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PSD: BMO.psd

PNG Assets: BMO.zip

1024x1024px Photoshop file (CS6) and Sprite Asset of "BMO" as 2D artworks used in the fan game.

Ink and Colors by: Procrastacat




this is really awesome,cute and accurate since BMO was voiced by Niki Yang, i always prefer the taller version of 2D Waifu BMO in this sketch, to me it would link up to the rest of the 2D versions of the other characters, in human height I mean,BMO would be about 4'8 or 4'9 but that's just me


Procrastacat sounds like my kind of people


Ahhhhhhhh Yes i love your version of BMO! I need One


Is there a 2D waifu breakfast princess that isnt in a swim suit? I dont really feel like restarting the game to chek it out and not get the health/stamina upgrades.


Yes oh god yes, this is great


always impressed with your character designs :D

Shawn Heatherly

She's so cute! I love BMO here.


And BMO would say that BMO loves you two


There is one, I wish she'd swap between the two after she upgrades her shop or something.


That humanized sketch looked so cute I tried to finish it <a href="https://i.imgur.com/vZ1WSoi.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/vZ1WSoi.jpg</a> hope you don't mind!


cuteness overload my god i might have a heart attack


If LSP was a patron: OH MY GLOB BMO looks so cute and would be so awesome in the game if you just saw our adorable friend walking around in the more humanize sprite also speaking of sprites when am I going to make an official appearance dev besides I'm 10x better then that walking pile of food also I know you can't resist these lumps


Haha no but seriously though BMO does look cute on both sprites also Wayne Barr you did an awesome job with coloring in the humanized BMO