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Three orders of business today!

Release Stuff

I had hoped to release a 0.30.2 by now, but sadly that hasn't quite happened. Doing this much customization... ugh, never again. Apologies for the delay.

Once I do finish the final details, though, you should have many expanded options! More of all choices, including many floors, carpets, and walls that you've seen in the past. So you'll be able to recreate the look of many other castles for your base, or mix them to create something new.

0.30.2 should be coming out this week, and I'll probably give it to all supporters instead of putting out a free version. And I'm no longer waiting on anything to release the text-only version of DoW, so $5 backers can look forward to playing that.

Computer Stuff

Changing subjects, a bit of bad news... I had a complete hard drive failure. Fortunately, there is relatively little harm done. Project data is backed up online in real time, I keep standard backups, and since I had a little warning (clicking sounds of doom!), even minor files are safe. I'm on my backup for now while I wait for the new machine to arrive, but overall it shouldn't slow me down much at all.

This is thanks to you guys, though! For most of my life I've had to make do with sub-par hardware, but thanks to your support, I have backup media, can afford a secondary laptop, and purchasing a new computer isn't a financial strain. I really appreciate this, and I hope you all enjoy the steady content that comes with mitigating problems.

Bundle Stuff

Finally, some of you may be interested to know that I've participated in a bundle with several other adult game developers. Please do check it out here:


It's six complete games, most about 70% off, so if you're interested in several of them, it's a good deal! My contribution was Crimson Gray. Will this be successful? No idea, but I figured it was worth trying. Please do click and see if it interests you.

Back sooner than next week!



Nice to hear you keep sensible precautions when it comes to work related IT stuff. If everyone did that ransomware would not be viable. Oh how I hate lazy accountants not saving their work stuff into designated back up folders (as in, most anything that is not on their local computers)... And HDD failing with no loss of data is basically ideal situation. Everything breaks sooner or later.


Believe me, I want to avoid losing work more than anyone! I hope to improve my backup systems over time, but I'm glad it did its job in this case.

Leveler All

Considering the size of content ill say you should follwo your rythm and don't push it, let it flow, tough i understand one always whant to push it harder, hope the bundle did alrigh, no a fan of many places, really i rather get your crimson from here.


Yeah, I figured some people would feel that way and that's just fine! Just wanted to cooperate with other devs and see what happened. It's still up for five days, so we'll see. As for the update, once I get one last resource, just gotta grit my teeth and wrap things up...


I'm interested to see how the bundle does, but my first impression looking at it is that it seems kind of disjointed. Aside from their all featuring sexual content, it doesn't seem like there's much to unify the games to give all of them appeal to a single target audience. You might get better mileage by trying to find other creators whose works aren't explicitly sexual, but feature strong plots, characterization, etc. with whom you might share more potential audience members. As far adult games go, I really haven’t found much in the field that’s at all comparable to your work. I’ve looked for a while, and found a grand total of one adult RPGMaker game I’m a fan of which you didn’t make (BoneHead, by Regless, very worth checking out if you haven’t heard of it already.) There are some good creators in other genres of adult games, but they seem to be pretty scarce, so with your quality of work, drawing in players who haven’t previously been audiences of adult games might be a more effective route. As far as other makers of adult games who might share more audience overlap with you in terms of style and quality, I found Dharker Studios’ “Army Gals” to be surprisingly good (although it was surprising because it seems like the same studio doesn’t consistently put out work of that level, but at least it shows potential.) There’s also Sad Panda Studios, which is a small team with only one game out now, an idle dating sim called Crush Crush, but it’s one I’m unashamed to admit to my girlfriend that I’ve spent real money on; for something that seems brainless at first, it’s actually deceptively clever and charming. I don’t know who you may have already tried connecting with, but those strike me as having more in common with your work.

Stijn Van Hove

Your game is literally the only in the bundle that interests me :-p I don't like hentai games with 3d graphics because usually the 3D is just not that good, without exception, then I rather see good 2D art. The first hentai game that has actually good 3D graphics I still haven't heard of. And I also don't like games where the cg is connected to the player losing. I prefer to get sex scenes as a reward and not as a punishment.


OT question. What do you use to achieve real time online backup? Right now I'm backing up critical personal files with a nightly windows scheduled task that copies everything with a different timestamp in some directories to an external HD with an old fashioned DOS command, but I'd be happier with a 3rd basket for my eggs...


So far on the bundle: Magic Matchup is fucking worthless, I played free Flash games with more and better content than that. Same for Omega Defender Karen Damsel Quest 3: seems OK as far as average RPG maker games go. So meh. Chaosrise: A bit slow but overall a passable Daimaku game. Characters are way too unbalanced tho. The ice lady is much stronger than the fire lady. Ecchi Sketch is a visual novel and probably some sort of dating sim. The setting is sorta boring for me. I guess it's ok. Crimson Grey is Crimson Grey. Overall I would say the bundle is not worth it with two out of six games being completely worthless and most others being meh.


It's unquestionably disjointed - the unifying theme was "NSFW devs with games on itch.io." Wanted to be a team player and see how it would go, though. The day when it's possible to put together a bundle of games actually similar to mine will be glorious, but it seems quite far off. I appreciate your suggestions. Drawing in people who haven't tried NSFW games before seems like a good idea, but it's difficult to know where to start. I have limited time and this all falls into the marketing side of the job that I'm not great at.


I quite agree when it comes to how scenes are awarded! Anyway, I'm glad at least one game interested you. =P


No idea if this is the best solution, but I'm using Box Sync. Provided you can keep our critical files in a specific folder, it seems to work fine and is free.


well, i am really happy to hear that not only did it not ruin everything, but our support ALSO helped YOU to get better stuff, making this better and simpler. :D


Haha, well, thank you for your honesty. I hope you don't feel too negative about your purchase, but I appreciate your support.


lmao there was a 0.30.1?