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Hey girls,

Here is a sequel to the Bleachers' story. That was in 3 parts originally. Click on the links below if you haven't heard all of them!

1st part is HERE.

2nd part is HERE.

3rd part is HERE

It was inevitable  that things were going to come to a head on this trip. I'm not the 'parent approved'/'social circle approved' guy that you'd always envisioned. I get that. I'm the asshole on the motorcycle who stormed into your life and took your breath away. But I don't regret a second of it. I know exactly what I want and I know you want me to. So relax for me baby girl, stop trying to shape this into something it can never be. The jacuzzi looks very inviting right now, climb in for me, you look very fucking sexy in that skimpy bikini and I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep my hands off you. 

Another two parter coming up next week. And a read of My First Client. 

I'll make an announcement in the Discord as well X




Oh I love this one.... I genuinely seen at the beginning and fully desired by the end! 💜


I see Christmas came early for me 💆🏽‍♀️✨


We're being spoiled this Christmas 😍❤

Jessica Rexford

I really like the added insight into the relationship, really set the stage !

foxy kitty

Is there more with this story cuz I’m needing more pretty please


What’s the name of the next one? I know it can’t be over! That was such a teaser!!

Love Dainty

Oh my gosh, I didn't know there was a sequel! It's really crazy hot