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Most important bit first: I've overcome all inertial issues with TLS and had a great week of work! Now that I'm past the early struggling, I have momentum and things are going well. With any luck, next week I will have a positive report about how close I am to completion.

One of the votes next update is... a lot. I knew it would be a complex one, but I decided to try to make it react more to past decisions in the synod and it got out of hand. Not sure how it will feel to play, but... have fun diagramming it. Fortunately, some of the other votes will be much simpler and the player won't be directly involved with all of them.

Meanwhile, my novel had a crazy first week, which I should perhaps introduce with this image:

That's a subcategory of a subcategory, but still! I got a little "#1" badge and a bunch of people directed toward my book. After a slow couple days, I managed to hit #1 and maintain that rank for four solid days. After that, I lost it for a bit, then strangely managed to get it one more day. The book's sales seem to be declining for good now, though, so we'll see where they stabilize.

Most of this seems to have been organic traffic from people I don't know, but huge thanks to those of you who purchased or reviewed the book. ^-^ As I'll get into later, the potential algorithm problems are past, so anyone who wants to help out can now.

Anyway, this is better than I expected for a brand new effort, but it's nothing extraordinary. Here's the best I ever managed compared to all books on Amazon and the bigger categories:

Getting into the Top 100 list in any subcategory is not just an ego thing: a decent number of readers browse the top listings in their chosen genres when looking for new books to read. A big part of Amazon authors' strategy is to spike sales to get onto lists, then enjoy the sales from the increased visibility. My spike was modest compared to many, but I'm happy that I got it without any special sales or other manipulation.

I wasn't sure if my take on the genre would go too far from the traditional formula for the LitRPG audience, but I'm glad that mostly doesn't seem to be the case. Based on market research I probably could have done better with a different book, but I'm happier to have done decently with a book I believed in.

Review score means nearly nothing, but I'm doing okay so far:

My connections in the algorithms seem firm, so reviews are now open to anyone. If you read the book and feel it deserves a review, I'd be very grateful if you left one! It'd be nice to have a solid review base for whenever I next get a spike in traffic.

If you're a long time backer who is due a free copy and  didn't receive a link for some reason, just message me. If you're waiting for a better price, in theory I can do a $0.99 sale eventually, probably in connection with the launch of another book. But that won't happen until I have TLS 0.40.0 wrapped up, as that's my top priority.

See you next week!



Well, you're marketing efforts certainly seem to be progressing better than my strategy, which I facetiously described as "photograph a cute kitten playing on the manuscript and hope social media will do the rest" but actually works out to "fuck working on the problem and talking to people, I'm reinstalling CK2". (In my defense, the narrow number of people I need to reach were out of the office for most of this past week.)


Congrats! I'm glad it's going so well :)


> One of the votes next update is... a lot. I am scared. Probably in a good way, but who knows. Hopefully it's a not something punishing for too much manipulation or something similar.

Runcible Technician

The book was amazing, I stayed up all night to finish it. It is very, very rare that I find a book that hooks me like that. Thank you.


There are a couple interesting consequences, but don't worry, it isn't that. What makes this particular vote exceptional is the number of different ways it can play out based on the previous big vote.


Very interested to see what the big vote is for the future. I wonder if it has something to do with Kaskia, she has been hinting at something big. My other guess is that it is related to the Chosen in some way. I'm also glad that your book did well. Picked it up on Kindle Unlimited and gave it a look. There are enough unanswered questions to make me interested in where the story goes. I also like that you didn't lean hard on Litrpg elements, too many authors in the genre spend too much time listing stats and spell descriptions that add nothing to the story. Having your protagonist ignoring all these elements unless forced to is a big plus in my book.


You'll get a chance to impact a whole set of different issues, with varying degrees of complexity! This is the big political event of the game, after all, so I figure I should go all out. Thanks for the kind words about the book! Maybe I should have mentioned that Kindle Unlimited reads count for both ranking and payment, so those help a lot too. I'm glad the LitRPG balance worked for you. I personally like progressions and meta-game elements, but don't enjoy some of the list-heavy books I've read. I tried to get the fun elements of the former without bogging things down with the latter, so it's nice when other people seem to appreciate it.


I finished NGM a days ago and quite liked it as well. It definitly had a lot of Ouroborus vibe in it. Not just in the sense of characters being stuck in simple set system forced on up outside forces but also in terms of character development in an opposite. Where as Atreyan goes from standard good hero to a more evil character Bloodwraith goes from a total evil character into a more anti hero character, which I couldn't help but notice. My one gripe with the book is that most characters outside the core three felt very one dimensional, but that makes sense given the overall length and scope of the book.


I'm glad you enjoyed it! And that's fair about the side characters - except for the core three, I didn't have plans for any of them, at least in this book.


Quick question: Was there a cinematic of Ginasta in Erosia? I could have sworn I remembered seeing one but I can't seem to find it again. Was one removed from older versions of the game or am I going insane?


The scene should occur after after the events that follow Erosia... but when I updated the game to the next version, it looks like I screwed it up. D= I wanted to replace the jump to the waiting screen, but replaced the wrong one. Dangit, this is going to be a pain, since it'd be so easy to screw up. But thank you for reporting it!


Hey glad to hear things are on the up and up for you. I hope your positive streak continues!


Thanks! Sales have continued to go well - I said they were declining for good, but they just set a new record yesterday for no apparent reason.


Congratz on the book sales, and I hope they keep doing good. ; )