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Hey guys, quick update on the art stuff (expect a 0.8.0 progress update tomorrow). There are a number (5) of questions below. I've decided to drop some money getting things just right. I'm not rolling in cash, but I care about making this project the best it can be. After listening to everyone's feedback, I decided to keep the current Hilstara and just pay an artist to improve her faceset. Take a look at this: http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah284/sierraleeauthor/2md5stw.jpg_zpsgmvwvfv7.png I think there are some real improvements there, but the work isn't done. Related to that: 1) I can request two more emotion edits for no additional cost. Do you think any of the unchanged ones could use improvement? 2) Any other characters who could use improved expressions? I also got someone to change Carina's profile so it's more fitting for a priestess: http://s1383.photobucket.com/user/sierraleeauthor/media/Carina_zps1tmsy8jf.png.html What happens to the other Carinas? They won't just disappear, but more on that later. I'm still working on miscellaneous improvements. Two questions about those: 3) Do you guys think a quest tracker would add to the game? I don't think it's crucial, since the game isn't a pure open world type, but two or three people really want one and many people think they make the game look professional. Normally I add anything that costs only my time/effort, but this one would be an above average amount of work to implement. 4) I acquired some sex sound effects, but I'm not sure if/where to use them. If you guys think this would add something to any aspect of the game, I'll get them incorporated. Finally, the biggest question: game expansion. Definitely want to get people's feelings on this. I know that feature-creep and scope-creep can be big problems for games in development. I've kept a really firm grip on this because the story I've planned so far is already pretty epic and it could easily get out of control. The game isn't going to be finished next month or anything, but I do hope to make steady progress and never feel like it's going off on rabbit trails. Having said that, I don't want to be so close-minded that I ignore opportunities to improve the game, either. So I am considering this, especially as it relates to recent character art. One easy example is the third Carina I showed you (the sanctimonious one in blue). I'm going to use that art for a minor character (who would have been a generic NPC before) and I think this is a win-win situation: the game gets more art and unique characters but the development time doesn't increase at all. That's not the case for everyone, though. Some people didn't like the art, but I like the new Hilstara I proposed. Ultimately I decided not to change her because I agree she looks too young and uncertain, which doesn't fit the character (plus, what we have is fine except for some mediocre expressions). When I made that decision, part of me started imagining new storylines for a new character who would be a better fit for the proposed art. That's the kind of thing I want your input on. How tightly do I adhere to the original plan? I want to be flexible enough to improve, but I've also seen projects veer off into smaller and smaller issues and fetishes instead of maintaining their core focus. I'll be thinking about this over the coming days and it would be nice to have your thoughts. Regardless of this, rest assured that I always keep my vision of the game first and foremost. I'm not going to add random crap just because I have nice art or on a whim. Any expansion of the game would be because I think it adds valuable support to my central goals. But that is a potentially slippery slope, so I wanted to bring it up at least once. So anyway, last question: 5) All that stuff I was rambling about above.




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