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So, as some of you have noticed, the update wasn't out in the average amount of time. One thing that I want to make clear for people who are new here: I will almost always talk about how an update is incoming before it arrives, so that is the surest way to set expectations. Having said that, let me explain why this release cycle will be longer than usual.

Right now I'm nearly certain the war will be spread over two updates. The first one will be larger than a normal update, covering the majority of the war up to a major turning point. After that, the second update will be the conclusion of the war, the aftermath, and the ending of chapter three.

So, how will this update compare to the normal size? That can be difficult to gauge, since a lot of work on my end can go through quickly if it involves branching and little combat. To make this post interesting, I decided to focus on just one aspect: maps.

For reference, the Eustrin update had 15 maps. The two Zirantia updates were spread across 21 maps. Ari-Yhilina is 40+ maps built over multiple updates. The Battle for Yhilin update was 5 new maps, 3 new scene maps, and 8 familiar maps. 

I've finished all the maps for the first update of the war, and the totals come to: 14 new maps, 21 new scene maps, and 20 familiar maps.

That's only a rough measure of length, of course. Some of the scene maps are shown briefly or might not be seen at all, depending on your choices. Some of the old maps have extensive new events. But I hope those numbers give a sense for the scope of this update.

One detail I'd like to share: some of these maps cover a new town. I wanted to do the reverse of the usual, so in this case you'll be introduced to the town during a plot event and later get to explore it normally. At least, hopefully you will... collateral damage accumulated during this update could destroy locations in the next.

So yeah, that's the situation. In an ideal world, I'd release the update this Friday... but I think there's an 80% chance it will be finished but mostly untested by that date, and trust me, you don't want any lack of testing in an update of this complexity.

Perhaps this is just as well, though, because I'll be releasing a complete side game relatively soon. $10 backers got to play it a while back, but I'll be officially introducing it publicly soon. As usual, the game will be available free to long time backers at lower tiers, so you'll have that to tide you over. Then, at the very latest, you'll see the TLS release in decently polished form the week after that.

I believe this update will be satisfying and worth the wait. Until then, I can only hope everyone will be as patient as you guys are.



As alwayd you are bashful about not working quickly enough in a workload that other game makers would blanch at. We trust you to get the updates out as soon as is best and i for one have no trouble waiting for your usual excellence.


I would prefer you work at your own pace, than you speed up your work and the game have more bugs than normal or crappy story line. So keep up the GOOD WORK!!!!! ; )


Sierra, with the quality and sheer amount of content you usually have in your updates, even in "small" ones, you have nothing to worry about with getting this one out quickly. The reason why I love your games and you as a creator is that you always find a way to intertwine all of these little aspects in half the time some creators on this site take. Now, I am not saying take 6 months for your next update release, which you have proven time and again would never happen. Or if it did you would say why. And even if you did, what would be released would be so mindblowing complex and amazing that it would be well worth the wait. My whole point with this post is that you need to not worry so much about not getting content out quickly. Especially with what is upcoming. I love that you have that drive to get content out to us, but you should not feel the need to apologize. We know your work ethic and your love and dedication to your craft and creation. That is why we support you, or at least why I do. So yeah, give yourself a break and don't worry we will all be patiently waiting for what I am sure will be an epic update.


Thanks to everyone writing encouragement! I always feel very supported by you guys, I just wanted to be clear for some new users and I always try to be as transparent as possible. Still, thanks. ^-^


people be waiting for half life 3(counting me aswell), but some others(me aswell as same with everybody else) we are waiting for your game Sierra and the outrageously awesome game and story content you give to us and i'm happy that im loving that you are taking your time you deserve it :D

Andrey Kulikov

War will be split in two updates and there will be end of chapter? It's too wonderful news for my heart) Take your time and good luck with new game!


That's be an awesome tag line. "The Last Sovereign... Coming before Half-Life 3!".


I just hope I don't get hit too hard for neglecting the Ardoheim border, but the more I think about it, tha comments about Stineford were a dire warning....


I just wanted to let you know I am perfectly fine with waiting with your quality and your work has such a great record for me there is no problem in waiting for this. Learning that is only two updates for such a big war is amazing and like the support said before you don't need to apologize. Anyway, thanks for the updates on what's going on, Have a Great Day!


No worries. It's enough to know the next update is coming over the horizon. Plus, recalling the Invasion update, I already figured it'll take a few more beta'ing iterations than usual to work out all the kinks.

Secular Reason

Hmm. I might have to wait to play until the second update then. Otherwise I'll torture myself wondering about the rest of the war for a month. The real question is, knowing this ahead of time- will I be able to resist playing? Or will the game's sheer quality force me to play anyway, knowing the mental torture I'll put myself through with a sort of cliffhanger end point?


Just noticed that your overview lists TLS as "15+ hours of gameplay." I'll take the over on that bet.