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Hey, everybody! It's time for one of the important developments for 2019, so please take a moment to read and vote in the poll!


Since half of my development time recently opened up and I have finished my initial objectives for novels, I am considering starting a new game project. To that end, I'm making this poll to get a sense for everyone's interests.

Now, I understand that some of you would prefer me to put double the normal time into TLS, but I'm afraid that wouldn't work well. Not only would it lead to an exhausting pace of releases, I would burn out. Shifting between two different projects has worked well to keep my creativity flowing in the past, so I think it is a good balance. Having said that, I included the final option in the poll if you object to the idea of starting a second project. It is not a foregone conclusion that I'll take this path at all, so please give your honest opinion.

Anyway, the reason this is all happening is because I have an offer for a collaboration from Redd. If you don't remember Redd, they drew Crimson Gray, most of Desecration of Wings, and some TLS fanart:

I have enjoyed working with Redd in the past, and while no working relationship is perfect, doing a collaboration together would sidestep most issues in this case. Redd is in high demand and their commission rates increase steadily, so when I received this offer I took it very seriously.

Financially, it would probably make the most sense for me to focus on writing more novels instead of starting another game project. However, I hope I've made it clear that money is not the most important factor in my decisions. I think this is a potentially fun opportunity, so if you guys are generally open to the idea, I'd like to explore it.

However, one huge decision remains: what project to start with (if we go forward). Redd and I talked about this, and their preference was that I make a broad poll with many options to see how people would react. There's no guarantee we'd pick the top voted one, but they felt it was an important step since we support ourselves with our work and this is not just a creative decision. I also wanted to give all of you a chance to provide input or voice objections if you don't like this direction.

Having said all that, I will now make an effort to explain a wide variety of potential ideas. They have various stages of complexity and levels of development, plus some are easier to describe that others. Whatever is chosen, I'd create it to the best of my ability, so please just vote for the idea(s) that you think are most interesting to you. If you want to object or choose the "meh" option, that is useful information too!

Potential Projects (all titles WIP)

TLS Spinoff: I know many people would want Redd's art for TLS, and I'd like to see that too, but unfortunately Redd can't commit to joining the TLS Patreon for multiple reasons. I also feel that patrons would be justified in objecting to TLS content being split into two locations. Having said that, I know TLS is first in many people's hearts and I would love to do more with it, so I wanted to include this option first. The spirit of this option is clear, the implementation is not. (RPG?)

Crimson Gray 2: The first true sequel would pick up with Lizzie and John as adults and be substantially larger than the original or Dusk and Dawn. Instead of just focusing on the two of them, we'd have multiple other characters (including another yandere) and see them facing a wider variety of issues in adulthood. I have some ideas I really love for this couple, like their kids who inherit Lizzie's condition, and this would be one way that their story could be continued. (VN)

Menage a Zombie: This one can be summarized as "Sex Zombie Apocalypse" - a zombie apocalypse happens where the zombies try to have sex with people. The main character's wife gets infected, but she retains her intelligence in zombie form. By having sex with her husband, she regains her ability to speak, restores her body, and evolves into stronger zombie types. They team up to adventure into the post-apocalypse, meeting other surviving humans and intelligent zombies. This is one of my old favorite concepts that's never found a home, sadly. (RPG or VN)

Family Squared: It starts off seeming like the stereotypical game where a dude bangs his "step-family", then it turns into a batshit insane story involving alternate dimensions. Imagine the guy's sister acting seductive in private and cold in public... then both versions appear in the same scene, annihilate one another, and reset time. =D This one would be taking a huge risk of Patreon disapproving, but Redd wanted me to include it in the poll. (VN)

Monster House: You're a guy trapped in a house with a bunch of monsters/ghosts that want to kill and/or bang you. Over the course of multiple days you have to manage stamina and sanity meters while trying to find a way out. Though you can escape alone, you can also unravel the mystery of who the monsters/ghosts are and what happened in the house, potentially getting together with one of them. (VN-style, but not really)

Hoarding Princesses: One of my newer ideas, a management/VN hybrid in which you play as a dragon with an urge to hoard not gold, but princesses. Working with your old friend, a shepherdess who hatched your egg as a child, you can terrorize the countryside, fight knights, and obtain princesses. Though the tone would be serious politics, expect quite a few princesses who would have their reasons to go willingly with a dragon. Gameplay would be resource management, but don't expect a trainer-style game where you spam collecting money - imagine something more like Sengoku Rance, each turn being valuable as the political situation shifts around you. (VN with heavy gameplay)

Super Happy Fun Time Waifu Simulator: You bump into a girl on your way to school and receive two choices: help her or ignore her. If you help her, you instantly enter a love route and end up getting together. If you ignore her, you bump into a different girl and get together with her. When you reload, there's a third option: "Run screaming in terror." From there it just gets weirder as you try to go about your day without getting a Happy End with anyone. (VN, weird)

Monstropolis: This is one that has shown up several times before, even once as a VN proof of concept. The idea is that a fantasy world with monster girls has gone on developing into the modern day, where adventuring has become archaic. It's a story about the relationships between a cast of diverse monster girls and a man built for a previous era. I like a ton about this project, but what's held it back is that my concept is more of a straightforward story, not something with a lot of gameplay. (KN)

You can vote for as many options as you want in the poll, so please do so! There's no end date, but I hope to have a general sense of everyone's opinions after this weekend. Questions and discussion in the comments are also welcome.



So I voted for the Hoarding Princess one for a "serious" game that I would actually play semi-seriously and the Waifu Simulator for something I would play while drunk. The latter reminds me a lot of the Super Seducer games where I click all the answers just to see what ridiculous things will happen


Hey! Voting for Hoarding Princesses. I like the political stuff. I'd ask you to consider making an RPG with such things that isn't erotic and not embarrassing to talk about in polite company though. It's my favorite aspect of your games, so it sucks to not be able to recommend you through it. Probably not the best choice for your partnership project though. I'd also be happy to get a monstergirl VN if you wanted to keep the setting in reserve though :P (note: I have a thing for plant girls)

Fake Name

I voted for Hoarding Princesses because I'm curious to see this setting fleshed out with good characters.


Abstain. Sorry. Too many choices about too many genres I don't really do to make a meaningful choice.


I'm all for Hoarding Princess. I think it might scratch the same itch as TLS for me and Sengoku Rance is one of my favourite adult games out there. That being said most of these suggestions seams to suit your style of picking a trope and twisting it by 180 degrees.


I chose both none of the above and save for another project. The reason is that I read the basic premise of them but didn't really hear what type of gameplay elements were being used (in the case of the zombie game ((which I love those types of so E right with survival and sexy)) I would need to know what sort of mechanics you would be using, like food, water, build/upgrade, sex with other zombies or NTR ((your zombie wife with other males to make her stronger)) and also choices that could potentially make a few different endings). While some were said (VN and KN) I personally prefer a more hands on and choice driven game (rpg maker and the like where you could tell a character, add to their inventory and choose the outcome with battle and/or avoiding through charisma and sex appeal). Though with that being said I did check the zombie one at the end of this because...we don't have many and I've been a fan of your work for years...so I think you'd be able to pull off a very detailed and enjoyable game (even without the 18+ setting)


oh man, so many fun-sounding options. I think Hoarding Princesses is my favorite, but I've always liked media that explores smacking the edges of reality and see how it reacts, so I'm also going to go with Family Squared.


all of these ideas sound so incredible!


Where's the 'vote several times' button? I've wanted a game like hoarding princesses for forever!


So far we have several comments mentioning only one thing they approve of. I am not sure people are realizing they can do multiple votes; maybe put that bit in bold or something? Doesn't help that the poll widget seems slow to respond to being clicked. Although I'm quite happy it <i>is</i> a multiple selection poll. Anyway, thoughts: TLS Spinoff - No. If you have a good concept for this, certainly eventually, but not while TLS is still going. I realize that the concept of too much TLS at once may sound heretical to some people here, but hey, call me a syncretist I guess. CG2 - Yes. I mean, unless there's someone else you want to hire for CG2. Menage a Zombie - No. I'd give this one a chance but it doesn't appeal like some other things here. Also, Patreon explicitly lists necrophilia as an extreme fetish they object to, so why take the risk? Family Squared - No. See Menage comments. Monster House - Yes. I've seen games that do this before, but I feel you'd have a good take on it, and other games I've seen like this have rather undeveloped stubs of endings that aren't "escape" or "destroy". Fleeing with a monster, or teaming up with one to put things right, appeals to me, as does the possibility of a trick ending where you think you're going to do one of those but you chose the wrong one to trust. This one appeals most to me I think. Hoarding Princesses - Yes, unless you think Patreon might call bestiality on dragon fuckin', because I want at least some scenes in dragon form. If you get a bunch of votes for monster girl stuff but also for this, consider having princesses of various races like in Towergirls or Divinity? Might be a good idea anyway. Super Happy Fun Time Waifu Simulator - No. I'd try it, but I'd want to know more about this before voting for a long stint of development on it, especially since we might not have an artist forever and should prioritize. Monster Girl VN - Yes, but I will say there are at least two other potential monster girl projects here that interest me more.


There may come a day when I do a SFW game, but for now I have a lot of adult projects I want to finish. Once I get those out of my system, though, you can count on me coming back to you guys to ask about options moving forward!


Nothing wrong with an abstention! Though there's also nothing wrong with voting against the genres you don't like by selecting the others.


Yeah, it's true that you can't give a complete sense for what each game truly is. Both because there's not much space, and because in some cases not all decisions have been made yet. For the zombie game, I was thinking of having some survival mechanics, yes. No NTR, but potentially sex with other zombies, with your wife's approval. Anyway, thank you for your opinions!


What engine will these be made in?


F Squared seems interesting, but taking the risk of the Patreon hammer coming down really isn't worth it. The princess idea sounds great.


Thanks for your detailed thoughts! Based on the vote numbers I think people are voting for multiple, but it certainly doesn't hurt to make that clearer. Some replies follow. Menage a Zombie: I'm about 75% sure Patreon wouldn't have an issue with it due to personal communication with them. They've said that vampires/mummies/etc don't count as necrophilia, and they've consistently said that if a fantastical creature is sentient and able to consent, it's fine. Monster House: I'm afraid your expectations are a bit beyond the prototype I've built, but yes, I like those kinds of ideas as well. If we went with this, I'd enjoy fleshing out the survival/exploration system I've worked on. Hoarding Princesses: I'm 99% sure Patreon thinks dragons are fine. My plan is for the dragon to be able to shapeshift, with most scenes in a humanoid (but dragony) form and a smaller number in dragon form. Maybe a more human form for rare scenes, if people want.


My general preference would be to aim for something wholesome, i.e. avoiding any hint of nonconsensuality, incest, bestiality, etc. There's plenty of adult games out there for people who want to scratch those kinds of urges, and depressingly few for people like me who find that sort of thing distasteful to say the least. In terms of gameplay I would lean towards RPG/adventure rather than VN, but I'm fine with either. Thoughts on individual options: TLS spinoff: so obviously of interest that there's almost not much to say. I'd like to see some sort of prequel where we get to see characters like Simon, Wendis, Wynn and Sarai during the Second Arclentian War or the post-war skirmishes, with possible cameos from the likes of Hilstara or Geoff (fleshing out the latter would give a certain event during the 3AW more meaning). If this option could ever lead to Redd doing the art for TLS itself down the road, then this option gets approximately all of my yes. I kind of agree with Decanter that this might be a better option for when TLS is finished, though. CG2: very much yes. I think there is a lot more potential in these characters, and I'm itching to get into the meat of the KoiTec storyline. I would hope a full-on sequel would do much better than Dusk And Dawn, and might even boost sales of both it and the original if you are smart about your sale packages. Menage A Zombie: sounds like a fun concept, and it'd be nice to see zombies getting the same sympathetic treatment as TLS orcs and succubi. I worry that the setting is a bit overdone, though, and the necrophilia aspect is off-putting. Family Squared: replace the pseudo-incest aspect with something less objectionable (e.g. set it around a group of co-habiting university students, or interns at the same company), and it sounds good to me. Monster House: I like the concept of something seeming like a simple escape room-style game with a bit of combat/conflict (assuming it's not rapey), but turning into more of a detective story where the last thing you end up wanting to do is simply escape. Hoarding Princesses: seems like I'm swimming against the tide, from the early votes, but it doesn't appeal to me unless there's some in-world reason why I'd want to be controlling a looting, pillaging kidnapper. Even if it's all nice and consensual and the dragon is actually a brave freedom fighter just doing what he has to do, he's going to need to be a half-human shapeshifter for the adult aspects to work - if full-on dragon dicks are the intention, then this option gets all of my nope. SHFTWS: some adult games seem to put most or all of the sexy bits in losing situations, so the player ends up perversely incentivised to aim to lose rather than win. If I understand right, this would invert that, whereby the player is instead trying to find all the good endings they can before they get to the end. I like it, so long as it doesn't result in a bunch of grinding to get through all the different paths. Monstropolis: I enjoyed the PoC before - the characters and setting were fun and I'm interested to see where the story will go - but I'd probably be more interested if it had some gameplay. One word of warning: "Monstropolis" is the name of the city in Monsters Inc., so another name might be advisable, in case Disney comes out with a sequel with the city name in the title and then send their lawyers knocking when they hear about the way "their trademark" is being used...


A TLS spinoff with the Sexfight arena you can fund in Yhilin would be an interesting change of pace

Hartmanns Youkai

I like the idea of Hoarding Princesses the most (especially if it ends up with gameplay similar to Sengoku Rance), though I think any of these ideas could be a solid game. The only one I'd rather not see (yet) is a TLS Spinoff. I love TLS, but I would rather see this once TLS itself is basically finished. If I was in your shoes I'd also be worried that having to do back and forth thinking between TLS and the Spinoff to make sure stories agree and spoilers are avoided would partially defeat the purpose of switching between two projects, but maybe they'd be different enough games to where that wouldn't really be an issue?


I voted Hoarding Princesses solely because you mentioned Sengoku Rance as an inspiration for the gameplay and I loved the gameplay in that game.


Thanks for your detailed thoughts! All of my ideas are going to be more on that end of the spectrum, though obviously some of those have noted exceptions. Menage a Zombie: Don't worry, it wouldn't be heavy on the dripping blood and gore aspects (during the sex, anyway). I think you could get a cute design with gray/green skin color, changed eyes, stitches, etc. Hoarding Princesses: He'd have a half-human form; I listed my intent for the scene distribution in response to Decanter. In any case, doesn't do much good to assert this, but your character would be reasonably sympathetic.


Haha, I hope I didn't overhype that concept by making that comparison. But yes, I did like many of the gameplay concepts and I've always enjoyed games that require some strategic resource management.


The princess hoarder concept had me saying "Yeeeessss!" Out loud more and more as I continued on. I've literally spent time wishing there were such a game or story. I also uovoted the waifu simulatore and family squared, because I dearly love it when you get weird.


Hoarding Princesses sounds like it's the game I never knew I always wanted. Doubly so if the resource management is interesting. This is by far and away my most favored idea. In contrast, I'm having a difficult enough time keeping track of TLS story wise that even a tangential game would be unwelcomed.

Kyle S

Would hording princess be fucking in human or dragon form. Would there be options to switch?

Lord Forte

A number of interesting ideas here... Hoarding Princesses is the one I find myself most interested by, though. TLS spinoff... I'm with Decanter on this one, I think doing it while actual TLS is ongoing wouldn't be the best idea, especially since it doesn't sound like you have any well-developed ideas for what it would be. CG2: While I do like this series and think it's well done, more of it isn't super high on my wishlist. Probably just a result of struggling with depression IRL a bit too much myself. Menage - Not to my personal tastes, though I imagine I'd enjoy it well enough regardless. Family^2 - While I do enjoy a bit of incest, I'm not sure what you wrote there is necessarily enough to make me find the actual concept of particular interest, if that makes sense. Would be interested in hearing a bit more about it before I give a full opinion. Monster House - Not big on survival type things, so not to my tastes. Hoarding Princesses - I like this one in basically every regard. I like the aesthetic idea (I've always liked dragons, especially ones with human forms XD), I like the sound of the gameplay, and maybe most of all, I like that it sounds like it would be a serious and political narrative, which is the aspect of TLS that draws me most. Super Happy Fun Time Waifu Simulator - Sounds a biiit too crazy for me, heh. I prefer more serious tones XD Monstropolis - I like the concept, I just don't think it's the one I'd like the most here. [Curse you enter!]


Hoarding Princesses has my main vote. I'd prefer a fully human form rather than a half-human one, but I suppose I would have to see how it looked before deciding if it was a turn-off or not. Also voting for Menage a Zombie and Family Squared


Mostly a humanoid form with dragon traits. Letting players choose at will would multiply the total expenses, but there would be some full dragon and full human scenes too.


Since the option for something else is not there, I'll add in my own personal request; a full sequel to ouroboros. I 'd love to see the world beyond the cycle and how it's changed. My second vote would be the TLS spinoff, or Crimson Gray 2.


Thanks for your feedback! Family^2: This is one of those ideas where practically everything is a spoiler. But the basic concept is that there are several clustered parallel dimensions, each representing a different fantasy of reality. You'd see the same characters in more than one light, sometimes their "real" self and sometimes as they're seen by someone else, but the parallel versions are actually separate people. The reason for all this, and what is actually reality, would be the big mystery.


Got to say I love the idea of a escape game, no idea why but it appeals to me, the Monster House. While I would love to see a TLS with Redd art, it sound like you don't have a solid idea so I rather you focus on something you already want to do and have a idea for. The zombie idea sounds like a interesting twist but I am sick of zombies never like them to begin with. And few of these trainer ideas just doesn't appeal to me the market feel over filled with them already and just not my taste. Looks like the dragon management goes a little along with that but you have me intrigued with the deep politics. Anyway alot of these ideas sound fun and no matter what you decide I m interested in seeing where these collaboration goes.

Edward Culham

I will say that each of those do sound interesting thing to happen down the road and would likely play them as they do sound interesting. One of the things I would enjoy is some stories that tell things that happened before TLS started. I know the short story that you wrote a few years ago was quite well recieved. Saying that, a TLS spinoff would have to wait till TLS is completely done. One thing I would like to see is an Orabosos 2 where the characters are trying to escape from their prison and make a stand to save their kingdom. Having them realise something has gone wrong after allowing us the player time to make final preparations to determine how the conflict plays out. That is one of the things I really enjoy about TLS is the way things can go. Hope that things do go well and that we can see the games in the future.

EG Douglas

I like Family^2 and Hoarding Princesses, though the mention of Rance has me leery about being a rapist. Even with 'happy' rape. Not really my thing. Consensual Non-Con is fine, but overt rape not so much. Even if hentai logic ensues and she ends up liking it afterwards... Family^2 seems like your writing ability could do some interesting things with it. Though that's true of most of your ideas, to be fair.


Similar in game mechanics, not in tone. Expect mostly happy sex scenes like TLS. What does Consensual Non-Con mean?

EG Douglas

Actually, would/could Hoarding Princesses feature non-human races too? Especially female dragons. (I like dragongirls).


I really like the Hoarding Princesses idea the most.

Runcible Technician

Crimson Gray all the way. Definitely my favorite for a lot of reasons.


So my first response would be the family^2 one, because if the artist is engaged I think it will go well. I also trust your writing for such a weird concept. I understand the concerns about Patreon though (but from what I really understand it is Paypal that is driving this whole purge). I dunno, I like your humor first and foremost. Something that highlights that would be my first choice.


I am sort of surprised no one has mentioned this yet and I am not sure if you are aware already: There is already a game like Hoarding Princesses out there. It's of course not exactly the same, but it is a game about being a dragon, managing your resources and lewding women in various mostly non-consensual games. If you haven't heard of this and are curious, I can try to track it down on the weekend. I am fairly certain the game is at least somewhat decent and has a small following. Other than that Menage a Zombie and Family^2 sound hilarious and I am generally interested in the setting of the Monster Girl VN. Seems like it'll be Dragons or more TLS, which I am fine with. PS: I think Crimson Gray 2 is interesting, but I am worried about whether anyone outside of this Patreon will care about the game. It seems like a callous reason to dismiss it, but it'd be a shame if the effort only ended up being seen by a handful of people. Flirting with danger on Family^2 also seems non-advisable, but I find the idea funny enough to not care about advice.


you've created an amazing world in TLS, it would be great to see you continue to flesh it out. i think of the way GRRM wrote dunk and egg for game of thrones as something you could do, a seemingly independent story that slowly intertwines with the story of TLS.


While I'd probably prefer to see hoarding princesses out of the games the most. I also want to mildly object. Only because I one day want to see you write a space themed game.


As much as I would like to just pick "all of them please" I'll have to limit my decision to hopefully seeing some more of that monstergirl VN, I really enjoyed the setting and hope to see more of it.


Oh, I actually have some fairly developed scifi concepts! Redd shot those down because they're burned out on scifi recently, but I will get there one day.


All I can say is Hoarding Princesses all the way! There was a game I played where you were supposed to be a Dragon and were being sent by your Goddess Mother to ravage (in more ways then one!) the Kingdoms next to her Domain. As you acquired achievements you then returned home, and sired your next (more powerful) Dragon off the Goddess (as a reward for being such a ravaging beast of course!). Never quite finished it, but from what I gathered, the end game was one of your 'sons' managing to defeat and truly dominate the Goddess herself. The thought of playing something similar is very interesting!!

Bad Luck

Family squared: The family seduction has been done to death. Literally, there are so many of those games that patreon took notice and killed the genre. If family squared is a form of satire of the family seduction, then please do it. Otherwise, I will pass. Hoarding Princess: I love the politics in TLS and if the princesses are as great of charactersc as Simon's harem, then this sounds like a great game. My only apprehension is the protagonist isn't humanoid. I would prefer a more relatable looking character than a dragon such as an Ogre or Orc. TLS spinoff: I would have to hear the idea for the spinoff. TLS has great setting and mythos to tell a bunch of great stories in. However, the last thing anyone wants is "Rebel One: A Star Wars Story".

Bad Luck

I have never been a fan of yandere, tentacles, or monster/zombie girls; which eliminates most of the poll' options. I also don't want this patreon to be like Hreinn games where sex is the solution to everything in the games. I like TLS and Ouroboso, because the story/setting/characters are interesting enough where you almost feel like skipping the sex scenes to get back to the game. Of course, you need to market the shit out of the sex aspect, because nothing sells like sex.

Dark Art

TLS related content, or creation of a new IP universe. TLS is a world that you and your fanbase know and (i hope) love, so it would be relatively easy on resources to create and market. If that is not interesting enough for you, please consider making your own multipurpose universe (Sword Coast from BG, your version of Sigil or even Outlands from Planescape, etc) that will keep on giving for years to come. Its impossible to create something THAT massive overnight, so a relatively humble start with a new title (IMHO) would be a good starting point. With your creativity that should be very interesting to watch. If you will go with TLS spinoff, maybe it would be interesting to take on a role of freshly dipped orc from some half wild tribe and see were that would take a beast with freshly acquired brains. :) Finally, maybe it would be a good time to start looking around for a new engine to replace RPG Maker. I realize how that sounds, but it may not be crazy or crazily expensive. I am not a techie, so I can not properly estimate usability, but I think there are plenty of somewhat dated games out there with very nice look and potential for games like TLS, for example "Expeditions - Conquistador".

Greentext Guy

Would the TLS spinoff feature Simon? If so than that * a million. If not than Crimson Grey 2: Electric Boogaloo please.


A self-contained TLS side-story/spinoff sounds like the most appealing idea to me, though then I can't possibly imagine it being centered around Simon in any large way. "Between all of the exhausting world changes he also did this" sounds like too much fan service. But who would the new protag be, then? Most of the harem wouldn't touch another guy, so you'd have to run a mostly parallel story with a couple of guest star appearances. Or Yarra on a solo mission? Either way, a TLS-universe story where you live in a world that Simon keeps changing and you only observe the consequences from a distance is just too appealing to skip. The other really interesting one is the princess collector, tho I don't feel the supposed serious tone. The idea already is turning tropes on their head in a parodic way, then you counter-turn it and infuse it with serious realpolitik... wait, that's TLS and KoD! I don't doubt your writing abilities in the slightest, but I feel like it'd be too tempting to turn it into a third concurrent massive epos and there's only one of you. :P Zombies are overused even in the ironic way. The genre started as social commentary and every smartypants debutante thinks they can deconstruct it in an unheard of way. Oh and Shaun of the Dead ends with the main protag keeping his zombified friend on a leash to reteach him coop video games, haha. The waifu VN sounds great on paper but the "wrong step-GoR bad end" mechanism is just so unpleasant to deal with. Centering the entire game around that gimmick and somehow making it enjoyable to play instead of just a series of porn scenes in a pretend-CYOA VN would be quite the task. The family seduction parody would probably be a lot of fun, given your ability to fucking slay it with deconstruction, but you'd prob spend the next year fighting Patreon admins. I don't have strong opinions about the rest. Oh wait no, mansion escape games suuuuuuck. :P


I'd prefer to vote for "Whatever you feel like the most" I would really enjoy most of these options (probably all of them) and I feel like the best thing to be made is the one you would enjoy making the most. I find that things that people enjoy making end up being the best.


Ideas I Like: TLS Spinoff: While it is the main reason many people subscribe to your work I worry somewhat about the burnout factor you mentioned above. Still gets a +1 (because TLS) but its more of a soft +1 than a hard +1. Hoarding Princess: Seems neat. I'm glad that you clarified that it isn't a Trainer Style, as the description lends itself to that established game-play and storytelling method. What sort of tone/themes would this one entail. Super Happy Fun Time Waifu Simulator: Again, sounds neat. I wonder how our protagonist would recognize that they're getting 'locked in' and the reloads. Fighting fate/the system is a common trope but I depending on how you do this it can be quite unique. Also curious as to why avoiding a Happy End is so important. Monsteropolis: I like the idea. Sound like a lot of social issues that can be touched on. Having only a single story-line can be good if the story is strong enough. Kinda Like: Crimson Grey 2: I felt that things ended in a good place for Lizzie and John and I don't feel a strong need to see how they continue to develop. Depending on where it goes I think it can either be really good or exasperating. Family Squared: Seen elements of this done before. It will be important to figure out how to show/explain the differing dimensions, as if done poorly it will cause great confusion. There is also a risk of people becoming too attached to a certain dimension or certain characters in said dimension. If I want to stay in dimension A but the story keeps pulling me into dimension B through dimension Y72 there is a small portion of the game I will enjoy. Sound like an easy way for people to campaign for their 'best' path to the detriment of all others. Sounds like a lot of work with the potential to please a lot or very few people. Monster House: I like the mystery and monster elements. Escape and resource management are kinda meh. Don't Like: Menage a Zombie: Not a fan of zombies, especially the idea of getting busy with one. Ick. Also the sex power-up concept leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth for some reason.


While I definitely love the world of TLS, I'm mostly motivated by story and game concepts, so for me creating a universe for re-use is something that could only happen accidentally. I'm open to other engines, it's just always a significant time investment to test anything new. I'm afraid that there aren't many options that let someone function as a one person development team and I'm not really in a position to hire a full crew.


While I like getting feedback from patrons, I also appreciate those of you who express this opinion. ^-^ Thank you for your support!


Thanks for your detailed thoughts! Hoarding Princesses: I feel like the tone would be similar to TLS, with a lot of plot and mostly character-based humor. SHFTWS: Usually I leave the fourth wall alone, but in this one it would get annihilated.

Bill B

I love the way you used the Groundhog Day resetting time mechanic in Ouroboros, so the Family Squared idea sounds like tons of fun, and the incest-y portions still appeal to me(hey, so sue me, my ass ain't sick of it yet!). Given your penchant for fantastic storytelling, I like the Idea for Monster House and imagine you could do it justice without it being a huge drain on your time/energy; additionally it would be nice to see some interesting gameplay mechanics and something that's not "RPG Maker-Style RPG" or "VN". It sounds like you really have a crush on the idea of Monsteropolis, and I've always said you should do work that appeals to YOU - TLS(never mind Ouroboros) proves that when you stick to your guns and work on a project that YOU love, your work is better and enough of us out here will love what you do too that any initial doubts/naysayers will take a back seat to the positive response. As for the TLS spinoff, I can't really support the idea if you yourself don't have a super strong idea for it, and frankly I love what's alredy there for TLS - my vote is to wait until TLS is DONE before talking about spinfoffs. It's a very cool world with lots of cool ass lore, but I don't think now's the time to expand on it - let the TLS story be told, then it can be revisited later. CG2 should absolutely happen at some point, but I think it'd be neat to see something new, and I'm not really turned on by hot zombie bitches although that concept is pretty neato, so I won't be sad if things go that direction. The Hoarding Princesses option sounds kinda fun but may be a bit of a large commitment and doesn't really "click" with me, I -think- partly because it seems a little...not in your style. SHFTWS sounds like it could be fun, again because of the way you work, but the description also didn't really "click" for me. Either way, much love, and I do want to assure you I'm looking forward to whatever you do next! :)

Secular Reason

Honestly? I'm kind of burned out on VNs as a whole. Maybe if there was another "game" option...


Looks like Hoarding Princesses is coming out on top and that's fine, but I think for me personally I'd be uncomfortable with collecting people as gameplay if the world is going to be as detailed and believable as in your other work. And the whole concept does seem a bit similar to Choice of the Dragon from Choice of Games, though I'm sure that game's resource management mechanics are pretty outdated by now. Anyways, my vote goes to something with more equal power dynamics, which would be Monstropolis I guess?


It would be, yes. My goal for the dragon game would be for the power dynamic to be similar to TLS, though. Choice of the Dragon is new to me! I will give it a look when I have some time.


I wish all the people I support have your work ethic. I've recently upgraded my support because I realized that I always look forward to your updates. And so far you've never let me down. ( I know this doesn't really belong here but I wanted you to know.)


I appreciate the words of encouragement! I look forward to bringing you a lot of new things in 2019. ^-^

Stormy Weather

I really love the sound of all of these! I tried not to just select all of them, because that's probably not helpful, but if you do any of these second projects, I would love to see how it comes out!^_^


Actually if a lot of people voted for every single option, that would still be useful data to SL, because it would let her know she can focus on different factors when choosing what projects to do.


I had to resist the urge to just click the TLS box before reading the whole post. :D However I'm glad I did read it as I'm also interested in the Dragon and the Waifu options, Hmmm, maybe combine those 2 in TLS.... :D I joke, I joke....

Secular Reason

If there were a Dragon in TLS - Yarra would try to convince us to "tame" it through the power of lewds, no doubt. Assuming it wasn't some corrupted demon monster anyway. Although, considering our wife situation... that might not stop her anymore. The funny part is, Simon, ever practical? Might actually go for it, if Dragons are as overwhelmingly powerful as they usually are - for the sake of being better able to fulfill his plans with the power a tame dragon would bring. Though he'd doubtless say no to the lewding part.