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I'm going to do both of these at once to save time and focus.


Link: https://mega.nz/#!uw13TZYI!Oa6sbpO7fSlgcUoIl5LGU5rjWZo7es5fI-Akc2h6ybk

RTP: https://mega.nz/#!C882EZiS!I6i3H_mmmrMmg1A93qb230GkOx3d_SQii-q0iCQcXCw

Version 0.31.3

 - Yet more polishing.

 - Added a Megail/Qum scene at the base.

 - Some additional affection bonuses.

 - New custom sprites for recovered unsuccubi!

$1 backers, please enjoy the new update! It's a much more polished version of the previous one, but there are a few new pieces for old players to enjoy (see above). I tried to get the actual bugs, but there are some improvements that have been discussed that I did not get to - perhaps for the public version.


The big news this past week has been Patreon threatening a new fee structure no one wanted, then thankfully reversing their decision after the universal outcry. The fact that it happened is a bad sign, but Patreon not going forward with it is a better outcome than I would have predicted.

Still, I know some of you are angry with Patreon over this, based on the exit interviews. It's a reminder that platforms aren't really your friends and that putting all your eggs in one basket is unwise. I know some of you disapprove of my side projects, but I'm thankful that most are patient as I try to explore different concepts. I would like to be in a place where I can keep creating games even if a major platform explodes or decides to remove adult creators.

Some people have asked me about alternate platforms. I have so far not followed up on any of these, partially because many strike me as unstable, partially because I would prefer to focus all my energy on creation. That's universally true, but especially now as I try to finish this year strong. Still, if you have a platform of choice, feel free to mention it and I will consider it in the future.

Anyway! Please enjoy the new version and provide whatever feedback you like! The final version will go up next week, there will be another weekly update, then that's a wrap for 2018. O_O



Cool, can't wait to play. I think you should ask for castle's screenshots and promote a "Castle fashion competition". That customization thing is so cool.


Have you tried MakerSupport <a href="https://www.makersupport.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.makersupport.com/</a>?


Sierra Lee, you also give a copy of your side projects to patrons, so I don't think they have much to complain. But May ask you a question? Hve you though of asking Nomo to make the CGs of The Last Sovereign? You are already partners in Herein games, so you could rely on him/her.


Thanks! It may be buried, but there was a thread on the wiki where people showed their customizations. Someone will probably be along to post it!


I have heard of it, but not tried it. Right now, it strikes me as new and untested.


While Nomo has been very reliable, he's fully occupied creating our own games at Hreinn. The artist for TLS would be fully booked for a very long time, so this hasn't really been considered as an option. Having said that, he's drawn art of TLS characters! You can see it in the banner, and there have been several other pictures. Right now there's no central place to look at them, as this is one of the many things I haven't had time to do.


A bug perhaps: I am finally able to invest in the banks... I will try to maximize profit now, to expend it all later. Having said that, I don't think Yhilin bank is showing on the ledger... So, I am uncertain if it's a "showing" issue or if I am actually not investing on it. PS: Buying things using pron made me tear up a little bit.


Are these affection bonuses retroactive? Or will we have to replay the section again?


Good stuff. How are folks doing for Pron for the smaller rounds? I'm coming in at 1.4-1.6 depending on how I fiddle the post-war investments.

William M.

I wish there was a way to convert Sx to Pron. I always have a surplus of the former but am routinely out of the latter.


I will have to double check on the Bank of Yhilin, I'm not really sure.


You're not the only one, but I'm undecided if I want to allow this. It could happen.


I was making a list of Ch4 investments and their effects when you released this. Now I have to go back and check them all again... Alas, poor me! :( Here's a list of possible bugs for you. What happens to synergy skills not learned in the Yhilin practice area for whatever reason now that the tunnels are closed? And the increased lust flow for Simon, if someone were so dumb as to qualify for it but not collect it? In the Ch4 Iterate event, there are some possibly unneeded line breaks in the ledger output. (They are clearly deliberate, I just don't understand why...) Orc students in HoMS are all keyed to appear if the New Givini variable greater than a given value. Shouldn't it be Tak'Kan? Yhilin Airships gives no profits, contrary to what Patrrci says. This also seems intentional. Are some investments delayed, requiring a few iterations to start producing? The Givini Orc Merchant investment cost conditional has New Givini &lt; 40 twice. should the second be &lt; 50? He also disappears when the New Givini variable is 50+. Should this be 60+, since otherwise the &lt; 50 conditional will never be satisfied? I'd also go so far as to say that in combination, the Ch3 New Givini Trade investment and the Givini Orc Merchant Investment create a perverse disincentive. If you had an optimal war outcome with the Ghenalese merchant deal the orc work program and the Succubus Sllave reform, gave economic aid to New Givini, backed Givini Equality and funded the New Givini Trade investment, then you start out Ch 4 with a New Givini variable of 17, entitling you to buy into the Givini Orc Merchant for 200,000, while the cutoff for paying 100,000 for the same investment is 15, and that investment will return a whopping 200,000 per iteration. New Givini Trade only returns 20,000 per Ch4 iteration at a cost of 500,000, with a +4 to economy and some Elleani RP. Even if you had every other investment but New Givini Trade at the end of Ch3 and 500,000 to spare, the sensible move as the game is now is NOT to invest in New Givini Trade and then invest in Givini Orc Merchant before anything else and then the Bank of Givini with the 500,000, since this nets you more hidden score points and RP than the New Givini Trade, and gives you return of 500,000 every Ch4 iteration after the 1st instead of 20,000 every iteration including the 1st. Plus 50,000 in loose change. ONLY a future investment or development threshold that requires a New Givini variable &gt;50 could justify not doing so, and this ONLY if there is no other way to boost the New Givini variable in a future update; OR if it is impossible to get Elleani to 100 RP without the +5 from New Givini Trade, or the hidden economy score has a check that exceeds 129 and thus requires the +4 (or whatever the maximum practically possible econ score with the New Givini Trade investment taken). I would strongly recommend re-balancing this so the returns on the Givini Orc Merchant and the Bank of Givini are reduced or need a synergy with the pre-existing New Givini Trade investment to produce these high returns, put a minimum New Givini variable requirement on the Bank of New Givini of something like 25, or increase the cost of Givini Orc Merchant and/or reducing the scale of the discounts based on the New Givini variable. Or some combination of the above.


Just doublechecked that I was working on 0.31.3 and not 0.31.2 with those issues. I was. I may find more. Note there are many other investment combos better than New Givini Trade, just less long term profitable than the Givini Orc Merchant and the Givini Bank. The same critique also applies to the other Ch3 trade network investments, and one might equally be tempted to throw the Givini Equality petition or the Elleani Aid petition under the bus to get that 100k discount on the Givini Orc Merchant.


Just a small bug, if you invested in theltiar flowhouse during the first time. Lynine still showes up to sell it, when you visit the flowhouse. Lynine also showes up in Onilise place by her bed, but there is no interaction.


Btw catching up now from the end of the war. For me Kara died because I thought that was a decision she should make herself, which isn't that important probably but I don't want her dead but don't want to redo that much either. So I consider just cheating. Which brings me to the obvious question if I figure out which is the relevant flag for her being dead and change it is that likely to fuck up my game because of it not matching other things?


I know this is a bit of a weird bug report, but I'm playing through the game from start again and noticed that there's a bug in Aka's route. After escorting the scared mercenary in the mine Aka will lose her affliction debuff


Hmm. I should say that there IS one known bug in that section: Aka can lose her debuff if she ever dies in combat. If there's another one, I will have to look into it.


Is starting a save from the end-of-chapter waiting room (with the title "CHAPTER FOUR") sufficient? Or do I need to go back one?


There's no need to go back any further. If you're referring to the affection changes, there's no need to go back any further than before you made investment choices.


Im just curious if it is the end of current release or I'm missing something... but I'm getting message from Riala when I'm trying to use teleport on the bottom screen in teleport chambers... Is it even avaiable or not yet implemented? Also where is Dari? Is it possible to find her or also not yet implemented? I'm little confused.


You can enter the teleport to do the last dungeon after you collect all party members and allies. It sounds like you're just missing Dari, who is in the New Givini camps - the simpler buildings on the regional map.


Thanks for trying to give a screenshot, but I don't think you can upload one like that. In any case, I will go hunting for a tile bug on that tileset.


2 247 500 in my most ProN-optimized walkthrough (including 32 500 leftovers from last round).


New coat of polish is looking good, and the Qum/Megail scene is adorable. Found a few more minor things: There's still some missing flavour text for the three weapons in the Givini shop: <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/xe891a8sl65sf7g/Screenshot%202017-12-17%2017.20.56.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/xe891a8sl65sf7g/Screenshot%202017-12-17%2017.20.56.png?dl=0</a> Text overflows: <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/29miws6hyio7nbq/Screenshot%202017-12-17%2017.37.51.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/29miws6hyio7nbq/Screenshot%202017-12-17%2017.37.51.png?dl=0</a> <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/qpaccntjpq51s6o/Screenshot%202017-12-17%2020.06.42.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/qpaccntjpq51s6o/Screenshot%202017-12-17%2020.06.42.png?dl=0</a> <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/pspxs5m5zdz05ic/Screenshot%202017-12-17%2020.09.18.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/pspxs5m5zdz05ic/Screenshot%202017-12-17%2020.09.18.png?dl=0</a> release -&gt; releases (no sir, I did not totally miss this last time, honest guv!): <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/x6vqmgtinz033ic/Screenshot%202017-12-17%2020.03.28.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/x6vqmgtinz033ic/Screenshot%202017-12-17%2020.03.28.png?dl=0</a> more attention that -&gt; more attention than: <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/9hgyurnc6qglktt/Screenshot%202017-12-17%2020.06.31.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/9hgyurnc6qglktt/Screenshot%202017-12-17%2020.06.31.png?dl=0</a> Awkward phrasing with Elleani in the room - maybe "Now that Elleani is spending most her time in New Givini, I hope she can still visit us often"? That'd work regardless of whether she's in the room or not. <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/i4kzs752b27u6e6/Screenshot%202017-12-17%2020.35.16.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/i4kzs752b27u6e6/Screenshot%202017-12-17%2020.35.16.png?dl=0</a>


Btw during the last release i forgot to mention this this so here it is: Patty is a wonderful character that i hope foreshadows the creation of an elite combat maid squad. And to any haters out there i don't care what you think about Patty's gender or race in regards of his occupation all i know is that he is a combat maid and that makes him beautiful !


More stuff from my browsing for Ch4 investment info. Upgrading Tak'Kan as a trade city costs 100,000 and returns 100,000 per iteration. That seems a bit steep as ROIs go, even with the low yield, high cost slum housing upgrade as a precondition. Not sure, but does the mage outside the 2nd House of Petitions still appear and say the fence is getting moved even if the 2nd house of petitions was never built? (This reflects my lack of RPG Maker understanding.) It might be fun if the Kingsmen bar got re-purposed. Possibly as an HQ for a group of Yhilini secret agents. Investing in the Imp Offices doesn't seem to do anything. The War Monument gives -2 RP for Sarai? What's with various sprites hanging out on building roofs? There's no cost increase for getting Yhilini Succubus Expansion and Outskirts Mercenary offices in Ch4, unlike the other Ch3 investments. Just so we're clear, the three Ch3 trade route investors aren't hiding out anywhere in the Ch4 maps that I have not looked, are there?


Note also that the Givini Tunnels investment has no return, despite Elleani saying that it may eventually pay for itself via tolls and fees.


Haha, glad you liked Patty. Rest of the game is nothing but combat maids, this has all been an elaborate introduction.


In the most minor of minor bugs, if you invest in the archives with Orilise in chapter 4 she will disappear before the fade to black and for a moment Simon talks to empty air...I wouldn't really sound a red alert for that bug though. Slightly more worrying is that investing in the bank of Yhillin in chapter 4, it won't show up if you check your ledger.


Is the Impaler supposed to appear in the base courtyard in this version? He's there in the RPGMaker file, but not in-game even though I know I spared him and the flag is properly set. I think he might be in the ghost zone with the rest of the template sprites, but that might be intentional.


Orilise bug fixed! As for the bank, don't be concerned - the investment is made, the ledger is just checking for the first investment instead.


I have an event for him as plans for the future, but he's not supposed to be there now.


Regarding my previous information about investing into everything currently available in chapter 4, after consulting DukeLeto7's list it turns out I missed quite a few things when doing calculations. Most notable ones include Givini Tunnels, Stineford Magic Shop, and Warehouse Donations. Even after including extra returns from Tunnels and Airships it won't be possible to invest into everything in 4 more rounds. Sorry for misinformation.


OK, unless I find a typo in the Qum + Megail scene, this should be my final bug report for this version. You can use the passes besides Devil's to get to Ari-Yhilina from Stineford and go to Feroholm too, despite the previous notes that we could just use teleportation. Now, you can also walk to Yhilin from the Bandit Pass map in Aram, so presumably this is an abstraction for using teleport? In Grubbak's initial speech on Orcish Democracy, the paragraph "Furthermore it will be a republic..." overruns the text window. Ledger again. Because the ledger event conditional writes Stineford Weapons Store when the 2546 switch is on instead of the 2544 switch, it displays that you own a stake in the Stineford Weapons Store if you are a Bank of Stineford Core Lender. This is also true of the text displayed by the Ch4 iterate event, but NOT the ProN addition. Lynine is still chilling in the Flowhouse offering you the chance to invest even if you have it from Ch3. It looks like EV007 needs a third tab for switch 2050 in addition to the second tab that just shows you have spoken to Lynine and funded the flowhouse in Ch4. This would match Orilise in the Denmiel archives.


I'm sorry I must be blind. Where do you trigger the Qum/Megail scene in the castle? I only see Qum by her pink crystal and Megail by her desk. Am I missing something? Also and completely unrelated, this is one of the most well thought out and interesting RPGs I've ever played. The character depth especially makes it for me. Each person you meet has depth to them and stays so true to character in a real and believable sense. Just some of the best world building I've ever seen.


You need to sleep in your bed after going to the other dimension, same as for the Aka/Yarra scene. I presume you also need both relationships at 100. I am also hoping this will lead to a Qum/Megail synergy skill - maybe Sexy Negotiation, whereby Qum confuses the absolute shit out of someone and Megail takes them to the cleaners while they're still trying to work out what's going on...


Is there some additional trigger to Iris/Megail scenes added in 31.3? In previous versions all it took was choosing to rest at HQ (same for Aka/Yarra).


Thanks to you and the kind people over at the wiki I've spent the last day pulling my hair out over trying to manage investments for chapter 4. Though the efficiency in my investments could probably make Iris' carnal region spawn another Gasm fall, I feel like there's some balance problems with the investments as they are right now. The main issue comes the paradoxical issue of the return investments not giving enough, yet at the same time giving way too much. It's already been noted from other players that even a ProN heavy player won't be able to do all investments in 4 rounds, yet it's likely from what I've calculated that if given a 5th round they'd end up with way too many ProN laying about, which would cheapen the overall feeling of accomplishment efficient investing usually has. I primarily want to know what your actually thoughts are about this. It seems to me at least like the way to alleviate the issue is by making either returns diminishing as rounds pass, lower the overall costs on some investments, or provide the player with additional ways of getting ProN. I do hope though that as the chapter progress we'll be able to see synergy between investments like the Tradesmasher one does.


Haha, glad you're having fun with everything. I can't guarantee that everything will seem balanced in the end, but I can tell you that I'm considering things carefully. Diminishing returns won't happen, because the implementation of that would be unacceptably tedious on my end. However, there will be other factors I hope will help the whole process feel rewarding. Some investments you will want ASAP, which could only be done via efficient investing. You also haven't seen all the potential uses for ProN, some of which will be deep money sinks for those with plenty to spare.


SL working on the tool for the 3AW i find (in the 0.31.3) in the throne room's investment option a 'bug'. in the mercenary office dialogue there is a hilstara RP +2 in the branch discounted for the infrastructure project, but missing in the full price proposal.


Really minute minutiae. Every time you enter Eustrin in Ch 4 (so far), the dwarf guarding the main door tells you you have to go about completely shrouded and Yarra says "Huge party of dwarves coming right up." It might be better for flow to have a more abbreviated conversation the second time you visit Eustrin, since Yarra's illusions are abstracted out.