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(Feb 2020) UPDATE:
This post is now available to the public.

This is not a major update.

Download the demo here (8.5)

-Added nude versions of the "2D Waifu" hack.
-Added a simple text in the beginning for information. (Only available when online)
-Now showing names inside Custom Viewer File before loading.
-Added "Video Playback" in the Options menu. (To disable video playback, which causes some computers to crash when entering the Ice Room)
-Added a very short stop when running to a ledge to give time to jump before falling.
-Added tips after dying from a boss battle.
-Added "Last Checkpoint" in the Pause menu to restart from the previous checkpoint.

-VR support again. (Not fully tested, and untested in OS X)
-School gameplay improved.
-Significantly improved loading times in Model Viewer.
-Flame Princess now has the option to stop following/fighting.
-Settings are now saved in a separate file: "Settings.dat".
-The game now continues with a faulty file instead of overwriting it with a new file.

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed Achievement frames.
-Breakfast Princess' alternate costume now shows in the Model Viewer.
-Hair color of Finn/Fionna in the Model Viewer fixed.
-In the bomb area, the platform can't be reached using the ??? Sword anymore.
-Flame Princess now lets you buy potions correctly.
-Fixed a visual error when cancelling a charged attack of the ??? Sword.
-Changed the mapping of gamepad controls. (Through the Display Resolution Dialog before starting the game)

Known Issues:
-Missing sound effects.
-Missing videos in Mac OS X.
-Disabling VR via Options menu is not working 

A separate executable file "Pref Delete" is available to refresh some settings of the game outside the SaveData.dat. This is useful for rare situations such as resetting Keyboard/Gamepad mapping or the game not working when it used to work previously.
(Note: This DOES NOT DELETE any SaveData.dat, Settings.dat, or ViewerCustom.atcp files)

Now with the 8.5 out, as previously mentioned, I will take a break from the Adventure Time fan game development to work on "What if "Zootopia" was an Anime".

This will take several months, so the game development will resume probably sometime around 2018.

During the updates of the Zootopia project, I will also distribute the PSD of the 2D sprites used in the fan game. (And hopefully the 3D models as well)

Thank you everyone for your support!



Herald Hearth

Is it a troll when the file says it'll delete windows? o.o


Mike i hope u do as i asked u and make so when u use mega milk that fionas boobs get big aswell i bet it would improve your game for alot of guys


I love the fighting in this game and i absolutely loved all the boss fights no matter how hard they were. The Finn fight was so fun imo. I really hope you keep adding to this game. Maybe make it similar to Banjo and Kazooie where the intersection could lead to 3-4 different (Cave, Beach, Eye/volcano???/ Ice)


Could it pass the file to Play 4 and play from there?


Stupid question, how do i get the VR to work?


hey que tal no puedo correr el juego, abre la primer pantalla donde elijes si quieres que sea full screen y la resoloción pero al ponerle "play" se traba y se pone la ventana en negro alguien puede ayudarme?


Mike! Can't believe I just discovered this game! Just wanted to chime in to say it is awesome. :D Hope you do continue playing with it sometime this year. Thanks!


Hey Mike, when I installed the game and try to extract and unzip the file to the game, when it hit 96% it stops and said that I have 1 interrupted error, which really sucks because I downloaded (Google Drive) because I thought this version might support it and (Reimage Repair) to help me fix errors and free up space but I still got nothing at all, and btw I'm using my mom's laptop until I save up money to by my own but i'm still trying to thing what's the best laptop for me to buy so I can download and play this freakin game!


I want SFW models to be able to mix with NSFW ones. Is there a hack for this?


love it


will it maybe later support the VR controllers aswell? i rly enjoy the game with vr, its kinda special


Mobile version please


i dont know if anyone else has found this but there is a glitch using flame princess that majorly breaks the game


how do I download this properly?


im just getting to playing this version but im having a problem on Start up for 8.5 it wont give me the start up Text and just sits at a black screen. its only for this latest version is there anyone with a solution for this?


well i figured out my problem it automatically starts in my Oculus so i just gotta turn off the VR


mikke you figgin god you, i love this game. i never expected a game from a hentai artist to be so good. i got some very heavy kingdom hearts vibes playing this game. I havent had such an intense and challenging boss battle in a long time. marceline and ice queen where crazy bosses. keep up the good work, i heavily await your return to this game.


when you return to the game there is a glitch that should be patched, using FP (flame princess) if you can get her against or near a wall and you get right in her face to where you are parallel against the wall then talk to FP, the game will spin you opposite to where you are away from right through the wall. This can let you get the 4d sword before the ice queen fight, and with the sword you can skip the timer for the power up last chance, get a closer look of the bath ;), and get out of bounds on every map FP is in, and basically get anywhere you want.


link to example: <a href="https://youtu.be/WeLC0B0EOHA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/WeLC0B0EOHA</a>


I'm terribly sorry, but there are plans to discontinue the support for VR in future releases in order to improve the gameplay.


How do you get sound in the game?


As 2018 comes to a near close, will work be resuming? I absolutely love this project.


i hope to see more games from you in the near future :) you are amazingly talented!


what if adventure time was bad


sad that Adventure time ended, but please take this project and make it real, finish this incredible game!


this game is so much fun. you need to finish it.


I saw on your tumblr there was a candy kingdom will this be in the next demo?


Dude love what you do! didnt' even know you made games. lol


Did you update the names of the patrons?


so whenever I try to download the files it ether fails or the game wont work properly, asking my to close it every time.


Any chance we can get the original Fionna model with the panties and even the shibakini back? Or something where we can just manually put them into the game ourselves?


im having the same problem as Canvas. the files fall to download once it hits levle 25 and nomater what i try i cant get it to download


un amigo me paso tu juego (pirata lo lamento mucho) y al ver un trabajo tan bien echo e decidido crearme una cuenta y seguirte en tu proyecto ojala lo retomes


un amigo me paso tu juego (pirata lo lamento mucho) y al ver un trabajo tan bien echo e decidido crearme una cuenta y seguirte en tu proyecto ojala lo retomes


de que sirven las imagenes en escuela?


jk i got it i had to open the site incogneto and force download


I found a bug was playing in the public beta 4.5, after finishing everything I ended up clicking on the hints in the menu, after that the goal of "get the green key" does not leave my screen even migrating to beta 8.5 hint continues


i cant open to play this


dude, where can I find the nake sword, I have got every otherthings


how do I download it????


No se muy bien ingles y quiero saber como funciona el contenido +18


nerf replica finn pls, also i'm not seeing any boss tips after dying to him


Replica finn is kinda easy you just have to keep avoiding,it's takes a lot of time lol I had a hard time with it ,but now I have to fight him again so I am downloading this update now.


I know this is old and i still wanna play i found it on game jolt and wanted to patreon. my only question is this: can i transfer my save from the 4.5 free version to the 8.5 patreon?


sadd. dicontinued. fear of Cease and Desist from Warner Bros, Cartoon Network.


What's going on? The game won't have any more updates?? because need to patch Real Finn for noobs like me


I was prepared to wait a bit for the next update. Thanks a bunch! Keep up the great work!


Your work is really amazing thanks so much for making such a amazing awesome game keep up the AMAZING WORK


I wasn't expecting a new update for months, Mike, you really are the best!


hey mike i was just wondering after the game is done what do you plan to do next?


How do you move your previous save file to the new update, I don't know how to do that.


From 8.0 to 8.5, there's no need. The save file should be in the same folder in your computer.


Whats The process to unlock 2D waifu?

Mr Ru

Can confirm that VR is fine in-game with the Rift. The movie still has a 'shifting' issue when headtracking but I assume it's still using the old camera.


There's a hole in a wall that you can go through with the 4D sword that will unlock it after two minigames.

Terebonkoff Game Studio

It's nice to hear such news! I wish you good luck in your work!


The "!" marker gets stuck on Marceline's door if starting a new game.


So, this might be a one-off situation, but I ran into a gamebreaking problem, after a certain sequence in 8.5: 1) I downloaded the 8.5 2) Extracted it to the desktop 3) Ran it and opened my previous save 4) Went into the school and the PC crashed 5) Booted up and looked for a driver failure or such in Event Viewer, though nothing is shown 6) Now I can boot the game, but it does not find a save file and it freezes at the "Pre Loading"-screen. 7) Deleted the game, temp files, downloaded the game again and it's the same story after a reboot. If anyone experience something alike and find a fix to it, please do ping me.


"That boss" got a nerf or it's much easier because I know the patterns? Good thing for the ledge stop, really thanksXD Still dindn't figure out the "???" new feature though


Can't tell if its me or the game, but the VR with my Vive is really low. all the menus are placed below my floor. Also I cant turn off VR mode, the only way to play the game is to disconnect my VR set completely.


anyone got some tips for the secret boss? guys a bitch and a half to fight


I can't seem to find the last collectible in the "Statues" room. I always seem to get 26/27


You can only damage him when he's done with his attack, so let him get near you to initiate his attack, then dash to make some distance between you two, when he's done, quickly dash near him and start attacking him. You should also have the 4D sword as your 2nd weapon so you could change into that spirit form to dodge his laser spin attack by hovering over him.


Yeah, that place was annoying. You gotta check all the armpits and behind the necks (basically places where you can't see from the top)


Anyone know what the new "???" is?

Ferole the Fox

The Dash button configured it self onto the left trigger instead of the right trigger. Im using an Xbox One controller for Windows.


Not sure if others are experiencing this, but on the Vive, the VR camera won't reset. For me, it seems to be facing one direction and the R key does not readjust the scene to face the way I'm facing, tapped or held. Also when it loads in, the camera seems to be pretty high up. The options screen is a bit hard to read from this angle and distance, but it looks like the world scale isn't set to 1:1, but nothing in that menu seems to change anything. Hopefully those are easy fixes. Would love to be able to play this in VR again.


how do you load a previous save?


would love to see some updates on this one too !

David McNoodle

Can't wait for Zootopia :D! Keep up the hard work


VR is too tall, menus are too low. To close it, I press the headset buttin and used return home. Also, reset VR buttom does not work. Mike no longer has a headset so I do not believe he can personally debug right now.


Is the PrefDelete the correct file? It doesn't seem to work.


Final Secret boss defeated, all achievements obtained, talked to a bunch of floating bits in a secret room, my life is complete. However I feel like a pervert from all that. Also the cutest is 2D BMO just putting that out there.


It's really boring... Was working great in the 7.2 version...

Zacharie The Blue

the only thing i can guess for the ??? is the new Flame princess idle animation in Non combat areas, she will lean against a wall.


Okay, so I beat all the bosses (secret one included), got all the achievements, and collected all the swords and talked the floaty pixel shit in the school and basically 100%ed the game; so im just wondering, exactly what am i still missing from the model viewer? <a href="https://78.media.tumblr.com/0f0bbe918138c132eb1577a41a2d0224/tumblr_inline_oxhewkXTHB1sa0pw3_540.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://78.media.tumblr.com/0f0bbe918138c132eb1577a41a2d0224/tumblr_inline_oxhewkXTHB1sa0pw3_540.png</a>


Why does Fiona not play with her boobs anymore?

Dawn Ryder

Hey mike how about a flash sex game for beating any of the bosses with the Censore Sword?

Dawn Ryder

It’d also open up the option of characters we didn’t get to fight before Like Breakfast and Bubblegum Princesses.


im having trouble finding the last two outfits, i found textures, statues, school and marcelines house, but im still missing two


This should help you! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOn2D7kOoJQ&amp;t=1s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOn2D7kOoJQ&amp;t=1s</a> When you realize you been running pass it the whole time, lol!


That's Gunter... Maybe a bug? Btw what do you mean with "Floaty pixel shit"? Didn't see anything like that in the school


I need help please. I can't seem to configure my PS4 controller to the game. Is there a guide on how to set it up?


<a href="http://www.techradar.com/how-to/gaming/how-to-use-the-ps4-dualshock-4-controller-on-a-pc-1309014" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.techradar.com/how-to/gaming/how-to-use-the-ps4-dualshock-4-controller-on-a-pc-1309014</a>


I had one of the earlier builds of this game, but I deleted it accidentally. Do I have to replay the game or is there a way to advance myself?


I was playing all last night and got to the Whacked Out Poo-Brain fight. But when I booted up this morning, my game started fresh with BMO. What am I doing wrong? (I've never touched any of the save file settings beyond the default and I haven't moved any folders or anything like that either.) Is this a bug? Am I supposed to manually save some how?


How do I Just add the new content to my previous version?


i cant beat Ice Queenn


I cant beat finn


I did/find the "Floaty pixel shit" aka Dev and i want to ask about the thing where he says that if he will make a xxx (game) it wont be of The Game


Ok for some reason when it loads it says Error

Jay Paterson

I was getting the same error so I deleted and re-downloaded the files. Now I'm getting an error message saying that it "Failed to load mono library"


Do you plan on releasing the new models like you did previously with the main cast?


What is the new ???


guys! i need Help, the thing is i need to re-download a game bcause i've broke it (i deleted save files that game automaticly create on beginning and after that game on start up shows "error") so my question is if it is Possible to Transfer my Data from 7.2 beta?


Windows Defender keeps saying there is a Trojan in the extract file and now I can't play :( anyone know how to fix it? It says it is called Trojan:Win32/Azden.a!cl and it's in game data\managed\assembly-unity script.dll


For the "See everyone in a certain form" achievement, I've seen BMO, Marcie, Marshal, PB, Gumball, BP, FP, Jake, Poo-brain, and Ice queen. Who am I missing?


I think i figured it out, how do I get breakfast princess to go back to wearing her dress?


Is everything way down to the left for anyone else in VR? Like all the menus appear down next to my left foot. SteamVR interface is centered correctly, some of the game UI is centered correctly, but other stuff is waaaay off.


This may have been answered. Has the missing sword n clothing been added to this version?


i cant get it to run i am getting an "error=126 it cant run mono library?" i dont know if it is bad on my end but the last version runs fine.


You ask about the stuff being displaced (which yes for me that also happens, far to the left and menus unreadable unless I crouch) but I'm far more interested in how the hell to run the game without VR at all, because when I disable steamVR from automatically starting (which I just found under Dev Options in the SteamVR settings for anyone interested) the menus are too big to pick anything, main menu goes off the screen, complete lower right is cut off.


Hi, every time I start the game it comes up with pre loading and stops there. How do I get it load past there?


How do I fix the "error" glitch when I start the game?


Hiya Mike, I just made my Patreon specifically to support you and your art. I've been a fan of your work for years now and recently I picked up the public AT3D demo. Needless to say, I loved it. Especially the combat and secrets, I'm very hopeful for the finished game and would urge you to take all the time you need to get everything ship-shape for its launch. Welp, with that out of the way it's time to dive into the Patreon version!


Why does window keep detecting a trogan virus the first time i open my game after daownloading it, and whatever is causing it needs to be fixed soon as im really starting to get annoyed with it

harry nelson

it detected it so I had to delete it imediatly


Does anybody have a completed save data? Mine from 7.2 doesn't seem to be compatible. Or if anybody has one after finishing the spooky stuff, I'm terrible with anything remotely scary. On a side note, if there's an option to skip through the spooky stuff, that would be amazing!


Has anyone figured out how to fix the "Failed To Load Mono" Error when attempting to start up the game?


every time i open the game it gives me a black screen with error ,hide and show on screen. anyone know whats up ? edit: turns out windows denfender was picking it up was a trojan. disabled my antivirus and extracted the file (then turned antivirus back on) and now it works.


scanner says theres a possible virus in this file, wtf!! i doubt that.


I played the 7.2 beta game &amp; I'm having trouble with getting my save to transfer to the 8.5 demo. Can someone help?


Sigh.. I have no idea what to do. I open it and I get nothing but a black screen and the copyright text. It wont let me do anything else. I've completely shut off the antivirus and everything.. even made exceptions. Doesnt do anything. not even the public beta works..

Brady Hetterley

The game is pretty good so far and I'm loving the newest update. Still wish PB's and Ice Queen's breasts weren't so big when nude without the mega milk hack. I feel like they are much bigger nude than when they have clothes on. Otherwise no other complaints. Finn seems to be pretty difficult to beat as well.

Tim Chaos

I'm also having trouble with the VR version. As the others have said, the camera appears to be far up in the ceiling and to the right. A shame, since I pledged specifically to try this out out in VR :(


Keep getting an error 403 when trying to download from the link. Haven't played since the 4.0 Beta, shame that we won't see anymore new versions.


I'm like the person who subscribed to you in 1 time I know that I can not claim anything, but I want to invite you to consider creating in the settings of the complexity settings. (Sorry for maybe a bad translation from Google)


that ice queen was a good challenge but that Finn battle is ridiculously hard bro,


Amazing skills though, that is crafted in this game besides the accurate themes to the show. Could you do button prompts on screen to? not a request was just curious. The tracking for some hints i gotta say were really impressive i don't think I've ever seen that in a self made game before. That clip in menu was unreal when fin wanted go to the movies, not sure how u pulled that off so perfectly. The animations for that scene were to good. That's what caught my attention on youtube i thought it was legit incorporated game, never would of guess fan made. if i were u i would be damn proud.


if you need help I got you with the loading hints


Is there gonna be another update? cause in this one you can't use flame princess to fight bosses...


How do I transfer data from a previous demo over?