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It's finally out! Some of you have already heard about this, if not helped beta test it, but for some of you this will be the first time. So, let me formally introduce Crimson Gray!

A synopsis some of you have read is below, but none of you have seen the trailer, so feel free to take a look!



John is a young man suffering from severe depression. As he loses his sense of purpose in life, he begins to see the world in unfocused gray. Just when he begins to lose all hope, John meets a girl... a very special girl.

Though Lizzie appears affectionate and devoted, it quickly becomes clear that she's so violent and unstable that a normal boy would run away from her. But when John sees her, he sees someone else suffering from a mental condition. John is willing to risk his safety for a chance to help Lizzie gain some mental stability. Lizzie is willing to murder everyone in school if she believes it would make him happy.

Your every choice will impact both characters' mental states, changing their fate. John might reject Lizzie, succumb to his depression, or die violently. Lizzie might lose control and ruin her chances, or become obsessed with shadowy conspiracies that may or may not exist. Or just maybe the two of them might be exactly what the other needs, and their story could end in happiness...

Crimson Gray is a psychological thriller, exploring the psyches of the characters and the strange circumstances that brought them together. It has a focus on subtle actions having consequences, your choices impacting the characters' mental stability in ways that could make choices down the line have very different results. 

Release Info 

For the first two weeks, the game is only available on Nutaku. I think this is a good deal to take, because they provide promotion to a large audience in return for no permanent cut of profits. You can see the store page here:


Ouroboros managed to hit the #1 bestseller spot on Nutaku and held it for a little while, but the platform has a lot more games now, so the competition will be fiercer this time. Fingers crossed. >.<

After two weeks have elapsed, I'll be putting the game up on other stores, most notably Steam! As per Steam regulations, I have to put up a "coming soon" page, you can see it here:


The Steam version will be SFW with a NSFW patch provided. I can't get into details because I'm under an NDA, but my understanding is that this is acceptable under Steam's policies.

Feedback on the page is welcome, because I have been avoiding doing more work on PR. Good to get things in order for the main release, though. Feel free to participate in the community/comments if anything ever gets posted there.

Free Patron Copies

As always, let me emphasize that my goal with side projects is to explore new ideas, not to get more money from patrons. If you're a $10 backer, you'll be receiving a copy of the final version shortly. If you backed in the previous months, you won't get a copy automatically, but message me and I'll send you one! The same applies to people who had to drop for financial reasons, people who have been $5 supporters for a long time, etc. Generally speaking, if you have supported me as a creator, message me and I'll be happy to give you free copies of things!

In addition, I should be able to give out free Steam keys to anyone who wants them. All I ask is that, if I give you a free key, you don't review the game. The Steam review system prevents this from affecting the review score and it can actually make a game look suspicious. If you have your own review site or aspirations of being a curator, though, I'd be very grateful! This game has a much less NSFW focus, so I hope it will be able to reach an audience who might like my work but would be turned away by the adult aspects. 

I know some of you reading don't want to give any money via Patreon, and in that case, I encourage you to use whatever store you think is best. How well things do in between all the different stores affects how I and other adult creators make decisions, so support the kinds of sites/policies you want to see more of.

Press Coverage 

Feels funny to write that, but there are a few articles up. Some are just the Nutaku press release, but some actually wrote content of their own! Feel free to check them out:






I may update this post if other things come up.




Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!


Congrats Sierra, this was one of the most intense games I've ever played and it really does a great job of sucking you in and wanting them both to be happy.


I'm not really a VN fan (finished only 2 of them besides those that had other gameplay elements) but the synopsis got me really interested. Can't wait to check it out.


Given how my fav piece of fiction of any sort (book, game, VN, w/e) is Umineko, a psychological romance thriller seems right up my alley. This sounds really interesting.


I've only ever patronized at the 1$ level, so I'm just gonna' go ahead and buy this. Looking forward to playing it!


I'll look at it again once steam shows a price for it, I may get it there, and review, depending on finances, but I may also ask for a uncensored copy afterwords too. :D


What's that old saying? Don't fuck crazy. Well, John nice knowing ya, wouldn't want to be ya


Lizzie's a cutie. Yandere best dere.


Crimson Gray story in a nutshell = Basically a game remake of Mirai Nikki, but without the notebooks with special powers and everyone trying to kill each other to become God. Sounds great, but I don't think I'll be trying this anytime soon... Probably...


I think it's don't marry crazy. Crazy in the head freak in the bed.


Dear god, this game was amazing as a story. I wish it was longer! Great art style, music fit the atmosphere, writing was great, it was just too short! I was left wanting more development and explanation. Maybe I didn't beat it completely? I still have 2 gallery spots but I think I got the best ending. Seriously, well done. I'd probably buy anything you release in the future with said quality. As it is, for a short story for 10$, I'd say 8/10. Lots of choices, great niche if you're into the mental problems (I am), great art, music. Missing out is character development and length, both of which can be expected for 10 dollars; this isn't the Fruit of Grisaia after all, but I was without a doubt left wanting more. More Lizzie and John! PS edit: you've earned an new patron with this awesome novel!


Excellent work, as always. I don't normally give visual novels the time of day—let alone yandere fiction—but you already know how I feel about what you can do with a pen. I'd like you to be encouraged by the results of Crimson Gray to continue experimenting with different mediums and ideas.


Might check it out eventually, though I have never really put much stock in VAs even though I have "played" a few. To many have bad story telling, but again might be worth the time to check out.


Of the various storefronts, including the "storefront" of giving you $10bux on Patreon, is there any significant difference in what cut each storefront takes?


That... Is a very good question, and one I'd like to know too, especially since I'm considering getting it on steam if I can.


Thank you, glad you liked it so much! Glad you have you with us - if you don't mind me asking, where did you find the game? =D Depending on which gallery slots you're missing, you've probably seen most of the game. The only major content that it's plausible someone could miss is the route that explicitly ends with "True Ending" as well as some of the scenarios along the girlfriend route. There are also four unique route scenarios in the early part of the game, if you want some extra character notes. The price point has been a real question for me. I feel like the game is overpriced compared to SFW visual novels, but with NSFW content things get weird. There are 30 minute games selling for $20, but also good stuff being released for free... I tried to pick an intermediate price, but I know it will be a drawback for some. I would be happy to do more with these characters, in fact I have tons of ideas in mind. ^-^ We'll have to see how this title does, how busy my schedule is, and if inspiration strikes. I know what I want to try, but I can never be certain if the concepts and themes will actually come together well.


I have 2 questions: How SFW steam version will be? Blured images, no images or no sex scenes at all? I know someone who'd love the game if it was fully SFW (she's underage) and I'm not sure whether I should recommend it to her. Is it possible to get every ending/scene without using bonuses from previous runs (original game balance). Or are some events impossible to get this way?


1) Technically this isn't settled for certain, but I can tell you my current plan: no images or sexually explicit text, but the sex scenes will be strongly implied. Lizzie will still propose they have sex, but in the SFW version it will fade to black and return after the scene is over. Given that the game also has violence and some pretty heavy issues, I can't make any blanket recommendation about whether it would be appropriate for an underage player. Depends on their maturity level. 2) It's possible, but the requirements for some of them are fairly exacting. I put in the bonuses so you can get the harder endings without having to try different options over and over. Though I tried to give all the choices a degree of logic, even if it's a little twisted, I know people might interpret things differently and didn't want to punish that.


I'll wait for the dollar exchange rate to weaken before buying this.


This was great! I got it off of nutaku after I got the notification in my e-mail. I still need 4 images in the gallery before it's completed though. *Edit 3 images in the gallery. *edit make that 1 Image.


Sounds like you've almost got them all, then! Which one are you missing?


Will you be issuing Steamkeys for those who obtained the game via Patreon but wish to give reviews or community participation on Steam? I know that some indie game developers issue Steamkeys for past purchases from their own store to help boost their Steam feedback, but if you aren't set up to automate the Steamkey generation, it might be too onerous.


I don't think we are supposed to review it if we get a steam key, steam watches those kind of transactions, you can only review the game if you purchased it on steam.


Does anyone else think the rooftop in the beginning looks eerily like the Yandere Simulator school roof?


...ok, some more similarities. This is clearly intentional. My guess is these are common anime tropes, and I just am not savvy enough about the genre to realize that.


Not sure where to ask for this, bu I'd like a steam key when you start giving those out.


TBH i kinda want some visual novels for my android phone, seem like they'd be a decent genre for a mobile game....


I've thought about trying to support Android, but given my schedule at the moment it seems like a bit of a stretch...


We should probably start a spoiler discussion over on the 'community' side. This is a great story, and worth exploring every bit of it.


Patreon isn't letting me leave comments on that discussion anymore. (This is partly a test comment to see if the issue applies on other posts.) Really, Patreon is a crappy medium for discussions...


I was trying to message you directly, but cant find a link anywhere.. I hope you are getting money from MangaGames.com, because they are selling "Crimson Gray" So, either you are selling it there(congrats) or one of your Patreons is selling it behind your back.


Yes, this is me! I'll also be selling it on other stores starting fairly soon.


ok, sorry i am not a patreon of yours, but all in all, dont like seeing devs riped off.. just had to ask


I played the demo! Oh my god! I'm a little intoxicated, but this felt like the story of me (it even had my name, although I didn't jump off a building). It felt like my life story. I'm going to drink more cannonball and play more of your amazing games. I love you! Man...I drank a little too much.


Haha, glad you enjoyed it! I think the demo is representative of the game itself, so hopefully you will enjoy that as well. ^-^


Hello just supported. May I get a copy please.