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Here is TLS version 0.28.2:

Link: https://mega.nz/#!u01GSQ7S!9CWHUiRmhnUIgR-ei2oBzIDXaDD7gsunDNhh6NA9Ceg
RTP: https://mega.nz/#!XsMhTQzB!wRMG0aHPAffL0jXvYGZsEIbw4yyLJMZKM5VOgWngN_g

For those of you who have already played, this one is mostly just polishing. I've tried to fix all the errors in the hidden mechanics that have been reported. However, I hope to put out a 0.28.3 with some miscellaneous older changes, so mention anything else that seems notable to you.

Meanwhile, this will be the first time playing for $1 backers - enjoy! I really appreciate your support too, every patron counts!

Seems like the Crimson Gray launch is pretty much complete in terms of occupying my time and attention. I'll have some general thoughts about it at some point, but I'll wait both until I get more data and until I finish some other things.

We seem to be stuck at three reviews, so if anyone has the game on Steam, it'd be great if you could write even something short eventually. And anyone who has Steam at all can feel free to participate in the Steam community:


I also made a Tumblr post, if that's your thing:

But yeah, for the most part the game is launched and we'll just have to see how it does in the long term. Wish there was more I could do, but eventually things come down to life's RNG. I have to say, though, I am really looking forward to being done with PR for a while and focusing entirely on creative work again. ^-^


Leveler All

yheaa update, amazing one i can waith to get up to date to were we are now ill be a long play, also steam? ain't they to prudigs for this kind of games and to hard on the censr part? i have steam but i whant the full game not a tone down one.


As with many lewd games on Steam, all the lewd content is in a gratis patch you can apply to the game files.


Funny, I come home from work see an update from Sierra Lee in my email, then... go to run through my queue on steam. What was the first game in there Crimson Gray surprise:). As i have played since the TLF days but only recently was able to support you. I couldn't resist(didn't hurt that friday was payday). So without further ado, I must go check out your latest creation. BTW, thanks for all the work you have put into all that you have done. I am not eloquent enough to describe the level of awe I have for your skill of story and design. so thanks.


Thank you! Very happy to have your support, but happier that you enjoy my games so much! ^-^


Hey Sierra I don't know if you're aware of the bug with the second Ardoheim section. It is not registering the point for doing well against the Incubus KIng. I went and tested it last night in 28.2 to see if it was possible to get the (Defend Ardoheim/Capture Succubi/Keep Order) without doing either of the raiding options, but I still got (Defend Ardoheim/Focus on Dealing Damage/Keep Order). Also, thanks for all your hard work, you make great games!


I took a look. The code is correctly registering doing well against IK,c but it just assigns the point in a confusing manner. In the code, you get a point for NOT doing Sabotage. You get a point for NOT doing Chalice Sabotage. And you get a point for doing WELL against IK. So in your playthrough, you got three points and the game sent you to the military district (Defend Ardoheim/Focus on Dealing Damage/ Keep Order) like it was supposed to. If you want the game to send you to the battleground (Defend Ardoheim/Capture Succubi/Keep Order), you must have either 1 or 2 points. To get that you could do both Sabotages plus do well against IK (1 pt total), do only one Sabotage plus do well against IK (2 points total), or do only one Sabotage and do poorly against IK (1 point total).


I'd just like to say how much I love this game again. To begin with, Simon is a harem protagonist that we all wanted and never got. He's decisive, competent, cunning, and respectful. He supports his girls instead of tearing them down. He waves off petty insults and ruthlessly crushes meaningful opposition. Moral choices are presented in a way that are actually hard. This is not easy, but it adds so much to the game. The overall campaign world supports the sexual components without being eye-rollingly stupid about it. Which leads into.... Politics! I like the politics in this story more than the fighting or the sex. The real-politic wheeling and dealing behind the scenes are mind-blowing. Its awesome! Edit: And we get to rescue one of the girls I've wanted to since literally the first episode! This is incredibly fulfilling.


I'm so fucking salty ... 2 times that I make a new game because I miss something, or someone in the team.. And Now.. I know That we need to speak to Altina .. So I speak to her and Now she just go in the elven village in the lower city ................................................... This can't be redone ? with a code or I don't know what ? a cheat code.. ? I don't want to make another new game just for her.. Pretty please :c ? i've speaked to her in our camp.. and at the fortress and it was just " Simon.. " Fuck it ..


Yeah, when you pull her from the tower, go back to the Stineford camp, and talk to her there, then the night before the IK declares war you get the 2nd talk with Altina. GL man I know and feel your pain.


Thank you, I really appreciate this message from you. ^-^ I've put a lot of myself into crafting a game that is the sort of thing I'd want to play, that goes in-depth on all those issues, that builds up enough for the payoff to be worth it... I'm overjoyed to find other people who want the same things!


I'm still getting a few errors in the hidden mechanics. For me specifically, I invested in the Aram supplier and the dwarf supplier, but I'm still getting 'stretched thin' when on the Aram front. Secondly, I know for a fact that I have lust flow mastered, a decent level, and lustplate... but the clash with the IE still gives me 'that's nothing' when that should be ten points. There are probably more, but I haven't played too far in yet.

Zaq Reman

I'm getting the same issue, and also not getting the best result at the bridges despite choosing Defense, meeting the RP thresholds and having Aka equipped with her knife.


Forgive me for asking, but what is RTP?

Skull Leader

The fast version, if you have to ask, then its not the download you want. Long Version: RTP, or Run Time Packet is a system for reducing the total size of the game file made with RPG Maker, by way of having the user install before hand a series of common files that all rpgmaker games use so that they do not have to be download again and again if one plays multiple rpgmaker games. The RTP version of the game contains only the files that are unique to Last Sovereign so that the overall file size can be reduced, but in turn you need to have installed the RPGmaker generic RTP files on your computer before you can get an RTP version of a game to work.

No Escaping Destiny

In the first chapter your house has a map in it, could you link the actual map of the continent when you interact with it?


I intend to do so at a future point when I add other graphical upgrades.


FYI SL, the consensus among the grognards is that some of the wartime equipment checks are not working properly because party composition is different from how the game code expects. See this info from Whismas: "Here's what I think the actual problem is: in the scene with the Incubus Emperor and the scene right at the bridge, it checks to see what you have and checks to see if it's either in the inventory or equipped. The check works normally except the problem is that these are personal items belonging to people who aren't actually in the party at the moment so if they've got the items equipped then those items can't be found by the game. At the Ardford bridges check, the only person in the active party is Simon, so if Aka has her knife equipped then it won't show up in the inventory. At the clash of the Incubus Kings, Robin is the only person in the active party, so if Simon has the glove or the lustplate equipped, it won't show up in the inventory either. Unequipping those items when you have the chance is the short-term fix, but the crude fix might be if Sierra just adds the party member in question to the active party right before the check and then boots them out right afterwards or something." <a href="http://thelastsovereign.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:6988" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://thelastsovereign.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:6988</a> There are also reports of issues with the calculation of supply lines on the Aramite front.


Checking... this does appear to be the case! Thanks for Whismas for identifying the problem and you for reporting it here. This calculation will be working properly in version 0.28.3!


There is a potential issue with one of the hidden variables tied to DK vs. IK battle. During later part in Ardford where there are three possible options depending on how war is going (Castle, Battlefield, Wall) if you defeat IK and choose no sabotage at either point you end up on the Wall which doesn't make sense based on the dialogue there. My guess is that variable assigned to their battle is reversed to what it should be...


In the last fight with the girl (trying to avoid spoilers), does using Simon's 'Dominate' power have any lasting story effects? I only had the opportunity to use it once and it seemed like you had to build on it. I'm wondering if this fight has an effect on the girl's personality down the road.


No, there won't be any lasting effects. From a story perspective, it reflects that she's too strong for the Dominate skill to be effective, but part of her remembers Simon and wants him to save her.

No Escaping Destiny

I am replaying the game and I have noticed that battlefield medicine no longer revives allies.(I think it did but couldn't swear to it) Trying to clear out the shed of spiders is much harder then I remember especially without that ability.


Ok, something I'm completely clueless about at this point; is there a way for Simon to get into the Deep Tunnels during the Eustrin segment?


is it me or is the header, Nomo's work ? SOOO HAWT (citing certain some1) :D, tho Yarra being what she is i'd tottaly expect a completely different type of liquid in her chalice *wink* :P anyway after hours upon hours of playing and replaying (being a completionist and not liknig to miss anyth) just cant hide the hype and excitement for the next realese, SOOOOO many questions and expectations, mainly the aftermath, tho d'need to wait for at least next relese, if not 2 more, and public ones at that for the wiki to pick up the war score and the aftermath, SUCH an amount of factors, ohh, so "delightfully extravagant" , so i expect that next update shall be sizebale to say the east, tho here comes a Q: will u be including FULL aftermath in it, or just some basic stuff,, like general sfter war situation, on arclent, eceomics, civic, some basic political relations, Ardoheim, Aram, and full i mean including Incubi Kings, the "Superkings" domain, and all that come with it, main powers, carving out pieces for themselves , war council revealing "Dargai's" identity etc(tho doubt they can block our assets or seize them, but....). I assume we're far from done with Yhilin which means we'll have double the management to do, here personally and "there" through Iris, on that account, seems we're getting QUITE a few additions to allies&amp;harem, moslty non-combatants tho, and i assume that "succuboss" wll be a non-combatant too ?! since she'd be a bit op-ed otherwise ?! ^_^ deffinetely cant wait to see GInatsa involvement in the "dramatic showdown", for that i see 2 or 3 possibilities to what may happen with the shard ;) so i'd love to see moar of galvia(not bcs tits, that too) but she's FUN so unlike any other dwarf, 1 or 2 new special orcs, yhmm(Grubback shall be very interesting ;D ), a succubus smith O_O (AWEsoome), and so much more, to sum it up, and finish my ranting, as usuall, an EXCELLENT, JUiCY,JUICY release, however, i understand u wnated to give us a lot of content, but the point where u ended, just made us MOAR HANGRY ^_^, btw. poor Iris, getting domianted without even a touch :P

Secular Reason

What happens with the shard will be interesting. Mostly because of how many times it was mentioned that Simon was slowly changing his shard instead of it changing him. That, if anything might be the turning point to get Ginasta on our side. The idea that he might be able to "fix" the power she deems so inherently evil. (I say all this not having played this update yet, waiting on the next fix. Too busy this week to do testing as usual.)


in the 0.28.2 still find an oddity, in the feroholm church's entry hall the 'naugthy nun' first dialouge turn the 'self swich A' on, but the (i think) repeated dialogue check the 'Self swich B' status.


Ah... this is true, but I saw your message after I'd already started compiling/uploading things. Thanks for the report, though, it'll be fixed in 0.29.0!


I'm apparently doing something wrong. Downloaded the RTP life usual and it says I don't have permission to access the file. Win7. Edit. Nevermind. Figured it out.