thread at <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/rational/comments/34p9zw/nsfwwip_the_last_f_lord_no_really/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.reddit.com/r/rational/comments/34p9zw/nsfwwip_the_last_f_lord_no_really/</a> to say hi and respond to some comments. Maybe mention you're new to reddit (if true) and ask what boards they think would appreciate knowing this game exists. There are also anonymous imageboards, but I recall you're from a censorious country so maybe it's better to let someone else go there for you. I'm not even sure which ones would be appropriate, although there's probably a relevant board on 8ch since their gimmick is that anyone can make a board, like some sort of all-anonymous reddit.