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Hey girls

This is a continuation of an initial two part story following Tiffany and her professor - Mr Laurent.  People were asking for some kind of sequel so I've put part 3 together and part 4 will be coming next week.

This is a fantasy scenario between two consenting adults (18+). I hope that is clear. 

Part 1 and 2 are here 

Also this week I am editing a few audios for you. One wasn't quite right basically so I am having to re-record it and there are three others set to be recorded soon too. So they may all come at once rather than in a regular release this week. Hope that makes sense!


Tiffany is invited to dinner at Mister Laurent's house. She is set to start college in a month and intends to end things there before they can go any further. But try as she might she soon realises that resistance to this man is futile. Her body craves him. Her mind desires him and there may be very little she can do to stop falling hopelessly in love with him despite all the risk and danger. 


Two weeks passed after detention. I was at home on the tablet, trying everything within my power to focus on anything else but Mr. Laurent. Dad was gone for the weekend, some insurance deal in Texas. I was doing some pre-prep for Yale, the course was going to be brutal and I wanted to be ahead. Just as I was getting into a groove my phone buzzed on the top of the desk.

8.30pm my place Tiff. Dinner.

It’s him. Dinner? What the hell? My mind does somersaults as I try to process exactly what he just said. I can’t believe he is serious. But there’s no kisses on the text either that didn’t spell good news. Furrowing my brow I feel the sweat build on my palms as I type out an answer. The words seem to spill out agonisingly slow.

Okay I’ll be there Xx

A loud shout comes from downstairs. It’s mum.

‘Tiff, are you having dinner tonight?!’ I place the phone down carefully and steady my voice. My hands tremble a little as I hold them together to stop the shaking.

‘No mum. Chrissy has the thing at hers, me and Lila are going.’

‘Oh okay. Do you want me to leave you anything in the oven? Some meat loaf or something?’ Her voice booms back up the spiral staircase as I try to clear the looming prospects of Mister Laurent’s towering gaze out of my head. The sway and fro of his body and the power of his voice already has me daydreaming and wandering to dangerous places.

‘Um. No. No. It’s fine. Don’t worry.’

‘Okay. Text me when you’re going to sleep so I know everything is okay.’ She yells back.

‘Yes Mum.’ I smile and roll my eyes. She was never going to be happy until I was in a cocoon in an iron vault somewhere. I loved her for protecting me, but there was nothing she could do about this, how could I ever break something like this to her? I doubt she would ever forgive me.

It is 6pm already, I have to start getting ready soon. Rushing to the mirror, I sigh and take one look at myself. What did he see in me? I feel so plain and ordinary at the best of times. Just a small town girl with too little going on in her life. What could a man like him possibly want with a girl like me?


I was incredibly nervous. More than I’ve ever been in my life. The whole journey over just tied knots in my stomach as I tried to focus on TikToks and random videos on my phone. But it was no use, nothing could distract me from what was just about to happen. Coming to a steady halt, the Uber begins to idle to the side of the road and the indicator noise reverberates all around the car.

‘Thanks.’ The Uber pulls up to the curb and I push the door open. The house is nice. In a far wealthier neighbourhood than I had imagined. It is big, all very minimalist with open windows, like a Bel Air mansion.

‘You have a good night m’am.’ The driver smiles towards me as I step out. As soon as I am out and the door pulled behind me the Citroen goes veering away and down the long-winding road out of the cul-de-sac kicking up dust into the air. All that replaces it is the sound of crickets and leaves rustling as the atmosphere turns quiet.

I walk like a deer on ice down the gravel driveway and ring the doorbell. What if he is going to tell me it’s all over? Maybe it is for the best, since the detention I had the horrible feeling rumbling in my stomach that perhaps things could never truly be between me and him.

He answers the door in a smart white Oxford shirt. The top two buttons are unfurled, revealing a sweet eyeful that I’m not all too prepared for. The top of his chest muscles twitch as he leans on the door, shimmering black locks draped around his face as he smiles on one side of his mouth. His dark gaze rips into me as his tongue plays lightly with the edge of his lips.

‘Never thought you’d come. Come in. You can keep your heels on.’

He leads me through the hallway past several immaculate classical Greek statues and some stunning . The kitchen has a marble countertop and two high chairs pulled up next to each other.

I made Chicken Alfredo. There’s a spritz on the top. Aperol. Low alcohol.

I sit down and eye him cautiously. I don’t want to feel completely helpless with this man but I don’t know how to act any other way. In the classroom I’m a grade A student, perfect grades, attendance and manners but with him I’m a bumbling idiot and I haven’t even said a word yet.

He rushes over to two plates by the hobs and whisks them into his hands before returning to me. Despite all the insanity of this, I could definitely eat. Not having food at home had left me famished.

‘Thanks for the food.’ My voice feels soft and weak. Completely the opposite of what I want to convey. Why am I like this with this man?

‘Who doesn’t need to eat?’ I smile wryly and tuck into the chicken. It is delicious and I’m surprisingly ravenous after being so nervous for the past few hours. Unwittingly, I begin piling in big scoops of pasta and chicken into my mouth and slurping on the Alfredo sauce. He laughs as my etiquette completely disappears. But its a sweet laugh, no mocking at all.

‘Hungry girl? Have you just come out of prison?’

Red flushes into my cheeks. I am eating like a pig. Slow down Tiffany, there is no reason to be eating like this. I swallow some remaining pieces and quietly sip my spritz. Lost for words. There has to be something intelligible I can say to get rid of the tension. I manage a few more spoonfuls before putting my knife and fork down and trying to think of

‘So it’s over right?’

‘What’s over?’ He flashes me a stern look and moves some tomatoes around on the plate.

‘This. You invited me over to end things right?’ Confusion spreads across his face and his expression turns darker and he drops the fork down in a loud clash.

‘What gave you that impression Tiff?’

‘I don’t know, do you not think it would be for the best?’ I’m searching for anything, something to get out of this mess we had both created. He wipes his mouth with a napkin to get rid of the sauce and clears his throat, turning more towards me, giving me my first clear visual of his stunning upper body just a layer away from me.

Without warning he pulls my chair closer to him, grabbing it between my legs and dragging me towards him like I’m a piece of paper. It doesn’t take me long to remember those powerful arms form earlier in the week, the throbbing veins leading all the way to his forearms and talented hands.

‘No...I don’t.’ He sips his red wine and eyes me closely. Fuck, there’s nothing quite like being examined by this man. He has a tremendous way of making me feel sexy and getting me ridiculously hot under the collar with his matter-of-fact statements. ‘After detention this week, I don’t think we’re going to be apart for quite some time actually.’ My senses are deteriorating but my heart is beating faster and faster. The words elate me and yet they confuse me more and more. I was trying to piece together the puzzle in my mind and nothing was fitting.

‘Why me Francoise? What is so special about me? I’m just a nerdy girl with lofty and dumb aspirations. A boring Yale student. You could have your pick of any woman...’

He puts his finger on my lips. ‘You know why I want you Tiffany?’ That thick French accent is going to be the end of me. ‘I choose you because I don’t want any woman. I want the girl I have the connection with, the chemistry, the perfect bond. That so happens to be you.’ He emphasises almost every world deliciously. He speaks like he is talking to my soul, making me feel more desired and more needed than any point I can remember.

He doesn’t have to say much more, his body tells me everything I need to know. I stay looking at him, searching for further confirmation in his eyes.

‘I got you something. It’s nothing crazy but I want you to wear it for me.’

Sipping from the wine again he steps up and goes to find something on the far side of the kitchen. He rummages around in a cabinet and moves several plates out of the way.

‘No peeping. Close your eyes. Put your hands out.’ I do as I’m told and sit with my hands out, yes sir.

My heart leaps twenty feet in the air as he hands me a box with a neat silk bow on it. Hands trembling again, I untie the bow and tip the lid onto the table as it reveals a beautiful satin lining with a very surprising present on it. It is a choker with a key on it, perfectly sized for my neck, elegant and something I never knew I needed until now.

‘It’s a silver choker. Agent Provocateur. Put it on for me.’

I take it into my hands, admiring the silver and mesh outline with the chains and the key. I struggle with the back and he comes round to fasten it onto me properly moving my thick hair out of the way. Stroking my hair he lets his fingers trail down my cheeks, across my ears and to my neck, easily wrapping his hand around the back of it. His hand lingers there for a second lightly gripping me as I close my eyes and bask in the thrill of his touch. How could I possibly forget how he feels on me?

‘Suits you Tiff. Let’s you know who you’re going to belong to doesn’t it?’

I put my hands on my legs, my body complying with his deep and rumbling voice.

The idea had never really crossed my mind before but the thought of belonging, being his girl was sounding very appealing. If there was a man that could take control of me it was him.

He is inches from my lips. But for the first time, the quiet voice of reason is stirring in my head, this was all moving at a lightning pace again. All the imagery of the fallout from this scandalous liaison was going to come to light and I would never work the job I wanted to or live the life I wanted to ever again. Kicked out of Yale, banished from my home, disgraced forever. The worst case scenario is invading my thoughts and I want the ground to swallow me up. My voice grows timid again but I try to put on a strong front. I have to confront this once and for all. I turn my head away from his lips slightly and mutter.

‘Sir. I can’t do this. Everything about it is so wrong. I’m set to go to college in a month. What if anybody ever found out about this?’

He pulls his chair up, even closer than last time with a loud screech along the floor. Hazel hues bury into me as he reaches under my skirt and slowly trails his index finger against the edge of my panties. I’m wet and there’s nothing I can do to stop that fact. An involuntary gasp leaves me as I clutch his shoulder blades in a moment of complete weakness. I have to stay strong. But even the slightest caress has me collapsing at the knees. The air feels ten times hotter now as I wait for his response and try not to shuffle too much in the chair.

‘See what this tells me Tiff is that you don’t truly believe everything about this is wrong.’ He trails his fingertip against my lips, letting me confront my own naughty wishes. ‘You’re a bad liar, you know that?’

My rational side tries her best to rally a defence. ‘I’m not lying that’s true. We’re going to get caught and then what?’

‘You’re not lying about that but you’re lying when you say everything about this is wrong?’

‘How so?’ I look back at him, seeking some kind of solace and refuge.

‘What’s more wrong Tiffany? Living a lie or finding out exactly what this can become?’ The accent is holding me hostage again, teasing me to reveal the full extent of my desire to be taken by him.

‘Well I can’t live a lie but…’ My voice is cracking, my faculties are failing me. All this education in my head and it could not prepare me for a moment like this.

“You’re a grown woman now. It is time to start making choices for yourself. You’ve made so many decisions where you had to comply with everything, follow the rules, but you know as well as I do that good girls deserve to break those rules every now and then...don’t they?” He’s completely standing and towering over me in the chair, his thick quads pinning my legs down and his hot breath hits my neck in a perfect storm of seduction and eroticism. I try not to look down past his chest but I get a glimpse of his rock hard stomach muscles and the faint outline of his thick shaft and my dizziness grows much more severe. His hand guides the back of my head as he uses the other to keep steady on the chair.

‘Well when you put it like that.’ I let my finger trail down the line to his chest, twirling through his dark hairs and brushing along the padded muscle. He pulls on the key attached to the choker and admires it between his index finger and thumb, thinking on his next words as his stare leans lower on me to my breasts and stomach, clearly mulling over how he wants to proceed. What exactly he wants to do with me.

“I know you want this and that’s okay. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Look at me.” You have my full attention sir. I can’t fight this. Who am I kidding? I should have learnt that at detention. ‘Besides you need your next lesson today.’

Another lesson? My teeth dig lightly into my lips as I latch my arms around his back slowly, letting myself fall into the spell.

‘What’s my next lesson exactly sir?’

His eyes flicker in the blazing light of the candles by the half-finished meals. The same heady aroma that overcame me at detention wafts across me. The same feeling of light-headedness and growing arousal bites into me.

‘I’ll show you. The heels come off now Tiff.’

Lifting me into both hands he moves my legs to grab around his lower back and I dangle off him as he slowly walks me out of the kitchen and down another hallway into a more secluded and private part of the house. Our lips meet in a satisfying clash as his tongue explores my mouth and his eyes drill deep down inside me with my heart hammering against his cotton shirt.





Oh yesss!😍 I can't wait for part 4. The audios are worth the wait😁 No rush!