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Hey, everyone! This week's update could be the opposite of last week's: I did a huge amount of work on TLS, but don't have a lot to say. I'm confident the next version will be ready by May 19 even if this week presents a lot of unexpected obstacles. There's a small chance it might be ready but I won't be able to release it then due to other things, but I hope not.

Now, you're probably wondering about the lovely picture of Qum up there. ^-^ It was drawn by an artist called Redd  - if any of you use Tumblr, she and I would both really appreciate it if you'd like/reblog the post.

Anyway, for this update I guess I'll talk about one of the features I added. It's actually a retroactive change that won't be accessible next version. No balance changes involved, but something to keep in mind if you want to see more flavor text on future runs.

You remember how you can summon people to the throne room? It's a feature I used early on, but after your first visit only the transport mechanic is useful. Well, I've just changed that. Starting on your second visit to Yhilin, there are three new people to summon who will comment on things. I hope this helps reinforce everything else I've done to give a sense that you're in charge and making a difference in Yhilin.

The three people are the ambassador (who will comment on international events), a representative of other Yhilini cities (who comments on acceptance and public approval), and the elder of the elven slums (who comments on the rebuilding/investments related to that area). Hopefully they'll be a fun addition to the game!

The reason these three won't be accessible next version is that you'll have a different set of people to call into the throne room. With the war impending, things have shifted into a more serious mode. I hope this update will finish laying the foundation for the big war event.

That's all for now, see you next week!




Actually this is great, I have to redo a playthrough to catch the "talk to cult of magic" for the religious quest for Simon that I missed earlier so this'll be a great thing to see and keep things fresh.


Won't be accessible period, or won't be accessible unless you replay from an earlier section?


First thing first I really like the picture of Qum tell Redd I like it along with the perspective, now adding those other three people is going to be amazing because we can now see how our choices and investments are affecting the nation as a whole and the effects we are having. Especially excited for the elf one.


The latter: they're accessible every visit except the first and the last.

Sower of Systems

Wow, that is some gorgeous artwork. That's the kind of thing I'd like to see in game! Glad that we'll be hearing more in the throne room, too!


Wait, so these changes are retroactive? Like, we could have them all the way from the Elf Kingdoms?


Nice picture. I like how subtle the heart pupils are. Her horns are pink; that's interesting. Throne room summons sound useful and potentially fun.


That's right. They don't make any difference in game balance, since they just report about other variables, but anyone who replays will be able to check in with those people and they'll change what they say each time.


Really like the picture! Its beautifully drawn. Furthermore, I feel like it really captures Qum's character: the curly pink hair, the naive enthusiasm she has, and all the "pretties" floating around her (wether that was intentional or not it really suits the scene). I would LOVE to see more from Redd set to the TLS universe. The little things like this new feature are what adds so much to TLS. So glad to see you keep adding things like this in, even semi-retroactively. Keep it up!

EG Douglas

More praise for that picture of Qum, that's fantastic. I'd love to see Redd's take on the other characters.


I might have to make a Tumblr account just for Redd, that is awesome. Btw, what was this update about again? :D


Really like this take on Qum. It would be interesting to see Redd's interpretation on some of the more "involved" scenes.


OMG!!!!!!!! I really LOVE this pic!!!!!


I think the thing I like most about this picture is just how darn happy she looks.


In my description to Redd I wrote more about that than about any of the physical details. ^-^


Is that Qum? sorry if i´m jumping on the wrong conclusion but...the image really looks just like how i would imagine her *blush*

Secular Reason

If that is Qum then that... is actually pretty damn good! I'm a stickler for faces in art, and that is usually what makes it so hard for me to enjoy drawn porn, but this was great! You should see how well she draws everyone else, because you may have just found your artist.


Qum's hair is dope as hell. I love it! And I'm really hyped for the update! By the way, is there a high res version of the world map out there? I saw the other post but I'd like a bigger version of the world map. Unless I've missed it! In which case please point it out to me! <3


There are multiple versions - I think the highest resolution one can be found on the wiki!


Sweet! Thanks Sierra! For anybody else looking, I found it under the 'Countries' entry.

DukeLeto7 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-27 16:56:19 Well...i hope this sample is double doktah then..
2017-05-19 01:02:11 Hi, new $5 Patron who is feeling tiny bit confused. (And apparently unable to use comment interfaces.) I came in via Ouroboros, having tried the Newgrounds version and then purchased a copy via one of the vendors. I then downloaded the public version of TLS to see if it was worth Patreoning (it was), and proceeded to look for the current private version of TLS which would come with sex scene artwork. The last "private" version was 26.1, and when I downloaded it and booted it up, the prologue didn't have any such artwork. So are all the scenes pure text erotica ATM? That'd be a shame but the art was not best part of Ouroboros, or are links sent by email? Or what's the deal?

Hi, new $5 Patron who is feeling tiny bit confused. (And apparently unable to use comment interfaces.) I came in via Ouroboros, having tried the Newgrounds version and then purchased a copy via one of the vendors. I then downloaded the public version of TLS to see if it was worth Patreoning (it was), and proceeded to look for the current private version of TLS which would come with sex scene artwork. The last "private" version was 26.1, and when I downloaded it and booted it up, the prologue didn't have any such artwork. So are all the scenes pure text erotica ATM? That'd be a shame but the art was not best part of Ouroboros, or are links sent by email? Or what's the deal?


The scenes are pure text at the moment. That's not the intent for the final product, but we don't have an artist yet. Or at least that's the most recent word. If you read somewhere that TLS would be like Ouroboros in that the paid version had art, whatever you read was mistaken. Being a patron gives you only what it says here on the Patreon sidebar - access to more news updates, early access to new major builds, and ability to participate in certain polls and discussions, depending on your level of patronage.


There's also a been lot of comments here from people people worried that potential art won't do justice to Sierra's superb writing. :)


Hmm... That's not my Qum. My Qum has fuller lips, a bit bigger nose and in general a less pointed face. Also, she's got just a tad more flab in the stomach area. Still, nice cosplay/wig. (: (And truely amazing artwork.)

Andrey Kulikov

Awesome art! Perfectly fit to character) As if I fell in love with the character again.


Behold .. the most beautiful cumdump in the world XD