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Hey, we have an announcement...

We now have a more user friendly way to browse and filter audios that also works on mobile (unlike air table): https://yourbestkeptsecret.co.uk/audios 

We've got 400+ audios now in the BKS catalogue and I don't want all of that to get lost in the Patreon feed and to just go missing so...

There is still an option to switch to the Airtable if you prefer that, since it has more advanced filtering options After you set the filters, you can also share the url with others and it will take them to the correct page. 

For example: someone asked if we have younger woman / older man audios, so now we can filter by that category and share the corresponding url (https://yourbestkeptsecret.co.uk/audios?category=18) which will show the filtered page with 9 audios. 

Also, each audio now has its own page with the description, links, tags etc. All of this is connected with the airtable that is updated as often as we can (there is a script that syncs the airtable and our database periodically, so it’s not in real time).  

It’s not all perfect and we are aware of some bugs and have a few ideas for improvements. 

But if you use it and feel like there is something missing or could be done in a better way, let us know and we’ll add it to our to-do list




Didn't realize there are a couple of audios exclusive on Discord, now im considering creating an account just to get the full experience😂

toni sinclair

It's a little disappointing that there's audio that can only be accessed through discord. I already have the top tier membership and have no desire to create a discord account.


Hey, so It's a tiny fraction of the 400 audios, it's just ones we can't host on here that are on there!


The discord dark room is where we put the heavy content that can't be here. There are very few and the information on them is in the Airtable.


I cant open it