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This was one of those weeks where I worked hard every day, yet just didn't finish as much as I'd hoped. Fortunately, I wrote this post back when I was less tired. I hoped I could post it as an announcement of everything I did, but instead consider it to be outlining the next update's scope. I've finished about 60% of the content mentioned here.


Version 0.31.0 will let you access the three new countries that were built after the war. Since the characters have been working in them over the year gap, I felt it didn't make sense to restrict players from traveling freely. I also didn't want to give players too small a glimpse of the new countries, so multiple locations are needed.

That means new maps, and lots of them. Here are some of the places you'll get to go.

Chalice States

Gasm Falls - You remember this from the war. Well, you'll get to go back and enter the buildings that were closed before, plus build on some of the characters there.

New Gelvana - The largest city in the Chalice. While you won't be able to explore too much of it now, you'll get to visit some very important buildings. If you like religious subplots, look forward to it!

New Givini 

Givino Vinai - The rebuilt capital of Givini, this city is filled with people attempting to revive cultural traditions. You'll get to catch up with Elleani and find out about the new politics, which will have an influence later in chapter four on some political situations you've already seen.

Misc Givini Areas - The regional map will allow you to visit an assortment of other areas.


Tarran'Kan - The new capital of the orc kingdom will give you a chance to see new orcs living independently of the army. They have a lot going on and they need cash... you know what that means.

Cee'Kan - A more diverse city within Tak'Kan, and site of a number of important details. Not sure if I'll be able to finish the sidequest I'm thinking of here, but if not, it will be added in future versions.

Misc Areas - Tak'Kan has a regional map, letting you discover a few new areas and revisit the Bloody Spire. Nothing too fancy here yet, but should be a good foundation for future updates.


I want the 0.31.0 update to be more than just places to go, however, so I'm trying to populate them as well. They may not have 100% of their final content, but I want them all to be filled by NPCs, stores, and some quests. Future plot events will also be set in these locations, though that's a matter for later updates.

That is the plan, will keep working at it.


Quiet Stranger

I would be happy to wait an additional week, should you need more time to get the three regions up to polish and thoroughly developed. There are only so many hours in a day. Most of us like to move through large sections of content in a single sitting, in any case.


If it's currently on 60% I doubt it would be a week.. no matter, what matters is that this new content will give us time to explore a bit. I would like to see this aftermath from the war with and countries born from it. New Givini politics intrigues me. I looking forward for the next content. And take your time as long as we get to play in the end I'm happy.


Will there be a difference if you gave Grubbak Deeds to Vinario?

Jan Dietrich

Sounds very good. I'm looking forward to it, especially to inspect my very own Empire :3

Lusty Loiterer

Yea should be good to see what has become of the incubus kings domain. Can't wait to take on the next IK now.


It will be interesting to see how these countries are and the cultures they are forming after such a great war, I wonder how the investments we did or did not do to the countries after the war has affected and how the people feel about how the war went. I am quite curious to see how the orc nation will be and react if we have gotten as much unique orcs we can get or have less. Just curios to see the interaction of these nations and ours when we visit will be.


Well, a larger section of content is what we're heading toward for this release, I just don't want the delay to be too long.


Definitely. I've already written the dialogue that hints at the main benefit, and you'll want it down the line.


I'm still working on making the new nations responsive to a large number of different factors, but rest assured it's something that I very much hope to do!


The name "New Gelvana" is odd to me. One concern is that people will confuse it with New Givini, the way people confuse Gheldaron and Ghenalon. Also unsure why it's a "New" if it's one of the largest cities and thus probably an older one.


The name does have a lore reason, but the possibility of confusing it with New Givini is something that has occurred to me as I work on it. I'll try to decide before I write it too many times...


I noticed a bug with the Aka + Yarra scene, it doesn't show up in the Reflect menu.


Thanks for the report, but I'm afraid I can't replicate this one: it seems to appear in my save games.


I'm particularly interested to see what the orc kingdom is going to be like. One of the ideas I often contemplate when thinking about real-world politics is that humans are probably only barely smart enough to have large-scale civilization at all, because if it were practical with less intelligence, we probably would have developed it much earlier in our evolutionary history. Since it took such a long time for it to get started even once we had biologically modern humans, we're probably pretty close to the borderline for being capable of it at all. In a story which focuses so much on infrastructure, economics, etc. I'm interested to see what happens to a country built mostly out of people who have a lot less sense than the average human.


Well, I hope it lives up to your expectations! I've added a set of new resources to try to make it work better, but it will take more than one update to explore the nation proper.


Just reading through the description again... When you say religion sub plots... By any chance, does one member of the harem have a cult worshiping them? I mean, Yarra is kind of almost there at the end of chapter three... She does have a lot of the succubi lusting after her.


Any ETA on 0.31.0? I just finished replaying whole game to optimize my playthrough and at the very end I figured out even more optimal route. Now I'm wondering if I have enough time to replay it again from Megail's Route before new version comes out. Also, should I keep save from the end of chapter 3? It seems like there's not typical end-of-version zone in 0.30.x.


Post with ETA coming tomorrow. May want to wait on another playthrough until you see the new investments and returns. Keeping an end of chapter save would be wise.


Actually, two questions that has been prodding me for a bit. We, the players, all know that all the girls are part of Simon's party, but what about everyone else? As far as I can tell, from the outside, it seems that Yarra, Riala, and Iris are part of the Doom King's Harem. The rest of the girls seem like they are a part of Simon's group. As the Doom King's most trusted commander, Simon works with Yarra frequently. Occasionally, Riala and Iris also work with Simon. Is that about right? The second question involves Wynn. When does Wynn learn that Simon is the Doom King? I know she starts off in the dark, but then during the Arclent war she teleports in and helps Simon after his first battle with the Incubus King. For the life of me, I can't remember when Simon tells her. I have seen the conversation when she suggests stabbing the Doom King in the back and taking his place, but not the reveal. Did I miss it somehow?


She reveals that she had already figured it out when she teleports in to the war HQ to tell Simon to put on the armour and fight the Incubus Knobhead.


Pointless minutiae. During the assault on the Incubus Emperor's castle, Robin reconfigures the teleportation defenses to preclude the IK from making a teleportational getaway. Then after the battle, Ronnie James Dio/the Lustlord and Esthera are both able to teleport in and Dio teleports out again. So is the teleportation barrier attuned to the IK in particular, compromising it for other people? Because if it were preventing all outbound teleportation then Dio should have been stuck there.


The IK went to the roof to try to get out of the range of the teleportation blocker, and got close. Had Simon not followed him, he would have been able to escape eventually. Esthera and the Lustlord are at full power and thus able to teleport at the ranges of the spell.

Ben Wilder

And here I thought it was a JoJo reference. :D