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Several different kinds of stuff this week.

Store Pages

I'm still waiting on a few stores, like Nutaku. But hopefully almost all the business work relating to releasing Dusk and Dawn is finished now. 

Valve has approved store pages for three games: The Last Sovereign, Don't Save the Princess, and Once Ever After. I wanted to put up the pages for the latter two so they can start gathering momentum, but I'm still waiting on a few assets. I can put up the Steam page for TLS whenever, but I don't want to do it when it will slow down development.

Novel Stuff

Been a bit over a month since I sent the novel out - thanks to all those who have finished giving their feedback. If I've heard from you on the novel or anything else, that's fine, no rush. If I haven't heard from you at all, I'd appreciate a note. Not sure when I'll be making another version, but there have been a ton of fixes and some changes, so it would make sense to do so before more people start to read.

Secondary project is winding down and I hope to be done with writing for a while here.

Current Status 

For reasons that I think would sound whiny if elaborated upon, I'm a bit discouraged lately and my enthusiasm is flattened. I mention this only to explain why I'm trying to prepare a number of things. Even if I need to take a short mental health break, there are several 90-100% finished projects that I will be able to show you guys.

For example, I did a quick collaboration that will in theory lead to a short comic eventually. I've been made promises, but I don't know if they're worth anything. This no longer involves me in the slightest, but hopefully I'll be able to show it to everyone at some point as thanks for your ongoing support.




You don't ever have to worry about sounding whiny to me, SL.


More good work on the art. That's pretty close to how I imagined her bladewhip, though maybe a little short. The clothes are good stylistically, but possibly a bit too baggy, especially the upper part of her trousers? I know it says they're loose when we first meet her, but they look to me like they'd catch on stuff during combat. With regards to other stuff... "only you would take a break from work by doing more work" seems to be the order of the day :-). Here's hoping for good news down the line with the potential comic collaboration.


I have the opposite reactiion from Lamsey- that is not quite how I'd imagined Celivia's whip to look. Is it pretty close to how you envisioned it? I'd imagined it as more metallic, like a chain of links, although I can't find a passage in the book that would have made me think this so I probably just made it up for myself. She looks a bit more oriental than I'd pictured her. It fits her though; she does have some characteristics of the "eastern mystery warrior" trope. For someone who never sounds whiny, you worry about sounding whiny a lot. You are very transparent about impacts on your schedule. Unless you've outrageously padded your timeframe, there are a hell of a lot more things that can slow down a project than speed one up, so by necessity most of the deviations you have to report will be some degree of negative. That doesn't make you whiny, that just means you live in the real world. Anyone who has ever attempted a complex creative task can relate, understand, and tolerate. TL,DR: Fuggedaboutit.

Lord Forte

Sorry to hear you're feeling down, I really hope that gets better. I definitely know how it can be... I understand not wanting to vent about them too publicly, but I agree with the others that I'd have a hard time imagining anything that was upsetting enough for you to feel you need a break would sound whiny. Regardless, I sincerely hope the down period passes (and not just for selfish reasons =P). Art looks nice--I mostly haven't been commenting since I'm one of those who tends to have his own weird mental images of characters, haha. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say that I don't necessarily visualize at all, at least not in the way I've heard others describe so doing. My mind has a weirdly text/concept-based way of perceiving the world. In any case, it sounds like you've been accomplishing a good bit in spite of the issues, and definitely do take the rest if you end up feeling you need to! I hope you feel better.


Sad to hear you down, art looks good, and well been here for awhile and hopefully be around to see TLS end so if you need to take a break for mental health totally understandable. Just know we are here to support you (hope I can say we lol). Yeah, but just be you because your creativity and dedication made me stay and your talent has made you shine so I am in the long haul just hope things get better. Have a nice day, night, whatever time you want to call it =P. But like always can't wait to see whats happening.


Yeah, if I'd asked for another revision I would have wanted a longer bladewhip and slightly less baggy pants. Anyway, I hope I didn't overhype this comic. I don't have much control over it, it's just something short that will hopefully show up... eventually.


The whip is reasonably close, aside from the length note in my above comment. The core of it is metal too, for the record, and I was uncertain about asking for longer blades. Anyway, thank you for the vote of confidence. I'll keep trying my best.


Yeah, I know people react in very different ways to book art. I'm not always too far on the visualization end of the spectrum either, at least not by default. Nailing down all the details in the art stage is a bit odd, because while some are crystal clear in my mind, others I haven't necessarily decided for myself.


Pardon if this is the wrong place to say any of this, but I figured this was an easily visible place and I'm not sure where else to put it. I read Crimson Gray: Dusk and Dawn, being turned onto it from the visual novels subreddit, which inspired me to go check out Desecration of Wings and then Ouroboros, and after that The Last Sovereign. TLS in particular was really fun. Varia is my favorite character solely for gameplay reasons: blade dancing bosses from 100-0 is awesome. I'm curious about the version numbers: are they an accurate reading of % to completion or have you just been counting up 0.01 every time you do a new update? As in, is TLS 38% complete or is it closer than that? I'm mostly curious how much more story there still is to go.


Hello! Welcome aboard, I very much appreciate your support. ^-^ Contacting me anywhere is fine (except the "community" tab where people don't usually go and I don't always get email notifications). I'm glad you've enjoyed many of my games! I've had fun doing different things with various games on Steam, but TLS has been my ongoing project for a long while. Version numbers are a count of major releases, not a percentage. If you want to know how much remains, this is the post for you: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/14200814">https://www.patreon.com/posts/14200814</a> Thanks again for your support!


If you need a mental health break, take it. We all get burned out and need a break from the routine to help feel re-energized.


Don't push yourself too much. You are already very productive, so I don't think people will mind you taking breaks to collect yourself.

Dark Art

When was the last time you took a vacation? I know you dont really have set benefits like medical and guaranteed vacation schedule, but they are there for a good reason. People need to unwind from time to time, maybe its time for you to pack your bags and go somewhere sunny (or snowy if that is what you like) for a two or three weeks. Maybe travel a bit. I always liked central and south Italy this time of year, maybe now is a good time go gawk at Pompei and drink some coffee in Naples? I know you dont make a million, but am sure the community will support you in this.


Great character artwork again! Not being one of the beta readers, I really get more hyped about the book with each pic you post. Can't wait to read it! As can't be said often enough though, don't push yourself too hard. You're miles ahead amongst Patreon creators as far as work attitude is concerned, and probably amongst people in general. ^^ Everyone needs a nice vacation once in a little while, and I for one would be totally happy if your next weekly update would just be, 'taking a break, cu guys in a month o/ '


I appreciate the kind words, and this community has always been extremely supportive. For various reasons I feel that I have to hunker down and prepare for harder times. Being able to change pace and work on a different kind of project, like novels or side games, does wonders for refreshing me, though. I hope that those who don't like a particular project are willing to consider that a vacation.


I'm glad to hear they're interesting to those who haven't read the book! And I appreciate the kind words and support.


+1 to the "you should relax and take some time off" group. We would rather you be happy and healthy than burned out.


&gt;I'm a bit discouraged lately and my enthusiasm is flattened. Sending hugs and well wishes!


Hey, speaking of sounding whiny, ya know what I've been jonesing for for quite a while? The girls' personal rooms in the floors below HQ B1.


I don't know that I'll ever show them all, simply because I don't think I can make that many different rooms unique, but maybe a scene should be set there...