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Trigger Warning: Funeral, mentions of war and discussions surrounding death.

Summary: After dealing with Huxley’s possession, the tragic love-story that’s left you emotionally on edge, and an interrupted orgasm – things can’t possibly get any worse, can they? That’s about to be revealed. Because Mrs. Beauford’s lawyer is at your doorstep with a large stack of papers in his hand. And it does not look like he’s here for pleasantries or a glass of homemade iced tea.

What will his visit mean for your future in the house that you’ve now made your own?

And what will happen with you and Hux?

Lean back, relax, and put on your headphones to find out how the story ends in the final installment of The Marine.


Note from author: "All goodbyes don’t have to be sad or bittersweet, some even hold a promise of hope and glimpse of the future. This series has been both a challenge and a blast to write, and I couldn’t have done it without the tireless support from Rob, the BKS Team, my amazing editors, the talented SFX artists who’ve worked on this project and of course; the esteemed Mr. Chambers who so graciously lent his voice to Huxley and made him his own. But most importantly, I couldn’t have done it without you guys in the audience. Your unwavering love and support for the story is what made it such a joy to create. So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. You are amazing. Hopefully, we’ll be able to close this final chapter together with a content smile on your faces and look forward to new and exciting beginnings."

VA - Mr. Chambers

This script was written by Snoooza !

If you missed on the other parts to the series you can catch up with them below!:

Part 1 (our most liked audio ever) is HERE 

Part 2 is HERE 

Part 3 is HERE 

Part 4 is HERE 


As a reminder, you can vote on and choose more story ideas and series for Best Kept Secret to take on or continue at bksaudio.com. If you are on The Secret Tier you can submit story ideas here by using the email connected to your Patreon account.

And all of our audio archives are available to view and listen to (all 400+ audios) HERE.




It's taken me a few days and listens to settle on what I wanted to say. Aside from Huxley's declaration of love and amazing sex in the woods (one of my favorite things) Mrs. Beauford's letter is where it's at for me. I myself am a writer, and the letter is beautifully written with sentiments I completely agree with and relate to. What a beautiful end to a great series.


This has been an amazing series. Definitely worth paying for Patreon for this series alone! Thanks to all for bringing it to life! Xx


This series has been fantastic from start to end! Thank you Mr. Chambers for bringing Huxley to life! Fabulous writing Snoooza! 💋❤️


I genuinely cannot tell what Chambers accent actually is in real life. Every time I think I've figured it out, something makes me second guess it. If that isn't a testament to how insanely talented he is, idk what is.


I have completely melted with Mr. Chambers with an American accent, fuuuuuuuck. I’m a gonner. ❤️❤️❤️


I thoroughly enjoyed the complete series. I love when BKS has a continuation like this.


I LOVE this! I've lost count how many times I've listened to this so far. Mr. Chambers did so great with this!🥰💕💕

Jessica L

Well done. This was all around a beautiful and sexy story. 👏 👏 👏

DarkWolfMother19 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-08 17:33:43 Wow what a series🔥
2024-07-08 14:38:57 Wow what a series🔥

Wow what a series🔥

emma girardet

Y’all this is not audio erotica this is art