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Midweek release, surprise! Expanded it to $1 backers, love you guys. Normally I might relax a little until Friday, but I want to release DoW then. So full speed ahead!

Link: https://mega.nz/#!n00VnaJb!Iiob8sgtVeSM94aqM9i68vV0yUyE7MHrEuHIkSVmH2E 

RTP: https://mega.nz/#!u9dkTYaC!EXYcBuE4fKrqLVJQ2veLiegqYGrakML2nffq25oWves 

NOTICE: This update does NOT have an endpoint! You cannot finish the quests you're given or retrieve some party members, though if you use the unlocker event you will be able to see them again. 

TLS 0.30.2
General Changes:
 - NOTICE: There have been minor affection changes added to the final segments at the end of the war. These only affect the very end after the final battle, but you may want to re-select petitions and investments to optimize affection.
 - New sex scene when accessing your bed, if certain relationship points are high enough
 - New character interaction, requires unlocker event
 - Two new synergy skills
 - Misc bugfixing
Customization Stuff:
 - The courtyard is now customized by your wall choice and you can choose your ground type.
 - The courtyard now contains training orcs to test new skills
 - Nine new wall choices
 - Nine new floor choices, including wood floors
 - Six new carpet choices
 - Thirteen new statue options available, including pillars
 - Many statues now have left/right versions
 - Two new big statues
 - Eight new banners, including other wall ornaments
 - One additional bed, one additional throne
 - The library shelves are now symmetrical. A few of you are quite pleased, I'm sure. =P
 - You can now sit on your throne. It doesn't do much, but you can feel thronely?

As you can see, a lot of effort went into base-building stuff. There are a few quirks that seem to be built into the script I'm using, but otherwise we cleaned up a lot of bugs as well as adding a bunch of new options. Also replaced some of the drabbest default options.

Those of you not really interested in base-building, rest assured that we are done with that for the foreseeable future. For my sanity, if nothing else. Those of you who enjoy it, though, please have fun! Post your configurations or however you want to enjoy it, get some use out of all these options. ^-^

Unlike the usual secondary updates, this one actually has a little content expansion. Full description above, but I think you'll want to check out the bed for a scene that I've been waiting to write for a very long time.

DoW release on Friday if all goes well. Onward!



Thanks for all the hard work, especially considering the fiddly bits inherent in the customization parts of the castle :)


There are affection changes to the petitions in Conference Chamber too, not just the ProN stuff in the throne room, right?


I was sort of thinking of the petitions as investments (of social/economic resources) but you're right, and it's better to be clear!

EG Douglas

But how can we feel thronely with such a nice harem around us? Quips now, longer conversation later.


I'm thrilled to see the update! I like the new stronghold. But... I can't seem to get out of it. I've talked to everyone three times, explored every room and clicked on every object that looks different, customized the carpets and such, bought upgrades, rested, discovered three or four new combos...yet I'm still told "I should take a better look at everything." What am I missing? I can't get into the orc room or the private rooms; there's only the three maps, right?


The 0.30 release post had this to say, which might bear incorporating into this post as it seems to still be true: NOTICE: This update does NOT have an endpoint! You cannot finish the quests you're given or retrieve some party members, though if you use the unlocker I mention below you will be able to see them again.

Andrey Kulikov

I like the whole base idea. We have a proper home now! I'm sure that new home will help to immerse even better than before. "You can now sit on your throne. It doesn't do much, but you can feel thronely?" It's important! After all, we play "The Last Sovereign". And a sovereign must have a throne. :P

Lord Forte

So, I haven't played through the war since like v.29.3,, so I decided to do my full playthrough of it for this, A few older observations: 1). I really like Vhala's new arrow icons. 2). For the Lustlord's teleport animations, maybe set these to wait for completion? It feels weird to have everyone talking with the animation still playing on the screen, both when he ports in and after he leaves. 3). After Uyae's translation section, you return to the plotting scene in Yhilin palace and it still has Ziratia music playing (including into the orgy scene, which imo should have Reunion music, and then into Ginasta's scene afterward). As far as the new customization options, I'm quite a fan. these let me make something that's quite a bit more to my tastes than anything in the initial wave even without using the all unlocker. The courtyard change is a very nice touch as well. It's so much nicer out there with grass! And I really like the expanded statue options when using the unlocker, quite looking forward to unlocking some of these. And I like the option of non-banner banners. Overall, looks really nice. I appreciate library symmetry and feeling thronely rather verily as well. XD Minor bug: Nalili's relationship info disappears when her choices come up (in my experience, this comes from the text before a choice being in a conditional but the choice not). Upgraded Unperson Aura scene made me laugh rather hard also. One minor thing (which is totally minor enough that I doubt anyone would care if you were way too sick of customization to mess with XD) is that it might be nice to have the secodary double bed by the pools change along with the main one, since it stands out a lot against a more ornate and dark color scheme like the one I'm using.


Glad you like the base! As you progress I hope it will become more and more home-like.


Thanks for the feedback! Glad to hear all the effort I put into these options appeals to some. ^-^ 2) Yeah, changed the LL's animation, but forgot it was a different length. The reason I don't have these wait for completion is that I need him to appear while the animation is covering the screen. 3) Will change the music. Nalili: So it is, guess I'll have to duplicate her choices. Beds: Since it's just copying the events from the same map, I'll make myself do it. Good suggestion. You think the smaller pink beds can be left, or should I remove them?

Jan Dietrich

Downloading it now, i'm really hyped to test the new stuff and see what has changed regarding the end of the war. Raptor Jesus be praised, i've started a third playthrough a week ago :D Also really interested in DoW. You've been quite vague about it, what can be expected?


For some reason I have Stark's head in a bag instead of him in the flesh showing up. He acts like he's whole though and after he gets his new body he shows up with it too, so it seems to be just a visual bug, instead of messed up variables.


Hmm... there was an issue with Stark, but I believe it was fixed and your bug report is unclear to me. If you didn't do Stark's transformation, he should appear as a sack, talk to you, then get his new body and proceed from there. Can you explain the early parts of what you saw in greater detail?


Sorry, I meant to do more DoW previews, but I've been busy with posting other releases and didn't end up doing it. I made the previous introduction of it available to all patrons, though, so you can read more about it here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/desecration-of-8712340">https://www.patreon.com/posts/desecration-of-8712340</a>


The new scene is excellent, especially the aspect of seeing it from the three perspectives in turn. The new customisations are good too - more options are always welcome, as Aka seems to be learning (is she going to get a "Healy Stab" Qum synergy too? :-p). One minor quibble: the courtyard ground option doesn't have any preview that I could see, which makes it a bit inconvenient to compare the different types of grass. I'm guessing you made it work differently from the tile/carpet selectors due to an engine limitation? The upper wall sections look a bit weird in the following locations (Simon is looking at them), especially with this wall type: <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/ulp2fe9cvmbcl2p/Screenshot%202017-11-09%2021.35.04.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/ulp2fe9cvmbcl2p/Screenshot%202017-11-09%2021.35.04.png?dl=0</a> <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/hggqiqz6brpcvse/Screenshot%202017-11-09%2021.36.20.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/hggqiqz6brpcvse/Screenshot%202017-11-09%2021.36.20.png?dl=0</a> <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9c820wlhdqb7be/Screenshot%202017-11-09%2021.35.26.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9c820wlhdqb7be/Screenshot%202017-11-09%2021.35.26.png?dl=0</a> <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/83v0yolanfx9qtf/Screenshot%202017-11-09%2021.35.51.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/83v0yolanfx9qtf/Screenshot%202017-11-09%2021.35.51.png?dl=0</a> Typoes: pleasuring -&gt; pleasure? <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/2m8qfafylv3t96i/Screenshot%202017-11-09%2020.49.59.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/2m8qfafylv3t96i/Screenshot%202017-11-09%2020.49.59.png?dl=0</a> looking so comfortable -&gt; looked so comfortable: <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/1o9r6j5n9ue9h3n/Screenshot%202017-11-09%2020.50.45.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/1o9r6j5n9ue9h3n/Screenshot%202017-11-09%2020.50.45.png?dl=0</a>


Glad you like the new stuff! And you may joke about "Healy Stab" but I've seriously considered that exact name. =P The issue with the grass for the control room is that indoor and outdoor tiles aren't loaded at the same time. If I want to display indoor tiles (of which there are a lot more), that means I can't display outdoor tiles on that map. There are theoretical ways to get around this, but they involve more fiddling with tilesets than I want to do. The wall sections thing is one of the "quirks" I mention in the post. I'm afraid that the tileswapping is messing with the autotiles, and I don't think there's anything I personally can do to fix it. The typos were easy to fix, at least! Thanks!


I got a potential bug report. I can't find Hilstara anywhere and she isn't listed in the quest list either. I guess it's not a big deal since we can't do any of the quests yet anyway, but I figured I should mention it just to be sure. The bed scene really was awesome by the way. It's almost funny how what's essentially porn can be that beautiful. Thanks!


Oh dear. =/ Are you using a save from last version, by any chance? I hope so, because I really thought I had this bug fixed. Anyway, glad you enjoyed that scene!


Just to make sure I'm not insane-- there's no way to leave the castle in this version, right? I always get the "I should take a better look at everything" message. Also, any hints what the requirements are for the bed scene? Nothing happens (except sleep) when I try to use it.


So, played the newest version. Thoughts. Aka &amp; Yarra a.k.a. your first harem members are so cute together... Robin and Simon has been conducting "research" for a year and noone noticed? That's kind of hard to believe. New castle customization options are really nice. Vhala and Riala scene was interesting. The way they both have respect for each other is really nice too. Overall it felt great, like you have this huge (not fucked up) family. P.S. More Sarai when?


There's no way to leave the castle this version. The requirements are both Aka and Yarra at 100.


Glad you liked so many different elements! As for Simon and Robin, I felt that with the party scattered over so many locations, it would be easier for them to find time, though perhaps not as often as Robin would want. More Sarai next time!


i probably trigger SL to start a mass murder killing spree, but it will be done nevertheless. The Great Almighty God of High Symmetry isn't please of the HQ. first the human wellcome room had two banner in the north wall, the succubus room none. many of the statues (both large and small) don't have a internal symmetrical axe, this must required for the law of the superior symmetrical order the staute to on side of the halls to be matched whit a overturn version in the other line. PS: joke aside the customizable HQ is gorgeous, whit a ton of option. only the 'mage lab' fell me a little gaunt.


*flails murderously at the God of High Symmetry* Seriously, I'm glad to hear you like all the customization options! I put a lot of work into them, so I'm glad they're appreciated. Don't worry about the magic lab, there are already events there for it to become more full. For example, when you get Wynn to move in, she'll move her equipment with her.


Played around quite a bit more with the customization-- there are some cool things there! Once I get everything unlocked I will have a throneroom worthy of a Minecraft creative-mode server :) Well done, Sierra. It feels a bit overdue, to me, for Robin to "come out" as a harem member. The others are smart and perceptive, and highly attuned to Simon's emotions; it is started to strain credulity that nobody is on to them yet (unless they know but are choosing to ignore it). Besides, being the accepting bunch that they are I have trouble imagining any of them having a big problem with it, although some might find it shocking (e.g. Carina) until Robin has a chance to explain her (rather touching) emotional journey. Besides, I would *love* to see her participate in some of the fun and games with the succubi :-)


How do I leave the palace? Everytime i try i get the "I should take a better look at everything message".I spoke with everyione in the palace and also invested pron on everyone who asked. How do i advance?


Minutiae on 0.30.2 play-through: In the new Aka - Simon - Yarra threesome scene that unlocks the new synergies, there are two screens with no text. Is that intentional? When talking to Nalili you get a bubble identifying her RP and harem title, and then you have to press 'Z' to advance which takes you to a prompt giving you the menu choices which closes the previous bubble. Usually they display at the same time.


Nalili bug will be fixed! As for the threesome, it is intentional to signify the change of perspective. I don't usually head hop during scenes.


Now that I've been poking around the game files with RPG Maker, I have an idea how to implement the banner/reward system you mentioned previously. Apologies if this replicates advice previously given by others. Previous discussions have talked about having a character or the game interface announce when new customization items become available and why, which could potentially get annoying. I think this is unnecessary. All you have to do is the following: Add a new version of EV162 that only fires the first time you leave the Headquarters Control Room, having Sheya say something like "Our decoration options are a bit limited right now, but you may find other things in the course of your travels. Check back here from time to see what becomes available." Then you just include a description of why each banner or whatever was unlocked in the event for selecting that item. For example, instead of the GreenM banner saying "Use this banner?", the prompt could be "The Green and Black Banner of House Odreides of Aram-kis, given to Simon by DukeLeto7 after the party rescued his son from a dreaded Aramite Giant Sand Lobster. CRLF Do you wish to use this banner?". But probably shorter and maybe without the line break if that isn't doable in RPG Maker text bubbles. That way it's obvious to someone browsing the options at any point in the game why you have unlocked such and such banners, statues and whatever, and you only have to interrupt the flow of the game one time, when the customization projection is first introduced. The kind of players who appreciate unlockables are generally the sort who will systematically poke everything on a map to see if it does something every time they visit, so that ought to work. It also has the added bonus of effectively being a code comment helping you tell the basically identical event code for each of the customization items apart. You should probably have a couple items unlocked the first time through. Maybe the Red and Purple thrones can be "A throne memorializing the Doom King's conquest of Yhilin" and "A throne memorializing the overthrow of the Incubus Emperor", respectively. Hope that helps.


Hi I know this is a bit late, but I think I found a minor bug. The new synergy skill for Qum and Hilstara "Sexy Encouragement" is activating only when Yarra and Hilstara are in the party together, not Qum and Hilstara.


Suggestion: For the "threesome" affection-sex entry for Lynine, perhaps you could rewrite it to be from Lynine's PoV? It's currently 3rd person limited from Orilese, which is fine, but it'd be interesting to see the same scene played out from Lynine's internal narrative.